Bacterial prostatitis: symptoms, causes, treatment, types

Pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum, problems with urination and potency - all this may indicate the development of bacterial prostatitis. This ailment is very common. Among the urologist patients, one in three suffers from this particular form of the disease. The disease can appear after 40 years.

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Bacterial prostatitis is called inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Provocators of the disease are pathological microorganisms.

In general, the disease can not be cured easily. It is easy to treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home, but on condition of timely contact with a doctor.(Which doctor heals in our article).Adequate treatment of acute inflammatory processes in the gland allows you to transfer the disease without special complications. In the future, problems in the intimate sphere will not arise.

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Symptoms of the disease

The disease can be in the chronic stage of prostatitis for a long time. However, the symptoms will not be felt or the clinical picture will be fuzzy. Inflammation will have a sinusoidal character - periodically exacerbate and subside.

Symptoms of bacterial prostatitis in the acute stage:

  • appearance of severe intoxication - the patient becomes weak, it suffers from chills, constant drowsiness and high fever;
  • at night increases the number of frequent and painful urination;
  • strong pain syndrome affects the groin and perineum, pain can be given in the buttocks and lower limbs;
  • disturbed sleep quality, memory and attention worsen;
  • may begin to delay urine.

For any form of this disease, problems with erection begin, and prolonged depressive states are possible.

Important! In the absence of timely treatment, prostatitis flows into a chronic form. In time, benign hyperplasia or a cancerous prostate can form. What can cause disability and death.

Causes of

The appearance of bacterial prostatitis provokes certain types of pathological bacteria. This is a different kind of sticks( Pseudomonas, intestinal), Staphylococcus aureus, Proteas, Chlamydia and Trichomonas.

Many microorganisms are part of the natural microflora of the body. But with a decrease in protective properties, the same bacteria cause bacterial inflammation of the prostate.

Infection penetrates into the body in several ways:

  • urethral way - bacteria penetrate from the urethra, infection is possible with unprotected intercourse or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • is hematogenous - pathogenic microbes are moved by blood from other inflamed organs. Prostatitis can occur on the background of sore throat or pneumonia;
  • lymphogenous - the lymphatic vessels enter the prostate gland. This can occur with tuberculosis, syphilis, and diabetes.

The probability of developing the disease increases with constant supercooling and reduced immunity. Also, provocateurs of the disease are promiscuity, sexual abstinence.

Often the prostatitis develops against a background of constant stress and overwork, a sedentary lifestyle.

Important! Sometimes the cause of the disease can be a hormonal failure, in which there is an acute deficiency of male sex hormones.

Acute bacterial prostatitis

In acute form all symptoms of the disease are clearly manifested. Therefore, it is not difficult to diagnose it. The examination begins with a rectal examination of the prostate. If the gland has swelling, the procedure will be very painful.

In case of severe intoxication, the patient will be placed in a hospital. If complications are not observed, there may be outpatient treatment.

Acute form of prostatitis often becomes chronic, prostatic abscess can begin, fistulas will start to form.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

The chronic form of the disease can be hereditary. It arises against the background of untimely urination, venereal diseases. Chronic prostatitis is not as painful as acute.

Important! The duration of treatment for bacterial prostatitis with antibiotics is 1-2 months. Additionally, prostate massage and other methods of physiotherapy can be prescribed.

Treatment at home

In the absence of a severe exacerbation, prostatitis at home can be treated by following all the doctor's instructions.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis, in addition to the treatment of medications involves compliance with the diet. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. All harmful food, fast food, canned food are banned. From packaged juices and carbonated beverages, it is also necessary to abstain.

Important! Read in detail what medicines are used to treat prostatitis.

There should be a lot of vegetables in the menu, cooked in a different way. Low-fat meat and fish, cereals, dairy products should be present on the table daily. And for dessert is better to eat a handful of any nuts with honey.

Folk remedies

Medicines of alternative medicine can prevent exacerbation of prostatitis, are very effective at the initial stage of the disease.

Seeds of pumpkin

How to treat bacterial prostatitis with pumpkin seeds, not many know. Pumpkin seeds are the most effective way to treat prostatitis. They contribute to the development of male hormones, have anti-inflammatory effect.

Method 1

  1. Torsion the meat grinder with 500 g of seeds, no need to clean.
  2. Mix with 200 ml of honey.
  3. Mix the mixture for several hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Make small balls( about 1.5 cm).

Eat on the ball every morning for half an hour before breakfast. Treatment can be done no more than once a year.

Method 2

Seeds should be allowed to dry for at least 12 days. After that, grind to the state of the powder( the seeds should be with the skin).A mixture of sift. Eat 20 grams of medication three times a day before meals. Wash down a glass of water in which 5 ml of honey is dissolved. The duration of treatment is from 60 to 90 days.


Treatment of bacterial prostatitis requires an integrated approach.

Effective antibacterial therapy for prostatitis is carried out with the help of fluoroquinols( ciprofloxacin, gatiloxacin).These drugs quickly and deeply penetrate into the prostate tissue. Are capable to destroy practically all pathogenic microflora.

Among other antibacterial drugs with prostatitis can be noted:

  • penicillin group - amoxiclav, augementin;
  • preparations based on tetracycline - dioxycycline, metacycline;
  • macrolides - erythromycin.

Because the drug treatment of prostatitis is quite long, the medications can be prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories( viferon, bioprost).This helps to reduce the detrimental effect on the kidneys and liver.

Treatment of prostatitis with bacteriophages

These drugs have many weighty advantages over antibiotics. But they can fight with one particular type of pathological microorganism.

Bacteriophages destroy the shells of bacteria, quickly penetrate deeply into the focus of inflammation. Do not disturb the intestinal microflora, side effects and contraindications are practically absent. Important and good compatibility with other drugs. Produced in tablets and liquid form.

Important! Bacteriophages are assigned after a complete analysis that shows the causative agent of the disease. The most famous is intesti bacteriophage fluid.

Metodinazole is often prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis caused by sexually transmitted diseases, fights against non-bacterial infections. Produced in the form of tablets. It is forbidden to combine treatment with the intake of alcoholic drinks


With the prostatitis the main thing is not to allow the aggravation of the disease, try to reduce relapses to a minimum. In prophylactic purposes, you can regularly perform prostate massage at home.

  1. Sexual contacts should be regular with a constant partner. Tightened and interrupted acts with chronic prostatitis are prohibited.
  2. Clothes should be free, do not squeeze the testicles. Dressing is necessary for the season - the sexual organs are harmful as hypothermia, and excessive heat.
  3. Acute food and alcoholic beverages are harmful to men's health.

Prostatitis is an unpleasant male disease. But in a chronic form, it can not be very discomforting. It is necessary to adhere to simple preventive measures, not to be afraid of going to the urologist. This will help to be a full-fledged man to a very old age.

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