Toothache in pregnancy: how to anesthetize

Pregnancy is not just a trembling expectation of a baby's appearance. But also a strong stress for the body. During this period, a woman may become aggravated by many chronic diseases. And even appear those that previously did not bother.

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Toothache causes a lot of unpleasant sensations in everyday life. And during pregnancy, this problem generally seems insoluble. The medicine can not be used, serious dental interventions are also unacceptable. How can I remove a toothache during pregnancy?

What can I do at home with problems with my teeth?

Painful sensations during pregnancy can cause as many unpleasant consequences as taking some medications. Mom's discomfort is transmitted to the baby. Therefore, any manifestation of the painful syndrome requires the fastest possible relief.

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At home, you can try to cope with the pain of improvised means, use the recommendations of herbalists. Medication can also be used. But not all and not always.

First trimester

In the early stages( in the first trimester), the embryo begins the formation of vital organs and the central nervous system. Therefore, doctors recommend not taking any medications. It is better to use folk methods, which we will describe further. Only with unbearable pain to the tooth can apply half a tablet of analgin. And immediately consult a doctor.

Second trimester

The safest time for any medication is the second trimester. Allowed taking pain medications, such as analgin, spasmalgon.

Important! Complex treatment can be conducted in the second trimester. To remove the teeth, use local anesthetic drugs, which do not harm the health and development of the fetus.

Third trimester

In later terms( in the third trimester), the future mother and baby very badly endure stressful situations. Therefore, it is better to stop pain with medication. Because a visit to a doctor can provoke premature delivery.

What can not be done:

  • used to treat honey - can accelerate the development of caries;
  • to warm up - the inflammation will start to progress;
  • apply aspirin to the gums - a burn may occur;
  • take alcohol;
  • rinse mouth with iodine solution.

What medications can I use for pregnant women?

To combat toothache, a woman in position at any time can use medicines in the form of tablets or ointments( gels).Especially it concerns the moments when the sharp toothache has overtaken.

Tablets from toothache during pregnancy:

  • analgin - to eliminate the pain of just one tablet;
  • Paracetamol is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug;
  • spasmalgon and baralgin - can help only with minor pain. They take off cramps. The medicine is taken strictly after a meal, it needs to be washed down with plenty of water;
  • nurofen( ibuprofen) - well eliminates inflammation and acute pain. You can take up to 3 times a day;
  • no-spa is the safest drug, it is often prescribed to women in a position with pain of various origins. The drug will cope with any dental inflammation and pain. Take 2 tablets twice a day.

Ointments and gels for removal of dental inflammations are mostly forbidden for pregnant women. Because they contain bee and snake venom, dimexide. The exception is only gels that help children with teething( calgel).

Important! When taking any medications, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage. The rule of the more, the better with the medications does not work.

Folk remedies

The most proven home prescription for tooth discomfort is a salt and soda rinse solution. Components can be used either individually or together.

For this, in a glass of warm water it is necessary to dissolve 5 g of dry component. Rinsing is necessary often, several times an hour before the disappearance of unpleasant sensations.


Grind 10 g of onions and garlic, add 3 g of salt. Stir everything to a homogeneous structure. Screw into a natural fabric, attach to the harassing place. The pain will subside in less than half an hour.

Infusion of onion husk

  1. Wash off 15 g of husk with hot water.
  2. Brew it in 470 ml of boiling water.
  3. Put on a small fire, boil for 3 minutes.
  4. The broth should be infused for at least 10 hours.

Use for rinsing in the morning and evening. This remedy is well suited for prevention. You can use it throughout your pregnancy.


Garlic is the most ancient and effective way to eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. A cleaned tooth can be attached directly to the tooth. Or fix it to the wrist in the place where the veins pulsate. If the tooth is bothering on the right, the garlic is attached to the left arm.

Before use, the vegetable must be wrapped in gauze.


Beets can be used in raw or cooked form. Fresh vegetable clean, cut into small, thin slices. Attach to the inflamed gum.

You can clean the beet thoroughly from dirt, wash it with boiled water. Then root the root. The broth should be used for rinsing every 40 minutes. The pain noticeably releases after the second application.


Squeeze out the juice from fresh cucumber. Helps get rid of periodontal disease. Use as a rinse aid. Mix 25 ml juice of turnips and carrots. Rinse your mouth with the appearance of caries.


Make inhalation with steam from cooked potatoes. The broth can also be used for rinsing.

Pharmaceutical preparations

Many products for compresses are available, they can be found in almost every home. Compression is made from a cotton ball, which is applied to the gums near the troubling tooth.

As solutions you can use:

  • tincture of propolis, calendula, valerian - propolis can also be used in melted form, or simply chew a small piece;
  • tooth drops;
  • a mixture of Vietnamese balsam( Asterisks) with vegetable oil - first soak the cotton disc with oil, apply balsam over top;
  • fir or sea-buckthorn oil.

In 10 ml of water, stir 10 ml of 1% hydrogen peroxide. Use for rinsing with acute inflammation and swelling. If only 3% peroxide is available, it must first be diluted with water one third.

Natural remedies

To combat dental diseases you can use chamomile, St. John's Wort, plantain, calendula, horsetail. The medicine from these herbs is prepared equally. You can use several components.

  1. In 220 ml of boiling water, fill 10 grams of raw material. Cover with lid, leave until completely cooled. In a strained form, rinse the inflamed areas several times a day.
  2. Plantain can be used fresh. To do this, rinse the leaves, rinse. Twist the tourniquet and put in the ear from the side of the inflammatory process in the gums.
  3. You can squeeze out the juice from the leaves of plantain. Lubricate them with a gum with an inflamed tooth every 1.5 hours.

A good anesthetic effect is possessed by some houseplants - aloe, pelargonium, calanchoe, geranium. The leaf should be washed, slightly discarded( before the appearance of the juice) and apply a focus of inflammation.

Important! If a wisdom tooth has begun to erupt during pregnancy, you can lubricate the inflamed gum with a green.

Preventative measures

If it was not possible to visit a doctor before pregnancy, then it should be done as soon as possible. He will be able to assess the condition of the teeth. And make recommendations for dental care and nutrition.

Ways to keep your teeth healthy during pregnancy:

  • increase calcium intake - in addition to special vitamin complexes with calcium, you need to consume more dairy products, hard cheese and nuts;
  • to introduce in the daily care of the oral cavity additional means - saliva of pregnant women is more viscous, insufficiently protects the teeth;
  • use dental floss after each meal;
  • to carry out massage of gums with the help of pads of fingers - this improves the movement of blood.

During pregnancy, the brush should be changed every 4 weeks. Toothpastes should be two. One - with fluoride, calcium and antibacterial agents. The other is with plant components.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to visit the dentist three times. And you should not ignore these visits. Any inflammation can lead to complete destruction of the tooth and reproduction of pathogens. All this will negatively affect the immunity of mom and baby. Therefore, the best solution for the removal of dental pain during pregnancy is fast visiting a doctor.

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