Astrocytoma of the brain: types, stages, symptoms and ways of treatment

Tumor diseases of the brain are commonly called "gliomas."Astrocytomas are one of the most common varieties of gliomas. Usually, the tumor affects extremely important glial cells, which are the main supporting components of the central nervous system.

This tumor can develop almost anywhere in the brain, from the cerebellum and to the fibers of the optic nerve. And since more than half of cases of astrocytoma is characterized by doctors as malignant, treatment of this disease should begin immediately.

Risk factors for

There are the following factors that increase the possibility of developing a tumor in a person:

  • Cancer viruses and diseases associated with them;
  • Exposure to radioactive exposure. In patients with another type of cancer, who previously underwent several courses of radiotherapy, the risk of developing astrocytoma of the brain increases several fold;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Age of the patient;
  • Degree of developing tumor;
  • The size of the astrocytoma and its location.
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For each of the factors described above, it depends on how successful the treatment will be, and the patient's chances before and after the removal of the tumor are assessed.

The lowest rates in patients aged, with a high degree of development of astrocytomas.

As you know, older people pay enough attention to their health, but often engage in self-medication.

It should be noted that the development of this tumor does not depend on the age of the patient, because it can appear in young children and in older people.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of this type of tumor are quite extensive, because the manifestation of certain signs will depend on the location of the astrocytoma.

And at the initial stages the tumor can not manifest itself in any way. Sometimes the symptoms appear only when it has reached considerable proportions.

The following signs of astrocytoma can be identified:

  • The appearance of pain, the focus of which can be concentrated in different parts of the head. The effect of painkillers in any doses is not manifested;
  • The onset of visual disorders;
  • Nausea, the onset of vomiting;
  • Convulsions;
  • Memory attenuation;
  • Change in character, personality, frequent mood swings;
  • Violations of speech;
  • Development of general weakness or weakness in the limbs;
  • Violation of coordination or gait;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Problems with writing;
  • Difficulty in the work of fine finger mechanics.

These symptoms may be fits or persistent. This also depends on the location of the tumor cells in the brain.

Tumors of the brain are: primary, which develops from the tissues of the brain, its membranes and cranial nerves( glioblastoma, glioma);secondary - tumors of metastatic origin. Glyoblastoma is an inoperable brain tumor that is difficult to treat. The whole truth about primary and secondary brain tumors.

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Causes of the onset of

The reasons for the development of the neoplasm are still not fully understood. Doctors and scientists were able to identify only the factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  1. The presence of certain concomitant diseases, for example, such as tuberculous or tubercle sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, von Hippel-Landau syndrome;
  2. Work on harmful to health production( disposal of radioactive waste, oil and gas processing industry, chemical production);
  3. Immunity system disorders.

The possibility of becoming infected with this form of brain tumor is increased if several others are added to the one described above. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the doctor to identify the astrocytoma at early stages, and also to prevent its development into a malignant tumor.

This is especially true for people who are at risk and have inherited or acquired predisposition to it.

Diagnostic methods

There are several basic methods that help to diagnose a tumor developing in the brain, as well as to recognize its stage. This includes the following diagnostic principles:

  • Tomography .It, in turn, is divided into several types, with which it is possible to make an astrocytoma study:
    1. magnetic resonance. One of the most accurate studies. Thanks to him, the doctor will be able to recognize the degree of malignancy, because the areas of the tumor will be highlighted. The brightest and most intense color will highlight the tissues that feed the astrocyte;
    2. computer. This method is based on roentgenology and is a layered image of all brain structures. With the help of this study, the peculiarities of the location of the tumor and its structure are revealed;
    3. positron emission. Before starting the study, a small dose of radioactive glucose is injected into the human vein. It will serve as an indicator by means of which it is easy to identify the location of the tumor. This glucose will accumulate in places of tumors of low and high malignancy, and the first will absorb less sugar. With the help of this method, the effectiveness of ongoing treatment is also revealed.
  • Biopsy .This method of tumor research involves taking a piece of diseased tissue and examining it. It is after the biopsy that the final diagnosis is established. Tumor tissue for this study is obtained by surgery or by endoscopy;
  • Angiography of consists in the introduction of a special dye, by means of which it is possible to identify vessels feeding tumor tissues. This method helps the doctor plan an operation;
  • A neurological examination of is usually used as an auxiliary method of investigating the disease. The method consists in revealing the correctness of the reflexes and the quality of the work of the brain.

Classification of

There are four stages of malignancy and, accordingly, four groups of tumors that differ from each other not only in characteristics, but also in predictions after treatment.

Name of the tumor group Features Age of patients Applied treatment methods
The pilocard
  • tumor is benign;
  • is characterized by slow development;
  • usually develops in the cerebellum, optic nerves, large brain and its trunk;
  • clear outline of neoplasm.
The age of the cases does not usually exceed 19 years.
  1. surgical intervention;
  2. chemotherapy;
  3. radiotherapy;
  4. ultrasonic aspiration.
  • is mostly benign;
  • slow growth;
  • the border of the lesion is blurred;
Appears in patients aged 20 to 50 years.
  1. resection with surgical intervention;
  2. chemotherapy;
  3. Radiation therapy.
  • malignant tumor;
  • has different shapes and sizes;
  • affects nearby healthy tissues;
  • is developing rapidly;
  • removal of this type of astrocytoma is difficult because it does not have a clear boundary.
Usually found in men. The age of patients varies from 30 to 50 years. Application of a set of measures:
  1. tumor removal;
  2. radiotherapy;
  3. chemotherapy.
  • malignant tumor;
  • rapid growth and rapid development;
  • usually affects the surrounding tissue;
  • can develop from both less malignant neoplasms and as a primary astrocytoma.
The age of the patients is 50-70 years. More often this neoplasm occurs in men. The use of complex measures is also envisaged:
  1. surgical intervention;
  2. chemotherapy;
  3. irradiation;
  4. targeted therapy;
  5. use of steroid, analgesic and vasoconstrictive drugs.

There are also other types of such formations. These include diffuse, protoplasmic and piloid astrocytoma of the brain.

Stages of the disease

According to the accepted classification, astrocytomas are usually divided into four stages:

Stage one is - pilocity astrocytoma of the brain. Since this tumor is benign, the prognosis is most favorable. However, it is worthwhile to note that when untimely treatment in the clinic, the risk of overgrowth in a malignant tumor rises to 70 percent.

Stage two - fibrillar astrocytoma of the brain. The tumor of this species also refers to benign, but the risk of subsequent tumor growth, in comparison with the first type of neoplasm, increases. Stage - anaplastic astrocytoma of the brain. Neoplasm grows rapidly, affects healthy cells, and often leads to of the fourth stage of the astrocytoma - glioblastoma.

This tumor is the most dangerous, the treatment is long, but despite this, the forecasts are very disappointing. As a rule, at this stage the headaches are very strong, so the doctor can prescribe the strongest painkillers.

Neoplasms of the first stage almost do not differ from healthy cells, but the tissues at the last stage are no longer similar to normally functioning cells.

Treatment of

The choice of this or that method of treatment is made by the doctor, based on the study of the general condition of the patient, as well as the stage of development of the tumor.

Surgical operation to remove astrocytoma

Astrocytomas with a low degree of malignancy are usually removed by surgery. In this case, complete resection of the tumor is not always possible, therefore in some cases the specialists prescribe radiation therapy.

However, it is not always effective in the initial stages, so its use can be postponed until new symptoms appear. But an astrocytoma with a high malignant degree can not be surgically surgically cured, so doctors prescribe additional measures that kill tumor cells.

A physician may prescribe, as an auxiliary treatment, radiation, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which can stop the growth of tumor cells.

During the operation, doctors can use a microscopic technique, with which the image is magnified, thereby reducing the possibility of injury.

If complete elimination of the tumor is not possible, due to its germination in the nearby tissue, the goal of the surgical operation is to reduce the size of the tumor.

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Radiation therapy in the treatment of astrocytomas

With the help of this type of therapy, the cells involved in the life-support of the tumor are damaged. At the same time, the healthy tissue of the brain remains undamaged, gradually recovering.

Radiation therapy is carried out by courses, which allows to significantly improve the quality of treatment. Therapy of this species can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Internal effect of .In this case, special radioactive materials are introduced into the damaged tissue;
  2. External influence of .The source of radiation is outside the human body.

Chemotherapy for the treatment of astrocytomas

This technique involves taking drugs that are capable of killing cancer cells. Getting into the blood, they spread throughout the body, killing the affected areas of the tumor.

Chemotherapy drugs are available in the form of catheters, tablets, injections, which allows you to choose the best method of treatment.

Has this type of treatment and minus, which is that together with cancer cells can die and healthy too.


This method of treating tumor cells assumes the effect of direct radio emission on them. The peculiarity of this type of treatment lies in the fact that due to a special computer program, calculations are made.

This, in turn, allows you to direct the exact rays to the place where the neoplasm is located, which avoids the irradiation of healthy cells located nearby.


Unfortunately, astrocytoma of the brain often entails very adverse effects. As a rule, survival after surgery( provided that the tumor is malignant) does not exceed 2-3 years .


The disease is predicted by the doctor on the basis of the following:

  • the age of the patient;
  • degree of malignancy;
  • location of the lesion;
  • how rapid is the transition from one stage of the disease to the next and whether it has occurred;
  • number of relapses.

Based on the general picture, the expert makes an approximate prediction of astrocytoma of the brain. At the first stage of the disease, the patient's life span is no more than 10 years .

At the subsequent transition from a benign tumor to a malignant life time will decrease. In the second stage, it can be reduced to 7-5 years, in the third - up to 3-4 years, and the last patient can live more than a year if the clinical picture is positive.

Consequences of

Because serious methods are used to treat astrocytoma, and the tumor itself has a very strong effect on human health, it is not surprising that it has so many negative consequences.

This includes various visual impairments, up to the total loss of vision. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor can prescribe an operative intervention and conduct a course of rehabilitation measures aimed, if not a complete, then a partial restoration of vision.

After treatment of the brain tumor, the following complications may occur:

  1. Violations of the supporting and motor function. In some cases, a person is even forced to use a stroller;
  2. Violation of speech;
  3. Disorder of the functions of certain nerve endings that are responsible for perception, taste receptors, touch, etc.

Astrocytoma of the brain is a very serious disease. This is why it is necessary to immediately seek help from qualified doctors when finding the primary signs.

Only detection of a tumor with the help of proven methods will improve the course of the disease and, possibly, increase the term and quality of life of the patient.

Based on the entire article, the following recommendations can be worked out:

  • in the event that in the family of many of its members there was a proliferation of cancer cells in the brain, it is necessary to carefully monitor their own health. It is necessary to avoid work in harmful industries, to be observed constantly by doctors, to react sensitively to the slightest changes in the state of health;
  • when finding a tumor is best to consult a few doctors;
  • it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and not delay with treatment. On how timely the treatment will be to the clinic, life expectancy will depend.

Video, revealing the theme of astrocytomas of the brain:

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