Vaccination against human papillomavirus: types of HPV vaccine, use and complications, cost

Human papillomavirus has different subspecies, that is, strains. Some of these strains can provoke the development of cancer, most often cervical cancer in women.

The conducted researches allowed to find out that oncogenic strains of the virus in some cases lead to cancer of the rectum, the vagina, the penis. The likelihood of developing these dangerous diseases is greatly reduced if a person is vaccinated against HPV.

What causes papillomas?

Papillomas on the body and mucous membranes of the human body are formed as a result of infection with one or more strains of HPV.Infection occurs fairly easily, often through sexual contact or by household means. Therefore, almost 90% of the world's population are carriers of this smallest microorganism.

This process quickly starts with a significant decrease in the work of immunity, with severe dysbacteriosis, long-term stress, hormonal imbalance.

Papillomas can be either single or multiple. With the appearance of one formation, a dozen others are likely to form, since when the initial papilloma is injured, the virus spreads rapidly over the skin.

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Genital warts, growing in the genital area, are a serious danger to health. It is these formations that are most often caused by oncogenic strains of the virus.

Types of the HPV vaccine

To prevent human infection with oncogenic HPV strains, preventive vaccines have been developed.

They do not include living viruses, the composition is represented by organic substances, which are necessary for the production of antibodies to HPV.Also in vaccines are yeast, antibiotics and a number of preservatives.

After the introduction of the vaccine, the work of immunity for the production of antibodies begins, in the future they do not allow the virus that has penetrated into the body to gain a foothold in the tissues of the body.

To date, only two types of vaccines are widely used to prevent infection:

  • Gardasil. The introduction of this drug provides protection against 16, 18, 6 and 11 strains of HPV.
  • Cervarix. Protects the body against infection with 16 and 18 type of microorganism.

It is proved that 16 and 18 strains of HPV affect the development of cervical cancer. Viruses, designated as 6 and 11, lead to the appearance of papillomas in the region of the anus, on the external genitalia, the walls of the vagina. Such entities may be malignant.

Vaccines are a suspension that is packaged in disposable syringes. Both Gardasil and Cervarix are used to vaccinate adolescent girls and young women. The drug Gardasil is also recommended for the vaccination of boys, since it can prevent the development of cancer of the penis.

Basic recommendations for the use of

It is necessary to understand that the invented vaccines are preventive, that is, they can not be cured already from the existing infection in the body. In this regard, several recommendations for the introduction of the vaccine have been proposed.

Drugs should be placed no later than 26 years. It is best to carry out the vaccination in adolescence, that is, between 10 and 13 years. In Russia, girls are generally prevented from being prevented until they reach the age of 12.

Such a choice of the age category is due to the fact that at this age children usually do not have sex life and therefore they are excluded from the risk of infection with oncogenic strains of HPV.It has also been shown that the body of adolescents responds better to vaccination and this allows for a lasting protection.

If vaccination is necessary for young people under the age of 26, it is recommended that they be tested beforehand. The detection of such strains of the virus as 6, 11, 16 and 18 makes vaccination meaningless.

Scheme of injection of vaccines against human papillomavirus

Complete formation of immunity against oncogenic strains of the virus occurs with the administration of three doses of Cervarix or Gardasil.

Usually the standard scheme of administration of these drugs is used:

  • Gardasil is vaccinated according to the scheme 0-2-6.This means that the first dose is administered when it is necessary for the patient, the second one is put in two months, and the last one in six months after the first vaccination.
  • Cervarix is ​​also vaccinated three times according to scheme 0-1-6.The second dose is administered not less than a month after the first, the last in six months from the first vaccination.

Possible and accelerated vaccination. In this case, Gardasil is placed according to the scheme 0-1-3, Cervarix according to the scheme 0-1-2,5.

Sometimes patients, due to unforeseen circumstances, miss another vaccination - the second or third. In such cases, it is not necessary to start the injection again.

The second vaccination is performed as soon as possible, and the latter is done after 4 months with Gardasil or 5 months after Cervarix.

Immunity against HPV is formed after two doses of the vaccine, the third administration of the drug is necessary to fix the immunity level of antibodies.

It is also necessary to know that these two types of vaccine, that is, Gardasil and Cervarix are not considered interchangeable. That is, all vaccinations must be carried out by one chosen or prescribed drug. Gardasil makes it possible to develop antibodies to 4 strains of the virus, and the second vaccine to only two.

How is it introduced?

Any vaccine against HPV is administered only intramuscularly, it is necessary for the drug to enter the bloodstream not immediately, but in parts. This introduction allows the immune system to produce the right amount of effective antibodies.

Injection of the drug should be placed in the shoulder or thigh. It is in these parts of the body that there is a sufficiently developed muscular layer and the least subcutaneous fat, which ensures a good absorption of the drug.

If a vaccine is injected into a vein, the rapid arrival of all components will ensure high activity of the immune system, the destruction of antigens and the absence of antibody formation.

Subcutaneous injection leads to a too slow entry of the vaccine into the blood, which also prevents the formation of the desired level of antibodies. Such an introduction is dangerous and because of the possibility of forming a subcutaneous compaction, which dissolves very long.

Vaccination of people has the right to conduct polyclinics, district hospitals, private medical centers. To prescribe medication should be a specialist who has a certificate for this type of medical activity.

Possible complications of

The currently used HPV vaccines contain only synthetic and organic components. The absence of living viruses in the composition of the drug ensures its good tolerability.

Sometimes, after injections of Cervarix or Gardasil , the patient may feel local reactions to these drugs, they are expressed:

  • It is an insignificant itching for the first hours after vaccination. Itching covers the site of the injection.
  • The appearance of a small swelling, redness, or swelling at the injection site.

These reactions are possible with the introduction of any vaccine and, as a rule, they completely disappear in the first two to three days without the use of medications. Sometimes a pinecone appears at the site of the injection, which indicates that a small dose of the vaccine has entered the subcutaneous fat layer. In some people this compaction dissipates for several months.

In rare cases, vaccination with HPV drugs causes headache and a fever of 38 degrees or more. When these symptoms occur, you can drink an antipyretic or anesthetic drug. Help to normalize well-being, such drugs as Paracetamol, Naise, Nurofen.

The development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock was recorded only in several people undergoing vaccination with Gardasil or Cervarix. If a person has a history of allergic diseases, then two to three days before the introduction of the vaccine is recommended taking antihistamines - Fenistila, Telfast, Erius.

Efficacy of

Gardasil and Cervarix preparations as HPV vaccines are used around the world, and therefore the study of their effectiveness is ongoing.

It has been proven that vaccination in almost 99% of cases provides the desired production of antibodies. After a full course, the probability of infection with oncogenic strains of the virus is reduced to almost zero.

Vaccination against HPV is designed to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer. And the creators of the vaccine, it was quite possible, but one should not forget that oncological diseases also arise for other reasons.

Following WHO recommendations, vaccination against cervical cancer should be included in the vaccination schedule and most countries adhere to this.


Absolute contraindication to the introduction of the vaccine is the intolerance of one of the components that make up the drug. Repeated vaccination is not carried out, if the first injection of the remedy had a severe allergic reaction.

Relative, that is, temporary contraindications, can be attributed acute disease or relapse of existing chronic pathology. In these cases, not only the first vaccination is postponed, but subsequent booster vaccinations are postponed.

Cost of the preventive program

Preparations of Gardasil and Cervarix are quite expensive and therefore not all subjects of the Russian Federation can allow them to be included in the calendar of free vaccinations.

Paid vaccination is offered by most medical institutions and usually special programs are offered in these centers. These vaccination programs consist of three vaccinations and preliminary analysis, which allows to identify the already existing HPV strains in the body.

The price of the vaccine program with Gardasil is 27,000 rubles in most institutions, 19,000 with Cervarix.

When you need to get vaccinated against the papilloma virus, the following video will tell you:

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