Genital warts: treatment at home

One of a variety of warts is genital warts that are formed on the genitalia of both men and women. To find them is simple: in men they are located on the head, bridle, more often around the anus, and in women: labia, vagina and anus. In connection with the peculiarity of such an arrangement, it is necessary to approach extremely cautiously the treatment of genital warts at home.

Related articles:
  • Condylomata in women: photo and treatment of disease
  • Condylomatosis: genital warts in women, causes and treatment
  • Condylomata in men: effective treatments
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Attention! Before starting treatment, contact your healthcare provider for advice from a urologist or gynecologist!

Treatment of genital warts at home

With an integrated approach to treating genital warts, recovery can be achieved very quickly. This includes:

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  • medication;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • folk remedies.

Medicamentous treatment of condylomas

At home, you can use some medicines that have an acid composition and cause the withering of tissues with condyloma. For example, solutions such as Condiline, Condilin or Podophyllotoxin have good efficacy.

Take a special applicator and gently apply the remedy to the wart, do not wipe. Repeat the procedure daily, in the morning and in the evening, for three days. Then take a break for 4-5 days. If during this time the condyloma has not disappeared, then repeat the course of treatment for three more days with a break, and so until complete recovery.

Warning! Drugs are acidic, so make sure that the product does not get into the healthy areas of the tissue.

In case of treatment in places where there is no possibility to independently carry out the procedure, ask for help from a loved one or an outpatient clinic.

Antiviral therapy

The main direction of antiviral therapy is the restoration or correction of human immunity. Genital warts are a viral disease caused by papillomavirus infection, so it is necessary to activate the protective properties of the body.

Take medicines to strengthen immunity, which have in their composition herbal ingredients. Here is a list of some of them:

  • tincture of Eleutherococcus;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • is immunal;
  • tincture of ginseng and others.

Start sticking to a simple diet - reduce the number of fatty and fried foods, limit yourself to sweet, savory, spicy and salty foods. Refill the diet with fish, sour-milk products, fruits and dishes from vegetables.

Do not forget that to strengthen immunity it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is recommended to refuse or reduce the number of smoked cigarettes. Do not drink alcohol during treatment. More time to spend in the fresh air and exercise.

In the field of genital warts can be used drugs that have antiviral and immunostimulating action. For example:

  • gel Panavir;
  • ointment Bonafton;
  • cream of Aldara;
  • liniment of cycloferon;
  • allomedine hydrogel;
  • Epigen spray.

Spray the area of ​​infection with any of the proposed drugs daily for an hour before the procedure of cauterization. Conduct a course of treatment without interruption until complete recovery.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the complex treatment of genital warts, do not ignore the use of folk remedies. Especially they can effectively help women who plan pregnancy or are preparing to become mothers, as using cauterizing medications in their case is contraindicated.

Treatment with iodine

Condylomata at home can be cauterized by simple, accessible methods, for example, using iodine for this. Its effect is similar to preparations with a chemical composition, but it is more safe. Iodine can quickly and without pain remove warts, drying their tissues and destroying whole colonies.

  1. Take a wand to clean the ears, and dipped in a solution of iodine.
  2. Carefully, without touching healthy tissue, bring it to the condyloma and hold on top of it a few seconds. As a result, it should turn brown.
  3. Carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening, until the condyloma falls off itself.

Negligent treatment of iodine can lead to a burn of healthy tissue with scarring, so be careful!

Warning! This method is contraindicated in those with personal intolerance or an allergy to iodine!

Treatment with celandine

No less effective can be used celandine at home in the treatment of genital warts. This folk way is based on the use of alcohol tincture or pure plant juice.

At the end of spring - early summer, it is quite easy to find a fresh young celandine, which can be used to cauterize warts. Take a few branches of the plant and break them on ramifications. You will see how the orange-yellow juice celandine emerges from the stem. Bring it to the viral wart and cauterize, as well as iodine. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day, with each time you need to take a new plant.

But what if there is no way to get a fresh celandine or in the courtyard of the cold? The output can be the use of alcohol tincture from celandine.

  • buy in the pharmacy 50 g of dry plant;
  • thoroughly chop and pour 100 ml of medical alcohol or 200 ml of vodka.

Insist celandine 5-7 days in a dark cool place. Strain the tincture and you can gently, not getting on a healthy skin, curing condylomas.

Warning! The method of cauterization of celandine is used only at the early stage of the formation of viral warts, when only single warts appeared. When the colonies grow, the effectiveness decreases!

Treatment of garlic

Get rid of genital warts in men and women at home will help garlic. Young formations of viral warts can be cauterized with a few drops of juice. Take 3-4 small cloves of garlic, grate them on a grater or pass through a garlic press. From the resulting squash squeeze the juice. Do the procedure 2-3 times a day until they fall off.

In a neglected form, when entire colonies of genital warts were formed, it is appropriate to apply garlic compress. To do this, cut a few small - according to the size of the colony - plates from garlic and attach directly to the warts. You can fix the compress with a sticking plaster( if necessary, pre-cut the hair with scissors).

Onion treatment

A good result can be achieved if you treat the condyloma with onions. It has an antiviral property and burns the colonies well. Take a small onion, cut into two halves and pour 100 ml of vinegar. Insist 10 hours - or do for the night - and you can apply.

For a better effect, the bulb should be slightly warmed, make a plate and apply the compress on a sore spot. Repeat the procedure before going to bed for one week.

Warning! If the complex of measures does not help to recover from genital warts within one month, then surgical intervention is necessary.

And in conclusion I want to say

Viral papilloma, which affects the human body, is practically not cured. But this does not mean that with its manifestations - warts, pointed condylomas, etc., it is not worth fighting. Strengthening immunity, taking medications and folk remedies can significantly reduce the risk of re-manifestation of the virus.

Quite often a person does not even suspect that it is the carrier of this virus, since it can be transmitted from mother to child. And only under favorable conditions( reduced immunity), it can manifest.

Remember that genital warts can only be transmitted sexually, so avoid indiscriminate sexual intercourse or prevent condoms!

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