Itching in the groin in men: symptoms and treatment

Very often many men experience such symptoms as unpleasant itchy sensations in the groin area. This phenomenon occurs in representatives of a strong half of different ages and may indicate the presence of quite serious diseases. Discomfort associated with the appearance of such unwanted symptoms brings a lot of negative feelings to the patient, leads to emotional distress and irritability.

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What can bethis phenomenon is connected, why there is itching in the groin in men, what are its symptoms and treatment, we will consider further in the article.

Possible causes of the appearance of unpleasant sensations

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The reasons for the development of this pathology can be very diverse. But the main danger is not the itching itself, but those diseases against which it can develop. When symptoms such as pruritus, redness, scaling of the skin and its edema appear, it is extremely necessary to consult a specialist. Similar symptoms may indicate the presence of the following pathologies in a man:

  1. Herpes genitalia.
  2. Venereal diseases, such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis.
  3. Bacterial infections.
  4. Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  5. Scabies.
  6. Various kidney diseases.
  7. Liver diseases.
  8. Thyroid pathologies.

Only the specialist can diagnose the disease. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help to eliminate many negative consequences and complications.

Further in the article we will consider the most common causes of itching in the groin in men.

Insufficient hygiene

In addition to the above diseases, redness and itching in the groin in a man can be caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene. To exclude this factor, daily activities should be carried out to purify the genitals and the entire body.

To do this, daily wash out using special tools or a mild soap. It is also recommended to perform hygienic procedures after each sexual intercourse. When itching occurs, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs for this purpose. This is suitable for plants such as chamomile, celandine, string, yarrow, St. John's wort, nettle.

In cases where discomfort is caused by a lack of hygiene procedures, observance of elementary rules will help to eliminate these symptoms.

Important! If itching occurs, it is recommended that you refuse the period of treatment for sexual intercourse. You also need to exclude the trip to the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool.

Thrush( Candidiasis)

In men, candidiasis is rare, but infection with this type of disease is possible with the following factors:

  • infection with a fungus during sexual intercourse;
  • activation of infection due to weakened immunity;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus.

In addition to itching sensations and burning, a man can mark such signs as whitish plaque on the genitals, difficulty urinating, painful intercourse.

Treatment of pathology is carried out mainly with the help of antifungal drugs. It can also be drugs like dermazole, ginezol, cannison and others.


This disease is the activity of a fungal infection, which most often spreads to the genitals. Contribute to the development of fungus moist and warm conditions in the groin. The concept of dermatomycosis includes the following diseases:

  • ringworm;
  • epidermophytia.

Exacerbation of the disease and discomfort can occur against the background of frequent friction of clothes about the body, excessive sweating, wearing synthetic materials.

Itching between the legs is not the only sign of dermatomycosis. In addition, in the groin area, men can develop rashes in the form of pink spots and blisters.

Infection with fungal infection can be caused by direct contact with sick or infected things.

Treatment of pathology is to take antibacterial drugs. For this, the following drugs are used:

  • pimafucin;
  • mycosor;
  • oronazole;
  • candital.

Drugs are prescribed by a specialist taking into account the characteristics of the pathology and general condition of the patient.


Causes of severe itching can also occur in the development of a disease such as herpes. Genital herpes refers to pathologies transmitted during sexual contact. Places of localization are the genitals, the inner thighs, the buttock area. On the body there are unpleasant painful eruptions, significantly reducing the quality of life of the patient.

When answering a question about which doctor should be treated with this disease, it should be noted that in such situations it is extremely necessary to visit a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Therapy is carried out mainly with the help of drugs that have an antiviral character. These can be:

  • zovirax;
  • vivorax;
  • Gerpivir;
  • acyclovir.

Primarily used for external application. Ointment for the treatment of herpes should be prescribed by a doctor.

Important! The herpes virus lives in the body of almost every person. Activation of the disease can occur with a weakening of immunity and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.


Itching in the inguinal area of ​​men can occur when infected with various sexually transmitted diseases. For example, if the body suffers from such an ailment as chlamydia.

The disease is transmitted during sexual intercourse and causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms in the patient. Signs of pathology are painful urination, burning sensation, reddening of the genitals. In addition, there are discharges from the glans penis, especially in the morning. In neglected cases, the patient experiences general deterioration of health, weakness, irritability.

In addition to drug treatment, which consists in the use of antibacterial drugs and drugs that increase immunity, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and ensure proper nutrition.


Often, the discomfort in the groin area is caused by the scabies mite. Itching occurs as a result of his life on the patient's skin. This disease in medical practice is called scabies. In the most cases, scabies on the genitals pass through the hands, since it is the hands that get infected first.

Treatment is performed with the help of local treatment aimed at the destruction of parasitic life forms.

This pathology can also be treated with folk remedies. A popular recipe is the following: grind one large garlic head and grind and mix with 250 milliliters of mustard oil. The agent should be placed on a weak fire and bring to a boil. After the medicine has cooled, they treat the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Diabetes mellitus

Often when the organs of the endocrine system are disturbed, a person has a pathology such as diabetes mellitus. The disease can provoke itching sensations on various parts of the body, including the groin.

Treatment of this disease is a rather complicated process, consisting in lifelong therapy with maintenance of a normal level of insulin in the blood.

Referring to a specialist for qualified care will help diagnose the disease and find appropriate treatment that helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

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