Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine

Schisandra is an ornamental plant that is valued not only on garden beds, but also in folk practice of treatment against diseases associated with inflammatory processes. More commonly used tincture of magnolia vine, because alcohol is a good absorbent of nutrients and active ingredients from the plant. The therapeutic drug has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also successfully fights against fungi, microbes, providing antimicrobial, antitumor and antioxidant effects. Lemongrass favorably affects the digestive processes, excites the central nervous system, which leads to the ability to work and strengthen all organs of sensitivity.

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Application of tincture atdiseases

Thanks to its medicinal properties, Chinese magnolia vine has become very popular among folk healers. Tincture of the plant is used for various diseases of the body, for raising the immunity and not only. Consider what diseases you can treat and recipes.

Protection of immunity

To ensure the body's homeostasis at the cellular level will help the alcohol tincture of lemonger berries. It stimulates the immune system, increases efficiency, stimulates concentration of attention, has a smooth tonic effect, helps to normalize sleep.

Note! Drivers who are often at night driving, including truckers, can raise visual acuity with the help of regular intake of tincture of lemongrass with alcohol. Prepare the medicine from the dry berries of the plant, cutting them in half and filling them with a high-alcohol beverage. Ingredients are taken in the following ratio: 100 g of fruit and 500 ml of alcohol. Insist it 21 days and take 20-40 drops( depending on the weight) 3 times a day before meals, previously diluting the drug with water.

Against cardiovascular disorders

To protect the heart tissue and adjust blood pressure, circulate blood in the body, expand and strengthen the blood vessels at home, it is also possible with tincture of magnolia vine. It is prepared as well as for raising the immunity( you can buy at the pharmacy), but the dosage is increased to 45 drops per 1 reception.

Over the use of this drug, it is worth considering to those who are at the disposal of atherosclerosis and disorders of regulation of the vascular tone of the VNS.

In case of abnormalities of the digestive tract

Fruits of magnolia vine, which are infused with alcohol, can improve the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, cope with diarrhea.

Please note! The plant contains tannins, which are involved in the process of protecting the cells from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, they have astringent properties, which allows Chinese schizandra to use in the treatment of gums, digestive disorders, skin lesions.

The tincture of Schisandra seeds is as follows: 20 gr of seeds in a blender, pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Cooking time - 10 days. Apply 20-30 drops on an empty stomach, previously diluted in water.

This composition has choleretic effect, so it can be used for disorders of the gallbladder, as well as liver and kidney diseases.

How to prepare a medicine for the respiratory system

Rather, it will not be medicine, but tea that will help to defeat the common cold, spring avitaminosis, a prolonged cough. For its preparation, use leaves, bark and shoots in a dry form.10-15 g of raw material is poured with boiling water and insist 5 minutes. Drink a cup of tea for one meal 2 times a day.

Drink is used as an auxiliary for inflammation of the lungs and asthma.

With fatigue and nervous exhaustion,

Defeat fatigue and improve physical and mental performance, cope with depressive, apathetic condition, overcome drowsiness is capable of tincture from the leaves of the plant. It is prepared according to the following recipe: grass - 1 part, alcohol - 3 parts. Insist about 10 days and take 20-30 drops 1 time in the morning, before eating.

Important! The use of alcohol droplets has a powerful stimulation on the immune system, which contributes to the body's resistance to viruses, radiation, atmospheric pressure and cold. It is for these reasons, this drug is prescribed even after surgery, severe injuries, asthenia.

With the decay of forces use another recipe: 2 tbsp.l.seeds pour 2 incomplete cups of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour, filter and drink before eating 2 tbsp.spoons. The course of treatment is 1 month, if necessary, take a break for 2 weeks and continue treatment.

For sexual dysfunction in men

The medicinal properties of the tincture have proved themselves in the treatment of diseases of the vas deferens and infertility. Useful alcohol on Chinese magnolia vine for men with increased libido and sexual power.

  1. This recipe uses a fruit( 20 g) and seeds powdered( 10 g).
  2. Ingredients are mixed and poured with alcohol( 100 ml), I insist 10 days and use 30 drops 3 times a day, on an empty stomach.

Important! Instruction for use warns of possible allergic reactions to components, so it is recommended to perform a sensitivity test before use.

You can not prepare the drug at home, but buy it at the pharmacy. On an empty stomach take 1 tbsp.spoon and watch the reaction in half an hour. If within 5 hours there were no side effects in the form of headache, nausea, skin rash, then the body will take a good medicine.

What helps Chinese magnolia-tea to men? Stress, physical and mental fatigue affect the quality of sexual contact. A seed powder, which must be regularly consumed, provided that there are no contraindications, can reduce fatigue, stress and experience.

For women during the period of labor

The use of tincture of Chinese magnolia vine as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure during lactation and pregnancy is strictly prohibited. The plant includes substances that can stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus, as a result - premature birth. But during labor, it can help women to give birth faster and safer. How to use? The appointment is made only by an obstetrician, at certain intervals of labor.

For children

The curative property of Schisandra is not inferior to any synthetic drug that stimulates the nervous system, therefore, before 12 years, children are forbidden to use tincture. Side effects are: insomnia, overexcitation, excessive activity.

The tincture on alcohol

is dangerous. The use of the tincture is undeniable, but under certain circumstances it can harm the body. It is better to reject it for people suffering from such diseases as hypertension, epilepsy, tachycardia, mental disorders.

The danger of Schizandra is its unforeseen effects: first it can even help, but after 2-3 weeks of regular intake, when the substances in the plant are stored in the body, it can do harm. With a sharp deterioration in the general condition, nausea, vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Contraindication to the use of

Since the action of the plant is directed to the excitation of the nervous system, the following diseases are contraindications to use: arterial hypertension, insomnia, increased excitability, acute viral diseases, epilepsy, hepatic insufficiency.

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