What medications are used to treat sinusitis?

The main purpose of the use of drugs against sinusitis is suppression of the development of the infectious process and inflammation in the paranasal sinuses, removing the edema of the mucous membrane, getting rid of pain and intoxication and preventing the scarring of nasal sinuses.

For the complex treatment of this disease, effective drugs such as sinupret, sinuporte, antibiotics, vasoconstricting drops or spray, and immunomodulators may be needed. These are the best medicines for the rapid treatment of sinusitis.

However, such medications can only be prescribed by a specialist, because with self-treatment or improper treatment, inflammation can become chronic or the patient is at risk of getting one of the many complications of this ailment.

Which medicines for sinusitis help you better?

For effective treatment of maxillary sinusitis, complex therapy is necessary. For this purpose, certain groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • antibacterial drugs - destruction of infection;
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  • analgesics - reduction of pain syndrome;
  • decongestants - removal of the edema from the nasal mucosa;
  • corticosteroids - reduction of inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • mucolytics - liquefaction of mucus and facilitating its release from the nasal sinuses.

The main areas of treatment can be called:

  • removal of inflammatory secretion and reduction of edema in the maxillary sinuses;
  • reduction of pain and pressure;
  • destruction of infection;
  • prevention of scar tissue formation.

Correctly selected medications allow you to quickly cure maxillary sinusitis of light and medium severity, which in turn helps to avoid a puncture of the maxillary sinus.


With a mild course of acute maxillary sinusitis, only symptomatic medicines are usually prescribed. If the signs of the disease persist for more than five days or the person's condition worsens, then in this situation, systemic antibiotic therapy will be required.

Usually the following antibiotics are used:

  1. Amoxicillin;
  2. Macrolides( azithromycin, clarithromycin, macropene);
  3. Fluoroquinolones( levofloxacin, sparfloxacin);
  4. Topical( topical) antibiotics( eg, bioparox) are prescribed for mild sinusitis as a primary drug.

When choosing a drug, the sensitivity of microorganisms to it, which most often causes sinusitis, must be taken into account.


They relieve puffiness, thereby facilitating nasal breathing and exudate outflow. These drops affect the vessels located in the nasal mucosa and, making them narrow, reduce the formation of mucus and swelling of the tissues, freeing the nasal passages for breathing.

The best drops for the treatment of sinusitis can be considered:

  1. Preparations based on xylometazoline - galazolin, otrivin, prinos, tizin xylo and so on;
  2. Phenylephrine - vibrocil, adrianol;
  3. Nafazoline is a sanorin;
  4. Oxymetazoline - nasol and others.

Do not forget that the vasoconstrictive drops drastically dry the nasal mucosa and they can be used no more than 5 days in a row, besides they are addictive.

Rinsing of the nose

For washing, ready-made solutions are used, such as Saline, Aqua Maris, Humer, non-medicinal products.

Aqua Maris and Humer contain sterile sea water, and when performing the washing procedure, not only the nasal passages are cleared, but local immunity is also strengthened due to the microelements contained.

Also at home, you can rinse your nose with slightly saline water, this option can be used as an alternative to the above medicines.


Mucolytic agents( Mukodin, Fluimutsil, Fljuditik) actively act on mucus, reduce its viscosity, facilitate the evacuation of secretions from the maxillary sinuses. Mucolytics are usually used in combination with antibacterial drugs and physioprocedures. Usually, these products are released in the form of drops and syrups.

With compliance with the instructions and dosage, mucolytic drugs against sinusitis and sinusitis are safe and promote faster recovery.


Can be used in the treatment of both viral and bacterial sinusitis, alone or in combination with tableted antibiotics.

Most often these drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

  • lack of effectiveness of treatment by other methods;
  • presence of severe edema and inflammation;
  • presence of polyps in the nose.

Severe anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect is especially important in patients with concomitant allergic rhinitis.

Sinuforte from sinusitis

Sinuforte is considered to be almost the most effective medicine for sinusitis, represented in the modern pharmaceutical market.

The drug, made from cyclamen extract, has pronounced decongestants and mucolytic properties. The use of Sinuforte greatly simplifies the process of evacuation of the separated sinuses into the nasopharynx. The price around 2500 rubles.


The main advantage of this drug is undoubtedly that it consists of herbal ingredients: elderberry flowers, gentian root, sorrel grass, verbena grass, primrose flowers. Thanks to this unique composition, Sinupret in the treatment of sinusitis causes antimicrobial, antiviral, immunostimulating effect.

The price for Sinupret is only 355 rubles, and the quality of the drug speaks for itself. Therefore, he recently became the most prescribed drug for sinusitis.


Polidex with phenylephrine is a spray from sinusitis, which has a pronounced antibacterial, vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect.

The therapeutic effect of the constituent components of this drug is based on their ability to block the process of protein synthesis in cells of harmful microorganisms, thereby violating the permeability of their cell membranes. The price of 270 rubles.

Other medicines

These are antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs( Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol), as well as 2 and 3 generations of antiallergic agents that reduce swelling of the sinus and nose( Loratadine, Desloratadine, Cetrin, Zinnerit, Claritin, Clarisens).

Thus, treatment with antibiotics of sinusitis is not a necessary condition for successful conservative therapy. It is much more important that edema should be eliminated, the outflow of sinus contents adjusted, and the local sanation of the inflammatory focus should be carried out.

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