Antihistamines with skin allergies

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Skin contact with certain types of substances causes an unpleasant reaction - allergy. An external stimulus affects the body and causes itching, burning and pain, and other unpleasant sensations. The only way out is antihistamines, with skin allergies, they are the most effective. Not everyone approaches both children, and adults, therefore it is necessary to understand their action and purpose.

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In addition, skin allergy is often similar to ordinarycold, so without the help of a specialist can not do. Remember that you can not take medicines without first consulting with a specialist.

The most common causes of skin rashes are:

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  • pollen of plants - flowers, trees, weeds( in autumn);
  • animal wool;
  • is an allergy to medicines;
  • chemical, cosmetic substances;
  • food additives, preservatives, dyes;
  • foods eaten( allergy to eggs, chocolate, strawberries and other fruits);
  • hereditary factor;
  • temperature changes.

Important! A qualified specialist will immediately start searching for an allergen, an irritant, which causes a negative reaction of the body. Without this, drugs can not be started.

Types and symptoms of skin allergies

Each type of skin allergy is characterized by its own symptoms. They may coincide, but usually they are completely opposite. The most common allergic reactions:

  • urticaria;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis.


The name speaks for itself. With hives, the form of bright pink burns resembles the effects of touching the nettle. Eruptions in a number of cases appear not only on the skin, but on the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue, which makes breathing difficult. The disease affects the gastrointestinal tract, the result is nausea and vomiting.

One of the varieties of hives is called solar. An allergy to the sun appears if the patient has an intolerance to ultraviolet rays. Rashes and redness are observed on the face, in particular - on the eyelids and around the eyes, on the cheeks.

Allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis on the skin starts inflammation. First there are reddening, on the surface of which blisters are bloated. They, in turn, either burst themselves, or are damaged due to careless actions of the patient, combing. After that, small wounds appear, which later harden, turning into crusts on the skin. They begin to peel off.

Several bright symptoms of this disease:

  • photophobia;
  • tear;
  • symptoms of colds - coughing, sneezing, loss of appetite, pallor of the skin.


The appearance of neurodermatitis is strongly influenced by the state of the human nervous system. The risk of developing this skin disease is increased if the patient:

  • is under stress;
  • suffers from mental illness, is prone to depression, frequent changes of mood;
  • is often irritating.

The disease has much in common with allergic dermatitis, for example, the presence of vesicles, however, there are also significant differences. For example, after the appearance of scales, the skin is dried more strongly, itching is observed. He forces the patient to comb the damaged surface of the skin, which leads to bleeding wound. The neurodermite causes insomnia, the level of irritability and anxiety rises.

Because of this, it is difficult to treat skin allergies. In children, neurodermatitis is called diathesis, but this name is erroneous, since diathesis, like the stage of neurodermatitis, is characteristic only of the baby. It is noteworthy that the disease usually occurs just before the age of one. Children older than a year, like adults, suffer exclusively from the neurodermitis.

Treatment of skin allergy

An important component of treatment is the determination of an external stimulus, which is the cause of allergy. To do this, it is necessary to visit a specialist, and in the future to guard against contact with the allergen. It happens that pregnant women have to move away from pets, since pregnancy provokes the appearance of allergies to those substances that used to be absolutely safe.

It is important to remember about rare types of allergies, for example, water. Such intolerance arises in a number of cases, after weakening the body by taking antibiotics, and requires a detailed study of the problem. Therefore, in no case should one engage in self-medication. In addition, drugs against allergies will not remove it completely, they will only remove the main symptoms. For effective treatment it is necessary to deal with the immune system, then the protective properties of the body will rise, and the allergy will recede by itself.

Antihistamines are highly effective. But besides positive aspects( quickly remove the symptoms of allergies) it is important to bear in mind their negative actions:

  • drowsiness;
  • dry skin;
  • atrophy of the dermis;
  • dizziness, shock condition;
  • migraine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite, pale skin.

In addition, many antihistamines are not advised to give babies, to small children and during pregnancy. It is important to study the composition before applying the drug, since the individual components cause the above side effects.

Antihistamines are generally divided into 4 generations. The time of appearance of a drug on the market affects its attribution to one of these categories.

First generation

Preparations of this generation( Suprastin, Dimedrol, Diazolin) require a dose repeat after five to six hours after taking. In addition, they have a wide range of side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to look for medicines that do not cause drowsiness in other categories.

They make the effect of other drugs stronger, reduce tone, cause blurred vision. Such drugs are not recommended for drivers, people who need to focus on something. One of the few pluses - first-generation antihistamines help patients with breathing problems.

Second generation

Second-generation antihistamines( Semprex, Zodak, Fenistil) do not cause such a list of negative effects on the body as the last generation. However, they are strictly contraindicated for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. They should be prescribed only on an outpatient basis.

The second generation drugs quickly remove reddening skin and blisters, eliminate common symptoms of the disease.

Third generation

Third generation drugs( Zirtek, Fexadine, Telfast) as a whole have no contraindications, do not carry such harm as the previous two categories. When is it better to take such medications? For example, with asthma, because the third generation is effective, quickly destroying all the symptoms.

The fourth generation of

Preparations of the new generation( Erius, Fexofenadine) are the safest for the human body. Addiction and drowsiness do not occur, the drug is completely safe for the respiratory system and heart. They do not require re-acceptance five or six hours later, as preparations of the first generation, due to their long-term effects.

Not all medicines of this category are suitable for children under one year, for nursing( with GV) and with lactation, about the adoption of pregnant women should be clarified by the doctor.

Important! To find out which antihistamine drug is best for a child, be sure to consult with a specialist. The child's organism is more susceptible to the substances that make up such drugs. Careless exposure can be very damaging.

What you need to know about antihistamines

Drugs are manufactured in such forms:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • cream and ointment.

You can find injections and preparations in ampoules, but the most popular are the above forms. They usually require external application to effectively remove all redness and rash on the skin.

Children are more likely to be allergic to adults. There are no special "children's" drugs. Instructions for the use of certain medications do not prohibit giving them to the child, but it is much better to consult a doctor individually.

This applies to pregnant, nursing. Most doctors allow the use of antihistamines in this position, but not all medicines are allowed - the composition includes certain prohibited substances. Even a new, fourth generation can do harm.

Price for antihistamines with skin allergies

It's hard to find the best drug. The price can vary from twenty rubles to five hundred or more, but in any case it is not recommended to focus exclusively on the price category - it is important to look at the properties and the generation. Learn the comparative table of popular antihistamines to easily find the right one.

Medication Generation Description Price
Dimedrol First A wide range of side effects( drowsiness, trouble with breathing) 21 руб.
Diazoline 60-100 rub.
Suprastin 140-150 rub.
Semprex Second Do not apply to patients with cardiovascular diseases 140 rub.
Zodak 140-530 rub.
Fenistil 350-460 rub.
Zirtek Third Virtually no contraindications, recommended for asthma 210-430 rub.
Fexadine 295-230 rub.
Telfast 440-650 rub.
Erius 4th Virtually has no contraindications 300-600 rub.
Fexofenadine 500-600 rub.

Important! Not all drugs are cheap. Do not be guided by the purchase of those that are inexpensive, because you can not save on your health.

The most valuable thing that any person has is health. With the help of antihistamines, you can cope with obstacles along the way to a happy and painless lifestyle - allergic reactions. The most important thing is to coordinate the treatment with the doctor, follow all his instructions and limit contact with the irritant. Be healthy!

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