Verrukovy nevus: photos, types, causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Verrux nevus is a benign formation that is easy to recognize on a bumpy surface. The latter looks like a cabbage head or a garland, covered with cracks and folds.

The concept of

In contrast to other nevuses, the verucus form is prone to bleeding and the appearance of small ulcers.

This type of disease can be called differently: keratotic, warty, linear, melanoma-safe.

In women, the verus in nevi is diagnosed more often than in men. In any case, a predisposition to the emergence of education is formed even in the prenatal state.

This formation is localized on different parts of the body. It can be detected even on the face, but more often it is formed on the legs or hands. Its dimensions can reach 2 cm in diameter.

Kinds of of the vertebral nevus

There are two main forms of the verruque nevus:

  • system,
  • localized.
  1. The first species stretches over a certain area of ​​the body and begins to acquire features of a "garland". This species consists of several moles with an elongated shape. Most often this formation appears along large blood vessels. The top layer has a different pigmentation. Color often changes from black to brown. If you hold your hand, you can feel a solid surface on which the various convolutions are clearly felt. The system view is in most cases on one half of the body.
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  2. The localized form is similar to a wart. Sometimes this kind is formed on the scalp. The dimensions of such birthmarks are not very large and rarely grow more than 1 cm. It is this type that is similar to the head of cauliflower, having a dark brown color. Less often the shade has a skin tone.

Photo of the localized form of the verus nevus

In childhood, the localized form grows very slowly, with the formation increasing mainly in height. By adolescence, the growth of the neoplasm stops.

Reasons for the formation of

In medicine, to this day, there are no precise reasons for the formation of the prostucous nevus.

However, conducted studies have shown that all patients with this diagnosis have peculiarities in the structure of the gene that controls the functioning of skin cells. Therefore, it is said that such birthmarks are laid in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus.

The onset of the disease can be:

  • sudden hormonal fluctuations in pregnant women,
  • presence of genitourinary system infections,
  • genetics.

These circumstances lead to a disruption in the development of melanoblasts, which accumulate in certain areas of the skin and are converted to benign formations.

The clinical manifestation of

The formation rises above the skin and has a value of 1 cm. Sometimes it grows up to 2-4 cm. Due to bumps and cracks, it is very similar to a wart.

Diagnosis of a nevus

A history of neuromuscularis is mandatory when examining a verukemic nevus.

With its help it is possible to determine the age at which the education appeared, when it ceased to grow.

Biopsy and histology are used to confirm the absence of malignant formation.

In the first case, we select typical fresh elements that are taken for the study.

Histological examination is performed after removal of the tumor.

It allows you to clarify the histogenesis, the depth of the lesion, the presence of background transformations. It is this study of the detection of hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis.

Treatment and prognosis

Verrux nevus most often does not transform into a malignant tumor and does not grow. Therefore, the outlook is favorable.

However, in most cases, its removal is indicated, since permanent accidental injury can provoke infection and proliferation.

  • Radio wave deletion is considered less traumatic. If the formation is large, then after the procedure, it sometimes becomes necessary to apply seams. This method evaporates the cells by radio waves. The operation is performed without pain, the presence of swelling and redness is practically not detected.
  • Slightly less commonly used laser. With its help the elimination of the nevus takes place in a non-contact way. Usually this technique allows you to cope with small formations located on the face, neck, décolletage.
  • The use of classical surgical techniques for is topical if the vertebral nevus is large or a detailed histological analysis is required. For toddlers, general anesthesia is used, and for adults - local anesthesia.
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