The main causes of dizziness and methods of elimination in men and women

1 Vertigo in men

A strong half of mankind suffers from vertigo quite often, despite the fact that this ailment in the people is considered a kind of "prerogative" for women. The most common cause of dizziness in men is alcohol abuse. Excessive doses of this "sweet poison" often become the cause of their death. The male organism experiences constant intoxication and reacts to it with dizziness, attacks of nausea, and sometimes a complete disconnection of consciousness.

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Other causes of dizziness lie in the social sphere, the sphere of activity of many men. Work on harmful industries, associated with the constant inhalation of various chemicals often leads to the fact that not only the head turns, but there are other unpleasant consequences, even to half-asleep states. Alas, different personal protective equipment does not always help to get rid of such conditions, despite the fact that not all of these funds meet modern requirements. In addition to this, there is another factor, namely, work on wear and tear. It's no secret that many modern men are in a state of permanent stress, connected with the desire to earn more for the family. Constant thoughts about earnings, about money deprive a man of healthy sleep and appetite. Against the background of physical and emotional fatigue, not only dizziness, but also frequent headaches may occur, which in turn may be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

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Most men try not to show their emotions too much, believing that such behavior is the destiny of weak women. Such stereotyped behavior can lead to very unpleasant consequences. The lack of a correct reaction to external stimuli is a common cause of a short century of a strong half of humanity, and frequent dizziness is only the first messenger of the fact that negative processes have begun in the male body.

The work of many men is quite often connected with long journeys or flights. Constant changes in climate, living conditions, the general rhythm of life can also provoke vertigo along with headaches.

Pre-infarction and pre-stroke states can also start with dizziness. According to statistics, it is the male patients that are most in cardio-dispensaries. Dizziness is often accompanied by pain of the heart muscle. With such dual symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

3 Etiology of the disease

But is it just for these reasons that people get dizzy? Of course not. There is a whole list of serious ailments and abnormalities, which are accompanied by such a manifestation. Alas, they suffer from both men and women.

One of the first places among the causes of frequent dizziness is migraine. Acute phases of the manifestation of this disease are accompanied by malfunctions in the circulation of certain zones of the brain. Patients feel acute headaches, nausea, light and noise. When these people are dizzy, it means that an acute attack of migraine is just around the corner. In the adolescent period, acute headaches may not be, but dizziness is very strong, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

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Another common cause of vertigo is Manier's disease. In addition to dizziness, it is common to diagnose a one-sided hearing loss. Over time, the hearing disappears completely. The causes of the disease are different: trauma, tumors, allergies. This disease is characterized by severe dizziness, which does not subside for several days, even when the patient lies. These dizziness are accompanied by noise and ringing in the ears.

Osteochondrosis is a disease that is very "in love" with office workers and people spending a lot of time at the computer. The cervical spine in these people experiences a permanent load. The neck muscles also suffer, the circulatory process is disrupted. This disease leads to a violation of blood pressure, dizziness can be replaced by acute pain in different parts of the head, nausea and vomiting are frequent, and in some cases - memory problems and semi-fainting conditions.

The head also dizzies for various abnormalities in the vestibular apparatus. These lesions are of a different nature and are associated with different factors. However, doctors identify a number of common symptoms:

  • loss of coordination;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • sudden weakness;
  • sharp darkening in the eyes.

Quite often, patients suffering from dizziness are diagnosed with vestibular neuritis. In this disease, the internal-ear nerve, which breaks the passage of impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system, is inflamed. The cause of this ailment is often various viral infections. Vestibular neuritis is accompanied not only by dizziness, but also by fever, a runny nose, a cough and sore throat.

To date, the frequent cause of vertigo is vegetative dysfunction. It is a nervous breakdown that manifests itself when a person tries to stand up or turn sharply.

Often the root causes of dizziness lie in psychosomatic disorders. A striking example is agoraphobia - the fear of open spaces or a large crowd of people. This disease can overcome a lonely person in the declining years, rarely leaving his home.

Also, people over 50 often have hypertension( high blood pressure).The harbinger of the arrival of this disease is precisely the suddenness of dizziness.

The most dangerous dizziness is considered to be those that arise from a brain tumor. Headaches intensify in the morning, the patient may lose hearing and vision, upper and lower limbs refuse. In the case of such symptoms, a person is immediately hospitalized.

Other common causes of dizziness include:

  • abuse of medicines that can cause these unpleasant symptoms;
  • consequences of craniocerebral injuries during intensive training in contact sports;
  • state of chronic stress or depression( in this case, the constant finding of the psyche "on the brink" can lead to various physiological disorders of the whole organism).

Separately, it is necessary to distinguish between motion sickness and motion sickness syndrome, which children suffer so often. Vertigo, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, occur during transport by transport, especially water or air. Quite often this disease passes by itself over the years, and to date there are many medications that can well cure these unpleasant symptoms.

2 Causes of the disease in women

Other cause of dizziness in women. Monthly hemorrhages often provoke anemia, as the level of hemoglobin decreases drastically. The brain lacks oxygen, which causes turbidity. In addition, that the head is spinning, the menstrual period can be accompanied by frequent mood swings, depressions and even disorientation in the space of many women.

Menopause is also one of the most common causes of dizziness in the weaker half of humanity. In this period sharp pressure jumps are noted, the central nervous system is overexcited. That's why the head is spinning. Against this background there is often strong sweating, attacks of chills, a general decline in strength, nausea.


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Often dizziness worries women and at different stages of pregnancy. Many future mothers in the early days feel light dizziness, which sometimes accompanied by nausea. In later terms, such conditions are explained by the increased size of the uterus, which compresses the venous vessels. Blood is pumped up weaker, and oxygen saturation of the brain is somewhat reduced. In some cases, the percentage of glucose in the blood drops sharply in women during pregnancy. In this case, consult your doctor.

4 Medical measures

It should be noted right away that there is no special treatment for dizziness. You need to treat the cause, not its symptoms. Surveys of one's own organism should be carried out comprehensively, starting with a trip to the therapist, who can then redirect the patient to other specialists. Dizziness often starts suddenly. If a vertigo has captured a person indoors, you need to sit down or take a horizontal position and cover your eyes. In the street, try to find some kind of support and lean on it.

In some cases vestibulitic drugs, antihistamines, sedatives and restorative medications are prescribed to stop dizziness and sudden loss of balance.

Among the drugs that successfully combat dizziness and related nausea and vomiting, we should mention "Metoclopramide" and "Betagistin."The latter very well stimulates the blood supply to the inner ear and releases the neurotransmitters.

If serious pathologies are not diagnosed, you can and should strengthen the vestibular apparatus yourself. Exercise is very simple. It is enough to go in a straight line, while turning your head in different directions. The main thing is that this exercise is conducted at least 5 minutes systematically.

5 Recipes of traditional medicine

Coping with attacks of dizziness and defeat them help recipes of traditional medicine. A syrup of dandelion medicinal is good in this sense. For this purpose, the plant is harvested at the end of spring. A syrup is prepared, based on equal parts of the plant and sugar. Dandelion flowers are interspersed with sugar layer by layer. The resulting mixture is stored in a glass jar in a cool dark place. The syrup is drunk for 1 tsp.necessarily with the addition of 50 ml of boiled water.

Well helps with dizziness and mummies. It should be mixed with natural cow butter, milk and honey. The course of treatment with such infusion is one month. To fix the therapeutic effect, it can be repeated after 10 days.

Not bad helps a decoction of birch buds, immortelle. Plants need to be crushed well. The broth is infused for 24 hours, after filtering it is ready for use.

In addition to taking these or other medicines, you need to streamline your lifestyle. First, seriously fight bad habits, try to sleep at least 8 hours a day, pay more attention to the diet, focusing on greens, fruits and vegetables, excluding "heavy" meals. Develop a stress resistance, engage in respiratory gymnastics, and if necessary, take a course of psychological rehabilitation from a good specialist.

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