Causes, symptoms and treatment of pulmonary hypertension

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1 Classification of the disease

Primarily this pathology is divided into primary and secondary. If we go deep into the classification of this disease and take into account the understanding of all its mechanisms, pulmonary hypertension includes such unpleasant species as:

  • pulmonary arterial hypertension, which today is much more common in patients than others;
  • is a so-called venous hypertension;
  • capillary pulmonary hemangiomatosis;
  • hypertension, as a result of which the patient is affected by the left chambers of the heart;
  • on the background of some diseases of the entire respiratory system;
  • is a chronic thromboembolic;
  • does not have a clear mechanism of development.

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Most often the patient has arterial LH, which in turn can manifest itself in such forms as:

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  • idiopathic;
  • is hereditary;
  • is medicamentous, toxic;
  • is associated with many connective tissue diseases;
  • persistent pulmonary hypertension in children, newborns.

2 Etiology of the onset of

The causes of pulmonary hypertension can be very diverse, but at the same time, experts have not yet identified the factors leading to the primary form of pathology, as it is rare in patients. Specialists so far only suggest that all kinds of autoimmune ailments and disorders of the homeostasis system can cause the development of primary LH.

The functions of the endothelium of pulmonary vessels can be violated as a result of a hereditary predisposition of a person to a given disease or its development can be influenced by certain external damaging factors. In any case, during the occurrence of LH, the patient's metabolism balance significantly changes. In addition, there are changes in the vascular tone in the direction of spasm, after which the process of inflammation begins, as a result of which the proliferation of endothelium. After this, the patient significantly reduces the size of the lumen of the arteries.

3 Signs of the pathology of

If we talk about the signs of this disease, then we must remember that moderate pulmonary hypertension, the symptoms of which do not manifest themselves too clearly, is a great danger. The main signs of pronounced LH can be determined only at late stages of development, at a time when pulmonary arterial pressure is rapidly increasing, that is, it becomes 2 or even 3 times higher than normal.

The initial symptoms of PH are considered to be:

  1. Unexplained attacks of dyspnea that can occur in a patient even in the process of minor physical actions, and sometimes even when he is in a state of complete rest.
  2. A person begins to lose weight significantly, even if his diet is normal.
  3. In the process of developing this disease a person begins to feel a strong weakness and even impotence. At this time, his mood is subdued and completely independent of weather conditions, season and time.
  4. The patient with LH has a constant dry cough, the voice is hoarse.
  5. At the time of development of the disease, the patient often suffers discomfort in the abdominal region, he has a feeling of heaviness and abdominal distension.
  6. In the process of developing pulmonary hypertension, the patient often experiences dizziness and fainting. Specialists say that at this time, oxygen starvation of the brain can occur.
  7. Palpitations significantly increased. After a certain period of time, the person can clearly observe the pulsation of veins on the neck.

If the hypertension begins to manifest at a late stage of development, then in this case it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Sputum begins to stand out with the presence of blood, there is a blood-splitting. This indicates that the patient develops a progressive pulmonary edema.
  2. Angina attacks can be seen.
  3. Arrhythmia of atrial type may be observed.


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4 The degree of development of the disease

LH can be classified according to a variety of different symptoms. The main signs of pulmonary hypertension are already known, but what stages does it have and how is it classified?

Specialists claim that there are 3 main degrees of LH, including transient, stable, and stable, in which the circulatory insufficiency is very pronounced.

Pulmonary hypertension of the 1st degree is a condition characterized by the fact that in the course of its development the patient has not only clinical but also radiographic signs. With the development of this stage of the disease, specialists will pay close attention to primary and not very significant signs of a patient's external respiratory failure.

In the second stage of development, a person will have shortness of breath, dizziness. In addition, if there is pulmonary hypertension, some other symptoms are possible.

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No matter how scary it may sound, a disease like pulmonary hypertension can occur not only in adults, but also in newborns. The main cause of the onset of the disease in an infant is in the characteristics of the pulmonary system. In the process of a baby's birth, a fairly sharp jump in intravascular pressure occurs in his pulmonary artery. This is the result of the flow of blood to the opened lungs and the pulmonary circulation at the same time. It is just such a sharp jump and is the primary cause of the formation and development of PH in a newborn child.

5 Treatment actions

If a person has a disease such as pulmonary hypertension, treatment for this unpleasant illness should only occur in a complex. In the process, all possible general recommendations should be combined, which contribute to risk reduction, specialists should be provided with correct and adequate therapy. In addition, the patient should be assigned all kinds of symptomatic drugs and remedies, which initially will affect the common manifestations of the disease.

Moreover, if there is a special need for this, then all surgical methods and methods of treatment should be involved. Also, you can safely resort to various methods of traditional and alternative medicine, but precisely as an aid.

Specialists often prescribe diuretics that can remove all unnecessary liquid from the patient's body. Under the influence of such a preparation, the patient significantly reduces the load on the heart, and edema decreases.

In addition, it is customary to use all kinds of thrombolytics that help dissolve the existing thrombi. Moreover, thanks to the admission of these drugs, it is possible to prevent the formation of new blood clots.

Often experts prescribe the intake of oxygen, some vasodilator drugs, prostaglandins and other drugs that contribute to the maintenance of human health with pulmonary hypertension.

6 Traditional methods of therapy

In the treatment of traditional medicine can act as an auxiliary therapy. So, you can use the fruits of red ashberry. To do this, take 1st.l.fruits and pour them 1 cup of boiled water. Take such a decoction should be 0.5 cup three times a day. Thanks to the fruits of the medicinal plant, the patient will begin to decrease puffiness, and the whole set of minerals, which is contained in the berries of red mountain ash, will have a health-improving effect on the body.

You can safely use the grass of spring Adonis.

To do this, take 1 tsp.raw and pour it 1 cup of boiled water. After this, let the composition infuse for 2 hours. To take such a medicinal folk remedy is necessary for 2 tbsp.l., exclusively on an empty stomach for 2 or even 3 times a day. This drug is used as an anesthetic and diuretic.

It will be a good idea to take fresh pumpkin juice, which should be consumed by 0.5 cups a day.

Treatment of PH is necessary under the strict supervision of a specialist.

7 What is the prognosis of doctors about recovery?

Most often, the prognosis of pulmonary hypertension is unfavorable. If you believe the statistics, then about 20% of registered cases of LH for patients result in a fatal outcome. For the realization of the prognosis, the role of the given disease plays an important role. If to speak about LH 2 degrees, the prognosis is not very comforting, since 15% of patients die within just a few years from the moment when specialists diagnosed.

No less important factor, from which you can make plans for the future, are the indicators of average pressure that is observed in the pulmonary artery.

The prognosis may be favorable in the case when:

  • the rate of development of symptoms of pulmonary hypertension is not large enough;
  • treatment, which was given to the patient by a specialist, gives a positive result, and the general condition of a person is significantly improved;
  • in the process of treatment pulmonary pressure in the patient is normalized, in other words - significantly reduced.

The prognosis will be very unfavorable if:

  • symptomatology of this disease will continue its active development;
  • if signs of decompensation of the circulatory system will increase;
  • the level of pressure in the pulmonary artery will be very high;
  • primary idiopathic PH is observed.

In order to make a general prognosis, it will be sufficient for specialists to know the form of LH, and also to calculate the phase of the prevailing disease.

In order to get rid of pulmonary hypertension, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist in time so that he, in turn, can determine the presence of the disease at its early stage of development. And for this, each person needs to undergo a full medical examination at least once a year. And in no case should not engage in self-medication.

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