Treatment of stone on legs at home with folk remedies

The appearance of ossicles on the legs is an extremely painful phenomenon. And not only because the beautiful shape of the foot changes. Most important, the leg begins to ache, and the bone causes discomfort during walking and even at rest. Many ask the question: how to treat a bone on your feet with the help of folk remedies at home?

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Often the bone on the leg is launched so that only the operation helps to get rid of. But, if you start treatment in time, you will get better.

When to think about the treatment of

At the beginning of the appearance, the bone, as a rule, does not cause pain and is not an obstacle for normal walking. But because of the gradual deformation of the thumb, pain and other problems soon appear. So, the treatment can begin with the first symptoms: do not wait for the appearance of pain. How to get rid of the pain in the bone on the legs can be read in our article.

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Important! When the foot is heavily deformed, then folk treatment will not yield positive results. In this situation, only surgery will help.

Reasons for

The lead to bone deformity on the leg can:

  • a genetic predisposition;
  • incorrect load distribution on the foot;
  • damage, foot injury;
  • hormonal disorder( mainly in women and girls);
  • excess weight;
  • uncomfortable shoes, substandard.

If the bone begins to grow, then you can start with general recommendations:

  • wear comfortable shoes( without a high heel, and that was not tight);
  • regularly let your legs relax with the help of baths and massage;
  • do iodine screen overnight.

To prevent further bone formation, consult a physician to determine the cause and to prescribe the correct treatment.

To which doctor to contact

To understand which doctor will help in the treatment of ossicles, it is advisable to know the reason:

  • for trauma to the foot needs a traumatologist;
  • with inflammation of the joint - rheumatologist, arthrologist;
  • if neurologic symptoms appear - neurologist;
  • with deformity of the finger - orthopedist;
  • when accompanied by vascular disorders of the extremities - a surgeon;
  • with diabetic foot - endocrinologist, surgeon.

If you do not know the factor that influenced the appearance of the stone, then a specialist consultation of a wide spectrum is required.

Folk remedies of plant origin

It is a question of various herbs that have a curative effect on the whole organism. This burdock, madder dye, dandelion and potatoes.

Marena dye

From the grass, prepare the broth, which you just need to drink. On a small spoon of ground roots take 250 ml of water.
Put on a slow fire and boil literally for ten minutes, then strain, cool. Drink 100 ml twice a day.


A preparation is prepared from the plant, which must be applied directly to the problem area. For 100 grams of dandelion flowers, pre-chop, iodine is taken to cover the flowers. For four days to send to insist in a dark place. Then rub your feet with a mixture, wipe dry. On the bone, apply the mesh using the tool.

Burdock with medicinal turpentine

Treatment of stone on the legs at home is successful with burdock. It is necessary to take it in tandem with pharmacy turpentine. Take large fresh burdock leaves, grease with turpentine. Wrap your feet and feet to the knee. The pack should be applied gently so as not to cause burns. On the leaves, wrap the polyethylene film, fix it with a woolen cloth. For positive results, the procedure is done every day for 90 days.

Potato cleaning

Take peeled peel off the tubers. Pour into a saucepan, add water. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes, then pour into a basin and steaming for half an hour. It is important that the water reaches the very ankles( if the water is not enough, just pour it).Treat for 7-14 days.

Red clay

You can buy clay in every pharmacy. For home treatment, only red clay is suitable. Mix 50 grams of clay with a large spoonful of sea salt, pour 250 ml of water. In the mixture, drip 5 drops of turpentine. Then mix and apply to the place where the stone was formed. Keep the feet on the compress until the clay is completely dry.

Sea salt

Suitable for treating both table salt and sea salt. Take a basin for steaming legs, pour warm water and dissolve large salt. Dip feet for 15 minutes, then wipe with a towel. Do every day, for 14 consecutive days, after a week break, repeat the course.

Interesting! In some folk sources, bone treatment with salt was supplemented with snow. It is necessary to collect snow, to melt houses. Then melt this salt water and keep your feet literally a couple of minutes.

Use of iodine

A bone on the legs, at home, is treated with conventional iodine. Iodine relieves inflammation and pain. Apply the product directly to the bone in the form of a mesh. Preliminary it is recommended to treat the place of application with camphor oil.

Medical bile

There is a proven and effective way to cure a bone at home:

  • apply iodine mesh to the bone;
  • then apply medical bile;
  • , wrap the treated area with polyethylene and fix with a bandage.

It is recommended to wear a woolen or terry toe and go to bed with a compress. In the morning remove and wash off bile with warm water.

This procedure should be performed daily, before going to bed, for a month. Observing the instruction on the use of medical bile, you can get rid of the stone on the leg.

Traditional bone care


Ointment for the treatment of ossicles on the leg can be safely prepared at home under one of the recipes.

From an egg and acetic essence

Take a chicken egg with a white shell and break it into a 50 gram beaker. Pour in the same capacity of vinegar essence 70% and put for 14 days to insist. After the end of two weeks add 10 g of butter.
Ointment is applied to the bone every other day, alternating with iodine mesh.


Mix 50 ml of kerosene, 1 teaspoon of soda( without a slide), 1/4 of laundry soap, 50-70 ml of sunflower oil. When the skin becomes dry - you need to stop rubbing the ointment.


If you have a formed bone on the big toe is at an early stage of development, then it may be useful to use the corrector. But at a progressive stage, it will be less effective. With the help of a corrector it will only be possible to slow down the development process.

For treatment on the thumb, choose an interdigital roller, which must be worn daily. It is able to correctly distribute the load and look pretty aesthetic on the leg.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is an innovative way to get rid of the stone on the leg. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes a maximum of 1 hour. Plus, everything does not require a long stay in the hospital after the laser therapy. Another positive side of this procedure is that it can be used at different stages of the disease.

Socks for the treatment of bones on the legs

German scientists have developed a corrector for the type of socks - ValgoSocks. The sock is worn for a long period and at the same time brings the joints to its original position. It is fixed with a special bandage. Advantages of corrective socks:

  • joint returns to the right place;
  • corrector does not interfere with walking, it allows wearing habitual shoes;
  • removes the disease permanently;
  • does not deliver any discomfort.


The retainer is a silicone-based foot bandage that allows it to be firmly attached to the foot.
Advantages of the fixer for bones:

  • relief from discomfort, pain, redness, bursitis;
  • does not allow the development of flat feet;
  • reduces the load on the front of the foot;
  • is used at any stage;
  • has an aesthetic appearance;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not lead to complications.

With such folk methods it becomes clear that the bone on the legs is not a verdict. But home treatment must begin in the early stages of the emergence of education. While the pain syndrome has not yet come, but the foot itself did not have time to deform.

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