Cold allergy: symptoms, treatment

For some people, the word "cold" means a terrible sentence. The allergy is guilty, that is shown in the period of temperature decrease. In no case should not ignore such a disease;it is important to determine its availability in time to be able to protect yourself. It is necessary to study such a phenomenon as an allergy to cold: the symptoms, the treatment of which recalls childhood, when parents were forbidden to go for a long time in cold water, were against walking without a warm scarf - there is little fun, of course, but one must understand how to treat such a problem asget rid of it forever.

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However, it is only the consequences of such an allergy that can be frightened - a lethal outcome in the worst case. Is the disease? No, it is not tolerated by man, it is rarely transmitted hereditarily, is not chronic. In children and adults, it manifests itself individually. How many people live with allergies? How many and the rest, if they adhere to the rules of conduct in the frosty season.

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Causes of cold allergy

Allergy occurs when the body responds to an external factor. In the case of cold, the protective settings are exhausted or lost, so cells at the surface of the skin begin to throw out histamine to protect a person - this is how typical allergenic reactions occur.

The main causes of cold allergy are as follows:

  • as mentioned above, weakened immunity( due to prolonged use of antibiotics);
  • the presence of a chronic disease - caries, asthma;
  • stressful situations, experiences, overstrain, psychological problems;
  • presence of helminths;
  • infectious diseases - measles, mumps, rubella;
  • stomach and intestinal problems;
  • is sometimes a hereditary factor.

Important! At the heart of the allergy in the cold season most often lies some debilitating disease that "takes" the strength of the body.

Symptoms of cold allergy

After the temperature drops, the first symptoms of an allergy to cold appear. Windy weather, moist air only contribute to the disease. Several other factors that have weight:

  • a sharp movement from warm to cold and vice versa;
  • contact with cold water;
  • drinking cool drinks, cool food;
  • neglect of warm clothes, despite the cold weather.

The rate of appearance of the first symptoms depends on the sensitivity of the skin of a person, on the stress resistance, heredity and other causes described above. Sometimes the effects of allergies disappear rather quickly, while others last for several days, or even more.

Thus, the symptoms of cold allergy are:

  • various skin manifestations - allergy on the face, rashes on the hands and feet, severe itching, swelling, blisters, scaling of the skin, pain in the areas of the skin that were uncovered;
  • malaise as with cold - cough, runny nose( manifestation of cold rhinitis, one of the types of cold allergies), weakness, severe headache;
  • mucosal edema;
  • for particularly severe manifestations - suffocation;because of the swelling of mucous membranes, breathing becomes difficult, possibly shock, pre-occlusive.

How to distinguish an allergy from other diseases, because its symptoms are similar to those of a cold? Check for high temperature. With an allergy to cold, unlike pneumonia, it is not observed. Still try to test the skin for sensitivity - put an ice cube on the forearm on the inside, where the skin is most suitable for testing. If you soon feel pain, and then there are typical symptoms of allergies( redness you will see most quickly), you have such a disease.

Important! In a child( especially in a baby) allergy manifestations will be noticeable much faster - his skin is more sensitive than an adult. As the famous pediatrician Komarovsky says, reddening can be even on the inner surface of the thighs, shins, knees, manifest in the form of hives. Limbs swell much more often.

The stages of cold allergy manifestation

The first stage passes unobtrusively - the process of skin sensitization takes place, it becomes sensitive, reacts to a certain allergen, in this case, the cold is to blame. With the repeated introduction of the stimulus, the next stage begins.

The second stage. The first signs of an allergy appear - the skin turns red, the vessels dilate. The organism corresponds to the formation of biologically active substances.

Third stage. The disease manifests itself most vividly, including all symptoms - the mucous membranes and limbs swell. Irritated, flaky, reddening, skin hurts.

Cold allergy types

  1. Cold rhinitis. It is often confused with a cold, because the patient begins a runny nose with abundant discharge of mucous.
  2. Cold urticaria. The most common type of allergy. How is it manifested? The patient complains of pain in the areas that were open in the cold( usually the face - cheeks, forehead, hands, sometimes neck, shoulders).Further nearby places are smoothly affected, which did not come into contact with the lowered temperature. The name is due to the fact that the burns that form with cold urticaria are very similar to blisters from the nettle.
  3. Cold conjunctivitis. What it is? Appears in the eyes, as well as uncontrolled tearing. The appearance is only in the cold season. Bathing in cold water, eating cold food does not matter.
  4. Cold dermatitis. The skin becomes covered with a crust, which almost immediately begins to peel, the legs, hands, and the whole body are scratched.
  5. Cold Asthma. When it begins to suffocate in cold weather, so this species is the most dangerous. In the absence of timely medical assistance, a lethal outcome is possible.

Important! If you have any symptoms of cold asthma, you should consult a doctor immediately, because it is not recommended to stay out of the house during a low temperature with such ailment, and there is a risk of severe complications.

Consequences of cold allergy

It is important to follow the safety rules in the cold, this will be discussed below. The fact is that allergy symptoms can be fatal for some patients - for example, if a person with such an ailment swims in cold water, then a faint may occur. It will cause a fatal outcome - drowning.

Another example is the use of cold drinks and food. The patient is categorically forbidden to use them, if he knows that with cold allergies, he starts swelling of mucous membranes. Instantly breathe will become heavier, which can lead to suffocation. If at that moment there was a piece of food in your mouth, then a fatal outcome is possible.

A few more consequences of such an allergy:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pre-occlusive condition;
  • shock state;
  • increased heart rate.

Treatment of cold allergy

As such, allergy treatment methods do not exist. Then how to deal with it? The fact is that everything comes down to certain preventive measures, the purpose of which is to increase immunity, and also protect your body in the cold season. Yes, it is possible to do without an operation! Especially neat need to be girls during pregnancy - take care of yourself if you know that you have a tendency to allergies, because at that moment your body is weakened doubly, because half of the vital energy you give to your baby.

Important! Antihistamines( Tavegil, Suprastin) are addictive, and also severely affect metabolism, liver and nervous system in general.

Therefore, as medicines can only use those drugs that, in fact, are aimed only at eliminating certain symptoms of allergy. These include:

  • ointment from dermatitis Gistan or La Cree - up to 200 rubles;
  • auxiliary medicine( skin allergy - irritation, redness) Panthenol and / or Depanthenol( cream for allergies) - up to 200-300 rubles.

With folk remedies, such an allergy can also be treated. It will be much more useful than antihistamines, because the body will not suffer so much from addiction. You can use celery - its freshly squeezed juice should be consumed three times a day, on a spoon, before eating. Blueberry berries also help in the fight against allergies - rub them and apply to affected areas as a compress.

Some people are helped by sunflower seeds, as well as simple red beets. They help to increase the body's defense responses, so in winter they need to eat more, and from beet it is worth squeezing the juice and drinking half the glass three times a day.

Rules that should be observed

  1. Dress warmly when walking. Do not neglect the advice of friends and family: it is really better to wind some scarves than to suffer from terrible skin rashes.
  2. Do not breathe through your mouth and do not lick your lips. Accustom yourself to the fact that outside the house you can breathe only through the nose. Do inhalations at the usual pace, in no case can you inhale the air deeply.
  3. Before going out, drink some warming drink - tea or cocoa.
  4. Keep track of what you eat. The diet should be balanced, then the immunity will only increase, and the ailment will eventually recede. Add more nuts, fish, vitamins to the menu.
  5. Gradually strengthen and temper your body, starting in the summer. And then you will transfer a cold season many times easier.
  6. Also before the release, lubricate the face with any fat cream. For lips you need to use hygiene lipstick.

Your health depends only on you. Therefore it is important to start treatment on time so as not to run an allergy and not let it control your life.

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