Allergy to frost

Allergy to frost can skillfully camouflage for an ordinary cold with symptoms such as nasal congestion, increased lachrymation of the eyes, headaches or bronchospasm. If after moving to a warm room most of the negative manifestations disappear, then with a high degree of probability, you can diagnose the presence of cold allergies. At the moment, scientists have not come to a common opinion, whether there can be such an allergic reaction as such.

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The cold itselffact can not be attributed to allergens. With a sharp drop in temperature in some people, proteins are combined with each other, which provokes an active production of histamine. Aggravated reaction to frost is often associated with abnormal gastrointestinal function, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, maxillary sinuses, pancreas and dysbacteriosis.

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Important! In order to recover from ailment, it is necessary not only to timely eliminate allergy symptoms, but also to eliminate the causes themselves. Increased sensitivity to minus temperatures can be a consequence of various chronic diseases.

How to recognize an allergy to frost

How does the disease manifest itself? Many people first encounter the manifestations of such an allergy in the warm season. After bathing in cold water, a drunk bottle of ice-cold drink or ordinary ice cream, it begins to itch, and blisters appear on the skin. The reaction can begin after a long time in the draft, a sharp drop in temperature conditions or direct contact with cold water.

Allergy to frost is manifested primarily in the open areas of the body, because they are in contact with the provoking factor. It is accompanied by symptoms such as coughing, lethargy, drowsiness, a severe runny nose, fever, vomiting and tachycardia. Reactions most often occur in people older than 20 years and in children under one year. A characteristic sign of the disease is a pinkish-white coating on the exposed areas of the skin in combination with flaking and burning. Also, in case of an allergic reaction to frost, the following symptoms usually occur:

  • with respiratory spasms;
  • sharp pressure jumps;
  • migraines and pressing pains in the temporal region;
  • weakness of the body in combination with general malaise;
  • is a hoarse voice, which is a consequence of the laryngeal edema.

How does the cold allergy look on the open and closed( legs, back) areas of the body? Its external features are easily confused with hives or dermatitis. Distinctive features are severe itching accompanied by swelling, flaking and redness. For the best presentation, you should carefully study the visual material in the photo.

Important! In order to establish a diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a competent dermatologist or allergist. In the case of self-diagnosis, one can easily confuse the manifestations of an allergy with the symptoms of other ailments.

Allergies in childhood

If any of the parents have an allergy to pollen, wool, food or other irritants, then its manifestations may be in the baby. One of the most popular causes of allergic reactions to minus temperatures is a wrong lifestyle. Modern children spend most of the day sitting at a school desk or at home at a computer. Therefore, the immunity is weakened, and the allergy manifests itself on the face, arms and other parts of the body. Various infectious and viral diseases are able to provoke a release of histamine during a temperature drop.

If, after coming home from a cold street, the child's cheeks are markedly strong reddening, and he himself complains of itching and unpleasant sensations at the site of the lesion, then in all likelihood he is allergic to frost. The reaction may be accompanied by oedemas or manifestations similar to conjunctivitis. Negative consequences in the case of untimely care can be the most unpredictable up to anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. Therefore, if after the release to the cold the child's nose becomes sharply stuck, the eyes are very watery and there is an itch, it definitely should be written down to an allergist for an appointment.

How to treat allergy to frost?

Is there a cure for allergy to frost that is guaranteed to get rid of the disease? Unlike other allergens, the cold is nothing more than a provoking factor, which leads to an increased release of histamine. Therefore, official medicine does not yet have a clear idea of ​​how such patients should be treated.

There are several medical assumptions about what measures must be taken to get rid of the allergy to frost. Some doctors recommend that patients stay out of contact with cold air and water as much as possible. To go out on the street in the winter period of the year is only thoroughly warmed. In case of allergic reactions, the use of various antihistamines is allowed. In the most difficult situations, usually prescribed funds with the content of corticosteroid hormones.

Other representatives of both official and alternative medicine, to the question: "what to do in such cases?", Unequivocally answer - to be tempered. The body gradually gets used to the effects of low temperatures, and the development of histamine is significantly reduced until complete cessation. It is necessary to start very smoothly and without haste. After daily wiping with a cold towel, you can gradually proceed to dousing by lowering the degree of water.

Important! Starting a hardening course at home, do not be too fanatical to approach the process. Otherwise, the consequences can be very negative.

The best means to fight the disease

How to treat a disease that causes a number of questions from the doctors themselves? Are there any effective ways to get rid of the disease? Even if the competent person is diagnosed as an "allergy to frost," one intake of antihistamines will clearly not be enough. Tablets stop the symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause. How to deal with the worsening of the disease? Dr. Komarovsky believes that this requires a comprehensive approach, including such factors:

  1. Those who are looking for ways to get rid of the allergy to frost, should pay maximum attention to their diets. Sweet, fried, rich and fatty food depressing affects the intestinal microflora. Chronic failure in the gastrointestinal tract leads to a decline in immunity.
  2. It is important to eat enough of all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  3. It's a good idea to complement the complex of treatment with folk remedies. To remove the itching and swelling of the affected areas of the skin, the aloe plant juice is used. Patients are recommended to use birch sap, as well as a mint or calendula broth with the addition of natural honey.
  4. One of the safest means, having a certain effectiveness in controlling allergy to frost, is the mummy.
  5. Regular physical activity.

Than to smear the amazed sites? Cream for allergy should be prescribed by a doctor, since many drugs have a lot of side effects. Despite the fact that official medicine still does not know how to treat an allergy to frost, its exacerbations can not be tolerated. In case of observance of the above-stated recommendations, at kids and adults there is a huge chance for ever to get rid of an illness.

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