Intra-flow papilloma of the mammary glands: symptoms and treatment

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Women's health requires special attention. Due to its characteristics, the female body is subject to various risks and diseases. Hormonal failures, the influence of bad habits, the environment and many other reasons, can adversely affect the body.

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One of the woman's diseases is intra-flowpapilloma of mammary glands. It is a small growth inside the breast. Separate into single( solitary) and multiple. In the case of several growths, papillomatosis is diagnosed. Most often this formation is benign, externally similar to a cyst, inside is filled with a liquid with an admixture of blood. There are central papillomas( located in the nipple and areola area) and peripheral( located remotely from the areola).

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Symptoms of the disease

Among the main symptoms are:

  • smearing discharge from the chest, they are yellowish, brown, greenish, transparent;
  • soreness of the nipple;
  • is probed for compaction in the tissue of the breast in the region of the main ducts.

Papilloma can be small in size( about 2 mm) and can reach larger seals. Often occur without any visible symptoms and are found during routine examinations.

Important! Papillomas under the armpits - this is another kind of manifestation of the virus. We already wrote about the treatment of the papilloma virus in women.

Causes of

There is no clear idea of ​​the occurrence of this disease. There are several factors that influence the development of the papilloma, these are:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • abnormal ovarian function;
  • mastopathy;
  • obesity;
  • in the risk group of a woman with bad habits and not giving birth;
  • abortions;
  • use of hormonal contraception;
  • heredity.

Important! These are only supposed causes and they do not always lead to the formation of intrapropatic papilloma.

Every woman should regularly make a self examination of the breast. This is a simple procedure that can be done at home. With light pressure, examine the entire chest, with this examination, pay attention to the following:

  • chest hardness. Normally, the mammary gland should be soft and painless. If you feel discomfort when pressing, you need to consult a mammologist;
  • skin condition. It should not be tied up, swollen, flaky;Skin changes can talk about hormonal disorders;
  • inflammation and redness on the mammary glands;
  • seals, even very small ones. If as a result of the examination you have groped at least the slightest seals, this is the reason to turn to the doctor;
  • discharge from the nipple, tenderness of the chest. Normally, there should be no discharge from the mammary glands.

If you find yourself experiencing such symptoms, be sure to schedule a trip to the hospital in the near future.

Diagnosis of papilloma within the ducts of the chest

In our time, there are quite a few ways to diagnose intraserval papilloma. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Palpation of mammary glands by an experienced specialist. During this examination, the doctor may suspect the presence of the disease and send the patient to a further examination.
  2. Investigation of the secretion of the gland secretion. Allocations are checked, and in case of abnormalities, the patient is referred for cancer research.
  3. DOCTORS.This is mammography X-ray examination of mammary glands, in particular, their ducts. The
  4. ultrasound is indicated for a deep examination of the mammary glands, if the lesions are small in size( less than 5 mm).The ultrasound method is popular because of the availability, safety and accurate results.
  5. Review mammography. This is the transmission of breast tissue and closely located lymph nodes. This study is conducted to women after 35 years of age not more than 2 times a year, and women after 50 years each year.
  6. MRI.This is an auxiliary study of the picture of a breast disease that helps doctors, will establish a more accurate diagnosis. MRI does not replace mammography and ultrasound, rather complements it.

Important! Every woman, especially after the period of maturation, should visit the mammologist regularly. This will help to identify diseases in the early stages and prevent their development.

Can treatment take place at home?

For this type of disease, home treatment is not indicated. Since the papilloma is a precancerous entity, its treatment is performed by the method of surgical intervention. An important task of the doctor is to convince the patient of the safety of this operation, to give a positive attitude. Often women are extremely upset by this course of events, they are afraid that their breasts will be disfigured by a scalpel.

After the conversation with the patient and the mood for a positive result, the doctor conducts a sectoral resection, this is the removal of formations by the incision method. The papilloma is removed with the capture of surrounding tissues. This is done so that the growths do not happen again. The incision is made along the areola, this helps open the ducts for their exploration. If there are indications for deletion, they are deleted.

After the operation, the seized tissues are analyzed for the presence of cancer cells. If the tests are normal, the patient can undergo further rehabilitation at home. This shows rest, proper nutrition, intake of vitamins and( if necessary) certain medications.

Important! After a time appointed by a doctor, you need to undergo a series of examinations and take tests to determine the further course of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

Before you try to heal intraprostatic papilloma by yourself, be sure to visit a doctor and make sure that the neoplasms are not malignant. Only if the analysis showed that the growth of benign can be resorted to the following methods:

  1. Use of antiviral drugs. It is known that in some cases, papilloma occurs as a result of viral infections.
  2. The intake of vitamins, especially C and E.
  3. The use of antitumor drugs.

These funds include funds for the following recipes from traditional medicine.

Based on

wine Recipe 1:

  1. 100 grams of red wine, 100 grams of apple juice, half a lemon and 1 clove of garlic.
  2. To make a lemon grate or grind in a blender, pour it into a warm wine, add apple juice.
  3. Mix thoroughly and let stand for a few minutes.
  4. After adding crushed garlic and set aside in a cool place for 3-5 hours. Take the medication in the morning or evening.

Recipe 2:

  1. 1 glass of red wine, 1 lemon, 2 cloves of garlic, 2-3 peas of black pepper, red pepper on the tip of a spoon.
  2. All components, except garlic, mix in enameled dishes, bring to a boil on low heat, boil for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Then remove from heat, cool, then add garlic, pre-chopping it.

Insist 3-5 hours, take a glass once a day, preferably before going to bed.

Tincture of celandine grass

For 1 liter of boiling water pour a tablespoon of celandine grass. Boil 10-15 minutes, remove from heat, drain, let it take 2-3 hours. Take 2 times a day for half a glass.

Alcoholic tincture of calendula

Season flowers of Calendula with diluted medical alcohol, leave to stand for 12 hours in a dark, cool place. Take 2-3 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon.

Important! In case of treatment with folk remedies, visit the doctor regularly. Analyzes and examination of the doctor will not allow the deterioration of the course of the disease.


Prevention of this disease is a regular visit to a female doctor, timely treatment of hormonal disorders. At an early age, the examination should be carried out. Also, the pledge of women's health is an active lifestyle, healthy eating and rejection of bad habits. Take care of your health, this will help you avoid many unwanted diseases.

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