How to get a person out of depression

Doctors believe that in a few years depression will occupy the second place among the most common diseases. Modern people do not know how to rest and relax, constantly experiencing stress, suffering from physical, mental and emotional overwork. All this leads to the development of various depressive conditions. How to get a person out of depression? Can I get rid of the disease myself, or do I need help from a psychologist?

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What can not be done with depressionat close people

There are many methods of an exit from depressive conditions - the help of the psychologist, the psychotherapist, we shall accept antidepressants. But people rarely recognize the presence of a similar disease, most often changes in behavior are noticed by close people.

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If the depression is in the initial stage, then you can try to bring a loved one out of it by yourself. But you need to know what can not be done, so as not to aggravate the situation.

What is forbidden in the treatment of depression:

  1. To regret a person. A feeling of pity leads to a person plunging even more into his experiences, begins to cultivate self-pity. If everyone around shows pity and compassion, the patient creates a feeling that everything that is happening is the norm, ceases to struggle with the ailment.
  2. Waiting. Depression does not go away on its own, you need to make efforts to get rid of the disease. The longer the pathological condition continues, the more difficult it will be to return to normal.
  3. Find an excuse for a depressed state. This approach only aggravates the course of the disease. Instead of excuses, it is better to remind a person that he has enough strength to cope with the disease, to survive the situation, to return to normal life.

After a strong shock, a person can not immediately stop suffering, but you need to clearly identify with him the terms that he needs for anguish. Then you need to start to get out of depression.

How to get rid of depression at home

Independently without the help of relatives to get rid of the depressed state is difficult. It is necessary to recognize the fact of having a problem, tune in to a long process of recovery, every day work on yourself.

How to get yourself out of the depression yourself:

  1. Learn how to manage your emotions - yoga and meditation are great to keep negative thoughts under control.
  2. Keep a diary. In it you need to describe all your negative memories - this will help to get rid of them faster. Analyze every day, describe in detail the positive points, praise yourself for positive thoughts and actions.
  3. To have fun. You can start with a trip to the theater, cinema, exhibition - places that give new impressions, but do not force to communicate with a large number of people.
  4. Immerse yourself in the depths of sadness and sadness. It is with the state of total catharsis that enlightenment in the soul and thoughts often begins, the process of recovery begins.
  5. Revise the diet. You need to eat more foods that contain fatty acids and a "happiness hormone" - fish, bananas, bitter chocolate, cheese, poultry, fresh herbs.

Well-balanced physical activity helps to cope with negative thoughts, at least 3 times a week. Every day, make walks for 30-40 minutes.

To raise the mood, you can prepare a useful vitamin drink - squeeze out the juice of 4 oranges, add 10 g of fresh crushed lemon balm leaves. Drink delicious medicine in the morning and before bedtime.

How to get a person out of depression after the death of a loved one

The loss of loved ones is one of the most common causes of depression. Many people can not cope with this situation, more and more withdraw into themselves.

Tips for psychologists to deal with depression after losing loved ones:

  1. Do not stay alone - it's better to be sad together with family and friends.
  2. To be engaged in the organization of funerals, the decision by a question with the inheritance - efforts help to distract from sorrowful thoughts and memoirs.
  3. Crying is possible and necessary - tears clear, bring relief. Talk more, talk about feelings, pain.
  4. Get out of your head to work, or go on vacation to a new place. For recreation it is better to choose an active holiday with an extreme slope.
  5. Remove all things that remind of a bygone person.
  6. Do not cultivate a sense of guilt. You can write a letter to the deceased person, where to say everything that was not said before.

Important! For the restoration of the psyche after the loss is necessary for at least 9 months.

How to get a person out of depression after parting

Divorce and parting with a loved one is the second reason people fall into depression. Most often, such situations occur with girls after the first unsuccessful experience, or with women after 40 years old, whose marriage lasted a long time. The task of parents, close people to try to get the girl out of the depression as soon as possible.

Important! Chronic depression often causes suicide. People in this state can not be left alone for long.

How to get a person out of depression after a divorce:

  1. Get rid of unpleasant memories. In this matter, a psychologist can help. Or you can arrange a farewell ritual - to collect and get rid of all things that remind of a former lover.
  2. Translate advantages of minuses. Often, girls tend to create the ideal image of their loved one, they think that they will never find the best. You need to ask to write on the leaflet all the good and bad qualities of a loved one, pleasant and unpleasant memories. The part with positive moments should be thrown out, and the negative list should be multiplied, posted in all prominent places.
  3. Replace the wrong relaxation techniques with the correct ones. Alcohol, narcotic drugs give only the illusion of getting rid of depression, but in fact only aggravate it. To get rid of negative thoughts meditation, aromatherapy, massage will help.
  4. Show the person what is the meaning of life. Every person for some reason appears in the light, there are people who need it, love it. For this, and those pleasant moments that they can give, it's worth living on.

After the divorce, a person should be more often taken to crowded places, acquainted with new people, one should not give him the opportunity to regret himself and conduct internal pessimistic dialogues.

If trouble happens to a loved one who is far away, then social networks will come to the rescue. How to get a person out of depression at a distance? We need to communicate more on abstract topics, share impressions about new films, books. Phrases in correspondence should be short, without complex words and speech speed. Instead of punctuation, it's better to use smiles, give virtual gifts, send funny photos and videos.

How to get a man out of depression

In men, depression is 2 times less likely than in women. But it is in the stronger sex that it takes on a chronic form. Men do not want to admit to themselves any deviations, continue to keep everything in themselves, there is dependence on alcohol. All this leads to the development of various concomitant diseases and problems.

The first signs of depression in men - taciturnity, a propensity for solitude, frequent mood swings, aggression towards relatives. Pathological conditions develop due to problems at work, stress, lack of attention from groans of loved ones. Against the backdrop of depression, a husband may have increased need for sex, or he completely loses interest in the intimate side of life.

How to get a husband out of depression:

  1. Try to find out what caused the appearance of the pathological condition - problems at work, physical malaise, financial difficulties.
  2. Change the habitual way of life. Sharp changes will make for a time forget about the problems. You can go on vacation together, go camping.
  3. New impressions. Almost all men like extreme sports. You can give your husband a certificate for a parachute jump, flying on a hang-glider or together.
  4. In a clear example, show that there are many people who managed to cope with more difficult difficulties. It can be documentaries, biographies of famous personalities.
  5. Let's talk. Women tend to talk a lot, and listen a little. If a husband is depressed, he needs to speak out all that bothers him. Ingoda in the process of such a monologue there are fresh thoughts. The task of a woman is to listen, not to criticize, to support all new beginnings.

In the process of recovery, any manifestation of a positive mood should be encouraged. Smile more often, spend time together, enroll in yoga classes.

Important! Specialists say that depression can be transmitted to close people. Therefore, one should not surround the spouse with increased attention, regret it.

Tears and tantrums will not help to get a man out of depression, but will only intensify irritation. A woman like this behavior can lead to nervous exhaustion.

How to get a teenager out of depression

In modern psychology, there are many ways to treat depression with the help of art - dance therapy, drawing, music. All these methods perfectly help with teenage depression.

Important! An excellent method for the treatment and prevention of depression in adolescents - from childhood to engage in hardening. In "walrus" pathological disorders of the psyche almost never happens.

To help a teenager cope with negative thoughts, some folk recipes will help:

  1. Mix 100 g of perga and liquid honey, before breakfast and at bedtime eat 10 grams of medicine.
  2. Grind in a blender for 150 g of dried apricots and walnuts, add 150 ml of honey to the mass. For 4 weeks twice a day, use 15 g of the mixture.
  3. The antidepressant beverage can be made from useful products. Mix the pulp of banana with 10 g of walnut kernels, 5 g of germinated wheat grains, grind in a blender. Mix the mixture with 150 ml of milk, add 5 ml of lemon juice. Drink a drink 2 times a day.

One of the universal ways to combat depression is shock therapy. It is necessary to take a teenager to a nursing home or an orphanage, a hospice, a cancer center, where very young children are fighting for their lives. If you manage to arrange a teenager to work as a volunteer in such a place, very soon he will understand that there are more terrible and global problems in life than his depression. Caring for others, persistent examples of perseverance and optimism can quickly get rid of self-pity.

How to get a person out of depression if he does not want anything? You need to give a pet. Ignore a small pet is impossible - it requires attention and care, with it you need to walk, feed. For many teenagers, a pet will become the embodiment of a childhood dream. In constant trouble, negative thoughts and self-pity recede into the background, new worries and interests in life arise.

Is it possible to get a person out of depression without his consent? Is it hard to return the peace of mind almost impossible? A person should realize that he is sick, have at least the slightest desire to get rid of the disease. Only in this case, various methods and folk remedies will help to cope with depressive conditions.

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