Vegetables with duodenal ulcer. What can? What are contraindicated?

Treatment of peptic ulcer does not do without dietary nutrition. It is the basis for improving the patient's well-being, and also plays a huge role in the complex therapy of pathological formations of the digestive tract.

One of the largest suppliers of fiber( dietary fiber) in the human body are vegetables. With ulcer of the duodenum, it is very important to maintain the natural balance of digestion and peristalsis. The main function in this process is fiber. It is not absorbed by the intestines, providing easy movement of feces, eliminating constipation. Fiber is also the main instrument for removing harmful substances and toxins from the intestine.

As vegetables contain vegetable protein, which takes a direct part in the regeneration process, its use is very important from the point of view of building new cells and repairing damaged ones. Of course, vegetable protein is not an analogue of the animal, because they are not interchangeable, but complement each other.

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What kind of vegetables do gastroenterologists recommend for an ulcer? In the acute stage, the use of food as a whole is put in strict and specific frames, it is strictly forbidden to go beyond them( this is the diet table No. 1a).It implies the inclusion in the diet of only crushed, boiled or baked vegetables with easily digestible fiber. During the remission period, you can include fresh vegetables in the menu( diet table No. 1b).

For peptic ulcers, the following vegetables are recommended:

  • Cabbage .In dietary nutrition include cauliflower. With duodenal ulcer, it can be used in any form, since it practically lacks coarse plant fibers. If a person has high acidity, then it is recommended to boil cauliflower. It also helps to regulate the outflow of bile and restores intestinal motility. White cabbage is contraindicated in case of a disease.
  • Beet .With ulcer of the duodenum, it is used as a salad. It can be prepared as follows: the beets are cooked or baked, then finely chopped. After that, put in a bowl and poured with olive oil. It has enveloping action. Beetroot is also able to excrete cholesterol and some heavy metals( strontium, lead) from the body. Beet juice is also useful.
  • Cucumbers .This vegetable has a number of medicinal properties. With ulcer of the duodenum, cucumbers are used in case of reduced acidity. They make salads( on a small grater) and juices. With increased acidity, cucumbers are not included in the diet menu.
  • Pumpkin .With duodenal ulcer, it can be used for food in any form( juice, butter, puree, kissel) and at any stage of the disease. Due to its medicinal properties, it favorably affects the mucous membrane of the intestine, and contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient.

Zucchini, carrots, potatoes are also useful. They are used for cooking in boiled and crushed form.

Many people are interested in the question - can garlic with ulcer of the duodenum? There is also the opinion that this spicy vegetable prevents the onset of the disease, if consumed one by one a day. Garlic has a strong antibacterial effect. If applied to prevent disease, the likelihood of ulceration due to the development of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is reduced by a factor of three. Despite the useful properties of using garlic with an existing ulcer is prohibited, because it can cause inflammation of the mucosa and aggravate the patient's condition.

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