Wen on the neck: causes, symptoms, how to get rid, treatment

Wen is a lipoma, a benign neoplasm that can arise for various reasons. The basis of the tumor that forms under the skin is fatty tissue. Lipoma can arise almost anywhere, especially often they appear on the back, on the face, a common phenomenon - a fatty gland on the neck. It is worth knowing how to get rid of it correctly, than this condition can be dangerous.

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What does a neoplasm look like? On the neck, it is easier to detect, the lipoma is a fairly soft tumor that is under the skin. Over time, the growth may increase in size, large tumors can reach seven centimeters in diameter. In most cases, the lipoma has a regular round shape.

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Normally, pain, signs of inflammation in this disease are absent, a fatty gland on the back of the neck can be generally inconspicuous for a person for a long time, since it practically does not manifest itself at all. For this reason, often lipoma is considered an exclusively cosmetic defect, although at times such neoplasms are torn and inflamed, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. In rare exceptional cases, the neoplasm degenerates into a malignant tumor.

In older people, the formation of a lump in the neck can lead to a rather specific disease - Madelung's neck. Most often this syndrome occurs in older men, in this case lipomas form around the neck ring, often merging in the process. At later stages, the patient is not able to turn his head completely because of neoplasms.

Important! In no case should you try to remove or open the wen on your neck yourself.

Reasons for

It is difficult to identify the exact reasons for the formation of lipomas by specialists. Often, such tumors occur in women during the menopause, so sometimes this disease is associated with hormonal disorders in humans. For the same reason, lipomas can occur in adolescents during puberty against the background of endocrine disorders.

A fatty gland on the neck of a child can be an extremely worrying symptom, since in this case the appearance of a lipoma may indicate low immunity. Other factors influencing the formation of tumors are bad nutrition, the presence of bad habits, the violation of metabolic processes in the body.

What is the danger of a wen on the neck?

Are lipomas dangerous if they occur in the neck? The neoplasms themselves are harmless enough, the probability of their degeneration into a malignant tumor is extremely small. However, more adipose cells in the neck can lead to severe limitation of mobility, especially if there are several, they form fusions.

It is also worth remembering that with external influences, pressure, head turns, the wen may be damaged, the integrity of the tumor capsule is broken, which will lead to its rupture. Rupture of the tumor can lead to the development of an inflammatory process, which requires an urgent intervention of a specialist.

Therefore, when a lipoma is found, you should immediately go to remove it. Especially when you consider that over time neoplasms can continue to grow, when they are small, they can be removed much easier and painlessly, the larger the tumor, the more unpleasant and harder the removal process will be.

Important! If the adipose grows very quickly, it indicates a possible malignant degeneration, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Which doctor heals?

If a tumor is found on the neck, consult a surgeon. If a child has a baby, then he should go to the pediatrician. After a visual examination and examination that will help confirm that it is the lipoma, the lesion is usually removed. Depending on the size of the wen, this can be done by various methods.

If the adipose on the neck is inflamed, there is pain, the tumor swells, reddens, the temperature rises, it is better to immediately call for an ambulance. A rupture of a grease, especially a large one, can seriously damage your health.

How to remove adipose - treatment

At home, try not to open subcutaneous adipose tissue, this can lead to serious consequences. It is better to immediately consult a specialist and choose the appropriate method of removal. All methods used to date are quite effective, they help to avoid recurrence of the disease, after the procedure, the recovery period is quite short.

  1. Removing the contents of the lipoma capsule using a syringe. This method can be used only for small weners with a size of not more than ten millimeters. In this case, a needle is introduced into the tumor, through which the contents of the tumor are pumped out. The procedure is carried out quickly, there is almost no trace, anesthesia is not required.
  2. Laser treatment. This method is the most painless and effective, it can also be used for small tumors. It may take several procedures, there are usually no traces after this method. However, the disadvantage of such treatment can be called its high cost in most cases.
  3. Surgical intervention. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia, this method is required in large neoplasms, which can not be removed with a laser or using a syringe. In this case, open the capsule of the tumor and remove the contents, often extract the capsule, because otherwise there is a chance of a relapse.

These are the main methods of fighting wounds on the neck. The remaining methods are not so effective. For some time after the procedure, it is advised to follow the area of ​​tumor formation, if it begins to grow again, the operation will need to be carried out again, and also to establish the cause of the repeated growth of the tumor. Repeated tumor growth can occur if its capsule has not been removed.

Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to establish the exact causes of lipoma, after the removal it is advised to adhere to the right balanced diet. It is also advisable to cure diseases that may be associated with metabolism and hormonal background.

How to get rid at home?

You can try to remove a tumor at home if it does not reach a centimeter in diameter. With the help of various means it is possible to improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the wen, which can provoke its resorption. However, it should be taken into account that the same factor can lead to its active growth, therefore in this case it is necessary to be careful.

At home, you can use folk remedies. Basically - various compresses and lotions. It is worth remembering that the tumor should never be rubbed, it can lead to rupture of the capsule and inflammatory process. All means should be used with caution.

  1. Compress on the basis of honey. In place of the dummy, you must apply a thin layer of honey, cover the gauze, folded in several layers, wrap the food film. Keep the compress is a few hours.
  2. Garlic and vegetable oil. One slice should be grated, mixed with a few spoons of vegetable oil, applied to the lipoma area, wrapped with a bandage or gauze. Hold no more than an hour.

Also it is necessary to be engaged in strengthening of an organism as a whole, in it national means can help. During and after the treatment of the disease it is useful to drink the broth of dogrose. A small handful of dried fruits should be poured a few cups of boiling water, then a little more to cook on low heat. The broth is ready, honey can be added to it, diluted with water to taste.

If, despite home treatment, the tumor continues to grow, pain occurs, other symptoms, it is worth stopping self-therapy and immediately see a doctor for qualified help.

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