Endogenous Depression: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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The majority of the inhabitants of the planet suffer from depressions from time to time. Endogenous depression is considered a very serious disease that causes suffering to the patient, as well as to his family, relatives. The disease proceeds with pronounced signs, therefore it completely changes the patient's usual life. It is hard to cure, requires an integrated approach.

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What is endogenous depression

The condition in which a prolonged period of a person is experiencing a decrease in motor and also mental activity, a depressed mood is called depression. Depression is endogenous and exogenous.

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Endogenous depression is an internal disease caused by a lack of hormones, as well as some substances in the brain. It occurs due to disruptions in the brain, endocrine and nervous system.

The main causes of the emergence of

The main factor in the development of endogenous depression is a genetic predisposition.

In addition, you can note the following reasons for the formation of the disease

  1. Psychological problems. This type of depression most often occurs without special reasons, on an equal footing. However, due to increased anxiety, lowering the level of certain hormones, the disease can arise from any event that is insignificant for an ordinary person.
    For example, due to the change of the pores of the year, professional failure or quarrel with close people.
  2. Character accentuation. This disease occurs in people with special traits. Most often in the risk group fall into suspicious, uncertain or pedantic and responsible people.
  3. Diseases of the nervous system or violations of the hormonal level. The patient has a decrease in the production of hormones, which are responsible for the emotional state. This leads to the fact that a person stops enjoying the various incidents that occur in his everyday life. Patients cease to feel joy from listening to music, favorite food, walking in the fresh air, playing sports.

In addition to all the glitches in the hormonal background lead to fatigue, deterioration in physical condition, regular weakness and weakness.

Symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage of the disease occurs without significant signs, therefore it is one of the most dangerous mental disorders. As a rule, the disease develops gradually.

Important! If a person closes, refuses all entertainments, complains of constant fatigue, as well as the desire to do something urgently need to see a doctor, perhaps it is the symptoms of a beginning depression.

All of the above signs are written off for vitamin deficiency, fatigue, suffered stress or difficulties in the family, at work. Nobody supports a person, does not help as a result of which his condition is aggravated. Developed endogenous depression and relationships with her husband, relatives deteriorate. Gradually there are severe symptoms of the disease.

Slow-motion thinking

The hormonal changes that occur in the body have a negative effect on motor skills. The patient starts to talk slowly, and also to think. In addition, he feels personal worthlessness, guilt, delusions or hypochondriacal phenomena may arise. And also there can be hallucinogenic representations, visions.

Inhibition of motor functions

All actions are very slow. In some cases, excitement may occur, due to which a person is able to damage himself or commit suicide.

Low mood

The most characteristic symptom of this disease is a reduced mood. The patient feels sadness, heartache. All this affects the perception - the surrounding world seems unreal, gray.
In addition, the patient may have trouble sleeping:

  • a person falls asleep heavily;
  • is very sensitive;
  • wakes up early, without feeling rest after sleep.

Symptoms of endogenous depression for a long period are pronounced. They do not disappear on their own, but require treatment. Without timely treatment, the disease can develop into a chronic form or the patient is able to attempt suicide.

This disease can occur with periodic exacerbations arising independently, for no apparent reason.

Diagnosis of a depressed state

The disease is difficult to diagnose, because in the early stages it proceeds without any visible symptoms. Most often, the patient discovers depression already in neglected form.

For the accurate diagnosis, the physician uses the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Anamnesis. The doctor, communicating with the patient, focuses on his experiences, utterances. The patient during the dialogue with the doctor should understand that they want to help him. He must fully trust the doctor, as well as adhere to his recommendations. This approach will reduce the risk of suicide.
  2. In addition to the conversation, the doctor appoints an examination to identify the causes of depression: measures the hormonal balance, the presence of anemia or occupational hazards.
  3. Dexamethasone test. This method helps determine the level of cortisol after taking Dexamethasone.
  4. Sleep phase failures are tracked.

And also with this depressive state there are violations of biorhythms.

Treatment of the disease

There is an opinion that endogenous depression is incurable. However, this opinion is erroneous. The patient does not enjoy life, and alone can not overcome anguish, mental suffering. Treatment of such a serious condition is carried out strictly on the orders of a psychiatrist and under his supervision.

Complex cure helps to cure the disease: taking medications and psychotherapy.

Treatment with

Today drugs are produced that can return a patient to a previous life. Drug therapy is the basis of the treatment of ailment. Drugs that help overcome depression, activate motor and mental activity are called antidepressants.

Treatment with antidepressants can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Tricyclic antidepressants. This includes Amitriptyline, Azafen, Imipramine. These drugs lead to an increase in the number of hormones. But they also sedatively affect the nervous system, help to get rid of feelings of anxiety, improve mood, and also sleep. Because of the pronounced effect on the body, this group is able to provoke a decrease in blood pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness and is not suitable for everyone.
  2. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: Selegiline, Pyrlindole, Inproniazide. These drugs reduce the activity of monoamine oxidase, due to which the body increases the number of certain hormones, improves the mood of the patient. To obtain an effective result, it is recommended to adhere to a diet, to give up alcohol, coffee containing drinks, tea, as well as certain medications. The results of treatment become noticeable after about 3 weeks.
  3. Inhibitors of reuptake of serotonin. This group includes: Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine. Taking the drugs of the group helps block the recapture of the hormone. Reception of such agents practically does not cause side effects.

If depression is resistant to antidepressants, the doctor can prescribe:

  • medications to stabilize the mood;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • antioxidants to relieve fear, anxiety;
  • antipsychotics to reduce aggression, psychomotor agitation, and improve the patient's perception of the environment.

In addition to medicines, psychotherapy, 40-hour insomnia, folk and homeopathic remedies are used.

Treatment with homeopathy

Recently, treatment is offered without antidepressants, with the help of homeopathic remedies: Nevocheel, Ignacy Gommakord, Notta. Treatment with these drugs lasts more than a month.

Important! Any independent treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

When endogenous depression doctors recommend increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits of bright colors. In the initial stage, as well as in the mild course of the disease, herbal therapy is effectively used.

Important! In severe cases, as well as in neglected conditions, treatment with folk remedies alone will not bring the desired results.

Prophylaxis and prognosis of the disease

To prevent depression, it is recommended that antidepressants be taken in small doses.

Important! Any antidepressant should be taken with a doctor.

And it is also recommended to avoid night work, excessive mental stress, not to abuse alcohol, to lead the correct way of life.

Depression can occur in many ways. The success of treatment largely depends on the patient, his environment. The prognosis for this condition is not very favorable. The cause of the disease is inside the human body, so it is difficult to treat. However, timely treatment can reduce the severity of symptoms, prevent the development of complications.

A patient who is in endogenous depression is often unable to fight the disease on his own. About this must be remembered, try to help him defeat the disease. During the treatment, support of relatives and friends is very important. If the patient is positive about recovery, then it will quickly come.

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