Enterovirus vesicular stomatitis

The oral mucosa is a good barrier for bacteria and viruses, but against the background of reduced immunity, there is a danger of infection in the body. Enterovirus vesicular stomatitis is one of such diseases that develops when an infection gets through the mucosa in the mouth. It may seem harmless, but without proper treatment, stomatitis can lead to serious consequences.

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Enterovirus vesicular stomatitis: what is it

Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis is a disease in which on the surface of the oral mucosa, small pimples and sores appear on the hands and feet. The most common are small children with weakened immunity, but this disease can also occur in adults.

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Another name for the disease is hand-foot-mouth syndrome, this name quite accurately reflects the clinical picture of stomatitis. If stomatitis is accompanied by rashes on the hands and feet, it proceeds with exanthema.

Pathogen is a fairly resistant to external exposure to Coxsackie virus, they can stay active for more than two weeks at room temperature. Especially often this virus affects children up to three years. Adult body to it is more stable.

After the transferred disease, a stable immunity to a certain causative agent is formed, however, there are several varieties of Coxsackie viruses. Therefore, repeated infection is possible, but the likelihood of such an outcome is much lower.


Usually the prognosis for stomatitis is quite favorable, especially if the necessary help was provided on time, the treatment was prescribed correctly, with the prevention of possible complications. In most varieties of the pathogen, recovery occurs on its own after some time, it is important only to monitor the patient's condition, correct the symptoms and maintain immunity at the desired level.

However, with some varieties of the Coxsackie virus, especially with enterovirus 71, the likelihood of complications is much higher. There may be meningitis or encephalitis, inflammatory diseases of various parts of the brain. Both conditions are extremely dangerous for life and health.

Therefore, for enteroviral vesicular stomatitis in children, it is important to closely monitor changes in the condition. If the disease worsens the state of health, despite all the measures taken for treatment, it is important to contact the doctor as soon as possible, find out the cause of the deterioration and provide the necessary assistance.

Important! The probability of complications is higher in children with weak immunity.

Causes of

The cause of stomatitis is the ingestion of enterovirus infection in the human body, infection with the pathogen. The virus penetrates the body through the mucous membrane in the mouth, after which the disease begins to develop.

The main way of transmission of the disease is airborne. The virus spreads when sneezing, coughing, you can get infected with a long stay near a sick person. Also, the fecal-oral route of infection is not excluded, as a result of which it is possible to get infected if you are in contact with hygiene items, toys, bedding.

However, most often the virus is transmitted by direct contact with a sick person. However, one infection is not enough for the development of the disease, so that the stomatitis has proved itself to the full, we need reduced immunity.

The body's resistance may be weak for several reasons. First of all, it is avitaminosis, lack of various vitamins and minerals, recently transferred viral and bacterial infections, autoimmune and endocrine diseases, often strongly affecting the body's resistance to various infections.

Therefore, for prevention, it is important not only to immediately limit contact with sick people. That the probability of a collision with a virus infection was minimal, it is necessary to maintain immunity at the proper level. Vitamin-mineral complexes that help to make up for lack of essential substances, proper nutrition, exercise, timely and correct treatment of other diseases, can help in this.

Important! Infectious not only a patient with stomatitis, infection can also be obtained from a carrier.

Symptoms of

The disease begins to develop a few days after infection, the incubation period for infection is short enough. First of all, there are symptoms of a common catarrhal disease: the temperature rises low, to 37 - 38 degrees, there is pain and sore throat, a person feels a general weakness and chills. Only then begin to appear specific for stomatitis symptoms, by which it can be distinguished from ARVI:

  1. On the palms, feet, sometimes also on the back of the palm, hips and buttocks there is a rash in the form of vesicles, small hollow pimples with a red rim. After a while, the rash completely disappears, usually 5 to 6 days after its appearance.
  2. Simultaneously with rashes in the mouth appear small sores, they can occur anywhere on the mucosa, but they never affect the tonsils. Sores cause increased sensitivity to hot, cold, too spicy and salty foods.

Then all the symptoms gradually go to a decline. Eruptions disappear for one to two weeks. Also, with this disease, there may be increased salivation.

If vesicular stomatitis causes the temperature to rise above 38 degrees Celsius, severe symptoms of intoxication, nausea, vomiting, headaches occur, this may indicate the development of complications. With a sharp deterioration in the state of health, it is desirable to immediately call an ambulance.


Diagnosis of the disease by external signs, it is always necessary to clarify when symptoms began to appear, whether there were contacts with other patients. In this case, it is necessary to exclude angina and a number of other diseases in which similar signs may appear.

A number of laboratory studies are then carried out. It is necessary to make a general blood test to determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body, whether the picture is standard for enterovirus vesicular stomatitis. Also, a smear from the pharynx can be taken.

Additional tests may be prescribed depending on other symptoms present in the disease.

Home Treatment

In most cases of the syndrome, hospitalization is not required, treatment can take place at home. As a rule, the disease can pass independently, however, the following preparations can be indicated:

  • inducers of interferon: Anaferon, Aflubin, their analogues;
  • antipyretic: Nurofen, while not taking Aspirin;
  • antihistamines, which help fight the manifestations of the rash: Claritin, Zodak.

The patient is also shown bed rest, plenty of drink and food with a minimal amount of allergens. Reduce the temperature of drugs should be in extreme cases, it is better if a person cope with it on their own. After the main treatment, we accept the intake of vitamin complexes to restore immunity.

Dr. Komarovsky warns against the inadmissibility of taking antibiotics for enterovirus infections. They should be taken only when complications arise due to bacterial infections.

Treatment with folk remedies

Among folk remedies, there are enough useful recipes for mouthwash and throat solutions for stomatitis. They will help to relieve pain, calm the inflamed tissue and prevent bacterial infection from developing:

  1. Sea salt. On a glass of warm water you need to take one teaspoon of sea salt, mix thoroughly. Rinse should be one to two times a day, do not make the solution too hot.
  2. Camomile and sage. From chamomile or sage, you can also prepare an infusion for rinsing. One spoonful of medicinal herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insist for 30-40 minutes, strain and cool. Rinse once a day.

If you follow the rules of treatment, the disease will completely go away in a couple of weeks. In general, when monitoring the patient's condition, the likelihood of complications is minimal.

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