Dislocation of finger on hand: symptoms, causes, treatment

A finger dislocation is a fairly common injury. It does not carry any threat to human life, but it gives a lot of discomfort. The disorder is characterized by the displacement of bones in the joint bag, which occurs under various effects. As a rule, dislocation is always accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms, such as rupture of ligaments and violation of the integrity of the joint bag. This damage is always manifested by sharp pain, which increases with the slightest movement. This reaction is not surprising, since there are a lot of nerve endings in the fingers. At the first signs of the problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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How the dislocation of the phalanx of the finger

dislocates(the code for μb 10-S63.1) is the displacement of the joint that connects the phalanges of the fingers and allows them to move. This disorder is always accompanied by additional complications, such as rupture of muscles and ligaments, as well as a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule.

Trauma can occur due to a fall or even an awkward movement. As a rule, athletes and children enter the risk zone. This group of people lead a more active lifestyle than the other population. An ordinary person has a dislocation due to a blow to the phalanx of the fingers or a fall to the open palm.

All the fingers of the hand consist of three joints, except for the large one, it only has two. When you hit or fall, the phalanx is severely stressed, which causes dislocation. During the examination, the doctor can diagnose such violations:

  • of a thumb dislocation( I).This finger is most often traumatized, because during the fall a person tries to prevent injury to other parts, and transfers the entire mass of the body to his hands. The cause of the injury can be a sharp extension of the finger, so it occupies an incorrect position and the joint is displaced;
  • dislocation of the index finger( II) occurs due to a strong impact on the phalanx;
  • dislocation of the middle finger( III).Trauma occurs because of a sharp blow to the phalanx, which leads to her injury;
  • dislocation of the ring finger( IV).The displacement of the joint is observed after the impact, which was performed on the phalanx;
  • dislocation of the little finger( V).This finger has the weakest joints, so with minor injuries, it is dislocated.

Classification of injury according to the length of time

Depending on how much time passed after the injury, the doctor classifies the dislocation by several criteria. As a rule, three types of trauma are distinguished:

  • fresh dislocation( 1-2 days after injury);
  • stale injury( 2-3 weeks after a fall or stroke);
  • chronic dislocation( more than 1 month).

Based on the exact diagnosis, the doctor will choose the best treatment that will help restore the functionality of the phalanx faster.

Important! Every person can get a finger injury, since no one is immune from falls or awkward movements. However, it is not necessary to engage in self-medication, at the first signs of a dislocation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the trauma becomes chronic, it will be more difficult to completely restore the joints.

Variety of injuries and their clinical signs

Physicians divide the dislocation into several species, depending on the concomitant clinical manifestations. Depending on the exact diagnosis, a method of treatment is selected.

  1. Full dislocation. This trauma is characterized by the displacement of the phalanx to the back side, and the head of the bone moves closer to the palm. Such a disorder provokes the rupture of ligaments and the joint capsule. The correction of such a trauma is a rather complicated process, since the bone can pinch the tendon. With complete dislocation, a person feels such unpleasant symptoms:
  • severe pain;
  • finger movement is difficult;
  • the extreme phalanx of the finger is bent;
  • the outer edge of the brush swells;
  • is observed bayonet deformation.

During the examination, the head of the bone is probed. Any, even the slightest, movements cause pain. The doctor determines the sign of the spring resistance.

  1. Subluxation of the phalanx. With such trauma, the obvious manifestations of the violation are less noticeable. There is a possibility of passive extension of the extreme phalanx. This trauma provokes such symptoms:
  • joint deformation;
  • severe soreness;
  • swelling;
  • has a feeling of numbness;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • if there is a rupture of blood vessels, then there are blood spots.

Subluxation and dislocation of the fingers can be accompanied by a violation of the skin( open dislocation).In this case, surgery is required to restore the work of the palaea. If the skin is not damaged, then the injury is called closed, it is well amenable to normal repositioning.

Important! After injury, the joint remains weak, therefore a second dislocation may occur. To prevent relapse, a person needs to fix a damaged joint, a tight bandage. Thanks to such actions, repeated trauma is reduced to a minimum.

The main causes of injury

Any abnormal movement and force can result in dislocation of the joint. This problem is faced not only by athletes, but also by ordinary people. In everyday life, a person can be injured, for example, by opening the door, falling on a slippery surface or in inaccurate traffic in crowded transport. This problem is due to the fact that the ligaments and muscles are not designed for sharp and heavy loads. In other words, they are not able to hold the joint in the right place, under the influence of a certain force.

As a rule, the thumb is most often affected, since it has the greatest power effect. When a person falls, they try to protect other parts of the body from trauma, so the entire stroke is transferred to the hand. Also, the little finger gets into the risk zone, since it has the weakest joints.

First aid for a dislocation of a finger on the hand

What should I do if I have a dislocation? Every person can traumatize a finger, so it is important to know how to act in this situation correctly. When dislocated, the following independent actions are allowed:

  • if there are ornaments on the finger, they must be carefully removed;
  • the damaged finger is necessary, with the help of bandage, securely fixed to the healthy finger;
  • to the damaged site it is necessary to apply cold;
  • for the arrival of an ambulance is better not to take an anesthetic drug, as it will eliminate the symptoms of the disease and doctors will be more difficult to establish a diagnosis;
  • call an ambulance team or independently get to the hospital.

Important! During first aid, it is forbidden to tug your finger or try to fix it in some way. Such actions will only aggravate the situation of the victim.

Treatment of trauma and rehabilitation period

Dislocation of phalanx of finger on hand requires medical attention. Initially, the doctor sends the patient to an MRI or X-ray to accurately determine the degree of damage. Due to the established diagnosis, the doctor will select individual therapy.

Finger Direction

As a rule, a finger injury always lends itself well to the usual internal repositioning. However, if the integrity of the skin was damaged, then surgery is necessary. Before proceeding to the correction, the patient is given a local anesthesia, because this is a rather painful procedure. During the correction, the traumatologist tries to place the phalanx correctly in a vascular capsule. However, for each dislocation, there are certain rules of correction, which only the doctor knows. The correct position of the finger after the procedure is fixed with plaster for a month.

Correct rehabilitation

The rehabilitation period begins immediately after re-direction and lasts for several months. Throughout the period the patient is recommended:

  • from the beginning the finger must be absolutely immobilized, this technique will avoid additional injuries and painful sensations;
  • To reduce pain, you should take painkillers( Ibuprofen, Solpadein, Analgin, Fentanyl);
  • to remove the inflammation and swelling can be special ointments and creams( Diclofenac, Lyoton, Menovazine, Hydrocortisone, Dolobene, Apizatron);
  • so that the muscles do not atrophy, special gymnastics is prescribed, with time the exercises become more complicated and the load increases;
  • physiotherapy procedures, relieve pain and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of dislocation( high-intensity and low-intensity pulse magnetotherapy, diadynamic therapy, inductothermy, paraffin application).

How long does injury last? During rehabilitation it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations. Observance of all the rules will help to quickly repair damaged joints and restore them to their previous working capacity. As a rule, it takes 1-2 months for rehabilitation.

Treatment at home

Traditional medicine should not replace medical therapy for damaged joints. Old "grandmother's" methods can be an excellent addition to the main treatment. How to treat, the broken finger is described below.

  1. To the damaged area it is necessary to attach a leaf of cabbage or plantain. They will remove puffiness and reduce pain a little.
  2. Baths based on herbs help well. For treatment, the leaves of the walnut or twigs of coniferous trees are suitable.
  3. You can remove the pain with a cold compress.

No one is insured against injuries! However, with a dislocation it is important to contact the doctor in a timely manner. If this is not done, then serious complications will develop that will not allow the finger to function fully. During treatment, it is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations, then the restoration of the joint will come faster. Be healthy!

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