Injections in the knee joint with arthrosis - drugs

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For arthrosis of the knee, a person experiences many unpleasant sensations - the knee swells, the movements become chained. But the main problem is severe pain, which often occurs when exacerbating. In this case, doctors resort to injections that are made directly into the inflamed joint, muscles and nearby tissues. Consider what kind of injection in the knee joint is used for arthrosis - drugs and recommendations.

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Why do I need injectionswith arthrosis of the knee joint

Intra-articular injections for arthrosis help to instantly eliminate even a strong pain syndrome, because the medicationTVO immediately penetrates the inflamed areas. In addition to injections, the doctor uses a number of other drugs that return mobility to the joints, improve blood circulation, restore cartilaginous tissue.

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Important! Treatment of arthrosis is a long process that requires complex therapy with the right selection of medicines. Do not self-diagnose, because the signs of arthrosis are very similar to other diseases.

Properly selected injectable preparations can eliminate not only pain, but also puffiness, improve the condition of the affected cartilaginous tissues, and increase the synthesis of intraarticular fluid. The injections are much more effective than ointments and tablets - the process of recovery is much faster.

Pricks in joint with arthrosis are done every 1.5-2 weeks, the maximum therapeutic effect is observed after 6-8 days. If during this time the patient does not become easier, it is necessary to select another drug. To avoid negative reactions, the treatment course consists of a maximum of 6 injections.

Where can I make an intra-articular injection? Injections should be done only in a hospital, home-based self-treatment is dangerous. If the drug is misapplied, infection can enter the tissue, which will significantly aggravate the course of the disease.

Advantages of injections for arthrosis:

  • dissolves slowly - approximately 10-12 months;
  • beneficially affect all articular tissues;
  • have a local effect, penetrate into the blood in a minimum amount, do not disrupt the work of internal organs;
  • can be used to treat patients with diseases of the digestive system, liver, heart and blood vessels.

Injections of corticosteroids are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, excessive body weight, ulcers. It is not recommended to give injections if there is a history of kidney disease, tuberculosis, mental disorders, purulent infectious pathologies.

Types and name of intramuscular injection drugs

For arthrosis of the knee, therapy is performed with intramuscular, intra-articular and analgesic injections.

Types of drugs for intramuscular injections:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Ketanol. Used to eliminate inflammation and pain syndrome, reduce swelling. The main advantage is the instant result.
  2. Analgesics, antispasmodics - Baralgin, Analgin, Midokalm, Baclofen. Minimize the manifestation of negative symptoms of the disease, eliminate muscle spasms. Drugs of the steroid group - Ambien. Quickly remove pain and inflammation, restore mobility of the joint. The injections are rarely done, as the drugs contain aggressive, potent substances. With prolonged use, cartilaginous tissue loses its ability to synthesize new cells.
  3. Vitamin Complexes - Milgamma, Neurorubin. They contain vitamins of group B, restore the nervous system, help to cope with the pain syndrome.

Important! The most powerful analgesic is Novocaine blockade, which is prescribed for very severe pain. The drug is injected into the inflamed joint, the tissues around it are cut off. Injections are combined with vitamin complexes, the procedure is performed no more than 3 times a month.

What injections do intraarticular

Injections directly into the inflamed joint make it possible to accelerate the synthesis of cartilaginous tissue, which greatly accelerates the process of cartilage repair.

Drugs for intra-articular pricks in the knee:

  1. Chondroprotectors - Synocrome, Fermatron. Protect the cartilaginous tissue, improve its nutrition, moisturize, restore the structure. These drugs are often called liquid prostheses, as they replace a non-working intra-articular fluid. After treatment, the mobility of the joint, its damping properties, and pain disappear. Disadvantages - a full course lasts six months, medicines from this group have a high cost.
  2. Corticosteroids - Diprospan, Kenalog, Celeston. Hormonal drugs that help effectively eliminate the pain of any intensity, greatly accelerate the recovery of cartilage tissue.
  3. Hyaluronic acid - Ostenil, Synocrome. Use as an additional drug to avoid getting used to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Effective medications for the treatment of arthrosis

Arthrosis is one of the most common joint diseases that is rapidly growing younger. The disease does not affect life expectancy, but significantly worsens its quality - a person constantly experiences pain, loses mobility, can become disabled.

Pharmaceutical companies produce many modern medicines that help preserve and restore cartilaginous tissue. The only drawback of such medicines is a high price.

Fermatron - one of the newest preparations for the treatment of arthrosis, belongs to the group of prostheses of synovial fluid. The injection is done once a week, the effect is noticeable after the first procedure. The entire course will require approximately 5 injections. The therapeutic result is preserved up to 12 months. The cost of the drug is 4-7 thousand rubles.

Gilart - chondroprotektor, which includes sodium hyaluronate and chondrotic sulfate. The drug allows you to quickly restore metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissues, slow the progression of the disease, eliminate pain.

Disadvantages of Gilart:

  • is almost impossible to find in pharmacies, you need to order abroad;
  • high price;
  • to achieve a noticeable therapeutic effect of the injection must be done several times.

Hydrocortisone is a hormonal steroid drug that eliminates inflammation, pain and swelling, prevents the accumulation of fluid near the joint, prevents the appearance of osteophytes. The drug has a low cost, but it strongly suppresses immunity. It is used to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but for long-term therapy it is not suitable.

Alflutop - a medicinal product for injection on the basis of extracts from 4 species of fish. The drug will accelerate the process of restoration of cartilaginous tissue and synthesis of hyaluronic acid, eliminates ulcers and erosion on cartilage, improves damping properties. With regular application, the progression of the disease is suspended, the mobility of the joint returns. The price of the drug is about 2 thousand rubles.

Intra-articular and intramuscular injections are an effective method for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, it has a minimal amount of contraindications. Select a drug and carry out the procedure can only a doctor, because after injections, the probability of infection is high.

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