Than to treat bedsores in bedridden patients: at home, in a hospital

If a person is forced to stay in bed, the first thing to remember is that there is a risk of bedsores. This trouble is easier to warn than to overcome later.

People caring for lying patients, it is useful to get acquainted with the topic of what to do if bedsores did happen. This article is intended to tell you how to deal with bedsores in a bed-patient, how to treat them, and how to avoid such a problem.

Stages of pathology

Bedsores can appear on the body of a patient already for two hours lying in one pose. Pressing of body tissues of body weight to the bed surface causes their poor nutrition and is the reason for the disturbance in them of normal processes of vital activity up to necrosis.

Negative processes proceed successively from small reddening to severe purulent wounds. Experts divided the transformations that occur with tissues in bedsores, into four stages.

  1. The first stage of the is the initial and easiest. If you provide assistance at this stage, you can succeed with small efforts. The signs of the first stage of the lesion are red spots on the protruding parts of the body, which touch when lying with the bed. Redness does not go away for a while, and when you press your finger in this area there is no pale trail left. Swelling of the reddened part of the body can also be observed.
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  2. That the negative process has passed to of the second stage of is indicated by the appearance of sores or blisters on the reddened surface.
  3. On the of the third stage of , inflammation occurs at the site of skin damage. You can get an open wound filled with pus. In this period of progressing decubitus, the skin on the inflamed focus completely disappears from the necrotic processes taking place in it. The pathological process encompasses muscle tissue and the fat layer.
  4. The fourth stage of has the same problems as the third stage, but with the extension to deeper layers. The tendons are already damaged, and the inflammatory process can also cover the adjacent bones.

And now let's find out how to get rid of decubitus in a bedridden patient.

The bedsore stages

How and what to treat bedsores in recumbent patients

Modern medicine targets people caring for lying patients to perform preventive actions to prevent the occurrence of bedsores. It is important to note the beginning of bedsore as early as possible in order to take measures to localize and stop the pathological process.

Treatment of decubitus is given depending on the stage at which the pathology is located. And at each stage the patient's help has its own peculiarities. So, how to apply pressure bedsore to a lying patient, what is the most effective treatment for treatment?

On how to treat pressure sores in a bed-patient at home, this video will tell:

At home

To begin with, we will tell you about the actions and the best remedies for decongestants in bed patients at the first stage of the disease.

The first stage of

When the disease did not come out in its development during the second stage, the help can very well be provided at home. If redness is detected, the patient is rotated so that the place where the problem is noted does not experience pressure on his surface.

  • The problem area is trying to arrange this by turning the patient so that there is no contact either with the bed or with the clothes. If necessary, use special anti-decubitus pads in the form of circles, in which case it can be ensured that the affected area is located on the weight.
  • It is allowed to mash places around the redness zone, but the surface of the hyperemic skin should not be massaged. At this stage, small efforts can be made to prevent the development of more severe forms of pressure sores.
  • It is therefore important to maintain the integrity of the skin, so that the appearance of wound does not occur.

Affected area should be kept dry, can be lubricated approximately once every two hours by such means:

  • sea buckthorn oil,
  • camphor alcohol,
  • tincture of Japanese Sophora.

For titles and prices for creams, sprays, ointments and other medicines for decubitus for bedridden patients of the second stage, read below.

The second stage of

In the second stage, caring for the lesion consists of such actions:

  • prolezhen washed with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine,
  • impose a bandage of such materials:
    • on gauze apply one of the ointments:
      • Levosin,
      • Actovegin,
      • Levomekol,
      • Solcoseryl;
    • uses special bandages in the form of a self-adhesive( they do not stick to the wound and collect the excretions from it):
      • Cosmopod
      • or Tegaderm,
    • can be used for applications, they will require some material costs, but substances with wound healing properties, included in their composition, significantlyaccelerate the healing of the affected tissue, an example of such a tool - Multiferm;
    • well use hydrogel dressings, for example, Hydrosorb;such a means maintain the required moisture in the wound surface, acts healing and creates a sparing regimen for the patient site;
  • in a general way to prevent bedsores and relieve the condition when they appear is the use of a mattress for bed patients from bedsores.

If folk remedies and medicines for bedsores for recumbent patients do not help, then it is worth immediately contacting a doctor.

On what the nurse performs in the treatment of decubitus in a bed-ridden patient, this video will tell:

In the hospital

If the negative processes in the bedsore reached the third stage, then from this period, the surgeon's help is needed for their healing, so it is advisable to stay in the hospital. The third and fourth stage of pressure ulcers differ in the depth of the lesion.

The specialist conducts the following activities:

  • wound is cleaned of dead tissue, such actions are necessary to stop the spread of the necrosis process to neighboring areas;
  • for the cleaned wound, bandages are applied which are required for the specific case:
    • absorbent dressings( Biaten) - if there is a need to pull moisture and necrotic masses from the wound;
    • wound healing dressings( Protex-TM).

Also a reason for hospital treatment is the situation when pressure sores cause complications. It can be:

  • infection in the subcutaneous fat,
  • sepsis,
  • inflammatory infectious process in the bones.

All these conditions are very dangerous and require special treatment in a hospital. Sepsis is a defeat of the whole organism. There is a disease from getting purulent bacteria into the blood.

The cause of sepsis are the mistakes made in caring for purulent wounds. The problem can be fatal. For the treatment of sepsis, specialists apply complex methods with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

  • At the stage of infection in the subcutaneous tissue to prevent meningitis or sepsis an operation is prescribed.
  • We advise you to also learn from doctors about the prophylaxis of bedsores in bedridden patients. This can be very useful.

On the prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients and their treatment tells in detail this video:

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