Allergy Tablets: List

Allergy is a specific reaction of the human body to certain irritants. Today, this disease is very common, and its manifestations have a negative impact on health. In order to stop the symptoms and prevent repeated exacerbations, modern medicine uses a number of special methods. The greatest effectiveness of this therapy is achieved through the use of special drugs. The list of allergy pills will be superfluous to all people suffering from reactions to various irritants.

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The principle of action of tablets against allergies

Allergic reactions are dangerous because of theirdevelopment in the body is the formation of a foreign protein, which causes most of the complications. The disease can manifest itself in the form of damage to the tissues of the organs and eyes, respiratory disorders and rashes on the skin. Complex treatment involves not only rapid relief of symptoms, but also a number of preventive measures to prevent repeated exacerbations.

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If the first time getting into the body, the allergen does not cause any special complications, then in case of its repeated exposure, histamine is released, which leads to severe manifestations of allergic reactions. By activating certain receptors, this substance can cause disturbances in the work of various body systems. All tablets act on a similar principle, blocking the activity of receptors that produce histamine. In this case, he loses the opportunity to damage the tissues.

Important! Any tablets taken from an allergy should be agreed directly with your doctor. An independent decision to take this or that remedy can cause serious damage to the body.

What is better to buy tablets

Prices for pharmaceutical antiallergic agents range from 150 to 650 rubles. The means themselves are divided into homeopathic, hormonal and antihistamines. Tablets that stop the production of histamine, and are presented in the modern market, there are the following varieties:

  • preparations with anti-edema, which are actively used to treat allergic congestion of the nose, accompanied by edema of the mucous membranes;
  • a number of homeopathic remedies against allergies, which are used as part of complex effects in combination with specially selected medications;
  • drugs that reduce the production of histamine by stabilizing the mast cell membrane;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs affecting the production of adrenal glucocorticosteroid hormones;
  • antihistamines of various generations, blocking the receptors responsible for the production of histamine.

The first generation of

Allergy drugs, which belong to the first generation, are used for many years and have both advantages and disadvantages. The funds of this group are relatively fast, from a quarter to half an hour from the time of admission, and are excellent at coping with the symptoms of allergies. Of the shortcomings the most significant are: the development of withdrawal symptoms with prolonged use, retardation, tachycardia and drowsiness. The following preparations are best known:

  1. Suprastin. These cheap tablets over a relatively short period of time eliminate such symptoms, such as puffiness, cramps and itching. Effective even in case of anaphylactic shock.
  2. Tavegil. It is less a side analogue of Diphenhydramine, however, the effect of the drug disappears in a few hours, unlike the means of the new generation, which allow to stop symptoms more than a day after a single use.
  3. Dimedrol. Has high efficiency and anesthetic properties. Has a number of side effects, such as lethargy, drowsiness, dry mouth and problems with urination.

. The next generation of

. Pharmaceuticals belonging to this group have a minimal risk of developing an abstinence syndrome and fewer side effects. The effect of second-generation drugs lasts much longer, so the patient takes from one to two tablets per day. The drawbacks of these pills include a high load on a number of internal organs and high cardiotoxicity. The most popular drugs in this group are:

  1. Claritin. Has a wide age range, and is suitable for almost everyone: from one-year-old children to the elderly. Action begins quickly, while Claritin does not cause such damage to the cardiovascular system, as preparations of the first generation. Sedation is absent.
  2. Another pill that does not cause drowsiness is Fenistil. After using the drug, the patient does not feel fatigue and lethargy.
  3. Histalong. Despite its high effectiveness in stopping the symptoms of allergies, it has a number of side effects and can cause arrhythmia.

This is important! Allergists all over the world, prescribing antihistamines for children, are inclined to the preparations of the second group. Often, the course of treatment is accompanied by the reception of additional funds that remove toxic substances from the body.

The latest generation of drugs

This group of drugs at the current time is the most popular and in demand. It is believed that unlike the previous two generations, modern tablets cause less damage to the human body and are not addictive. Tablets contain active metabolites, which only after entering the body take the form of a dosage form. In the case of a well-chosen treatment regimen, antihistamine therapy with drugs of the third generation can last up to several months without the risk of developing an abstinence syndrome.

They are prescribed for young children and in pregnancy, because they have a minimum of side effects. Do not have a depressing effect on the cardiovascular system. The list of the best allergy tablets that belong to this group is as follows:

  1. Cetrin. It has a high efficiency in stopping allergic symptoms and lasts for a long period of time. This drug can be used by patients who have kidney problems.
  2. Zirtek. One of the most popular drugs for allergies to the skin and various dermatitis. It has no antiserotonin properties, but there are no recorded cases of getting used to Zirtek at the moment.
  3. Fexofenadine. It is an analogue of Telfast, which does not exert a pronounced inhibitory effect on the state of the nervous system and brain.

Features of the use of tablets from the allergy

In the case of chronic allergies, specialists usually designate membrane stabilizers. They are actively used to treat atopic dermatitis, eczema and asthmatic bronchitis. Tablets from sun allergies can quickly get rid of the symptoms of a reaction to ultraviolet, however, for treatment it is necessary to take complex measures with increasing the natural defenses of the body. Tablets, which contain hormones, are not used in all types of allergic reactions. Usually they are prescribed only in the most extreme cases, when the weaker drugs do not have the proper effect.

From food allergies can be successfully saved with the help of inexpensive antihistamines of the second and third groups. It is impossible to single out one best and universal tool that will be a favorite among other analogues. Each drug should be administered according to the individual characteristics of the patient and the response to side effects and components. Together with antihistamines, anti-edematous preparations are often prescribed, which facilitate inflammation of the mucous membranes and symptoms of hyperemia. It is also necessary to adhere to a special diet without irritants, causing an exacerbation of allergies.

For the youngest children under the age of one year, the use of any antihistamine tablets is not recommended. Treatment is best done using folk medicine and herbal decoctions. In severe cases, you can use ointment or an external remedy against allergies.

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