What is hemangioma of the spine, treatment, dangerous dimensions and photos

Quite often, oncological pathologies lead to a fatal outcome, especially if the tumor processes are of a malignant nature. But if the education is benign, then the forecasts are much more favorable. After all, the tumor can be cured definitively by an operative method. One of these benign tumors is vertebral hemangioma.

What is a spinal hemangioma?

Hemangioma of the spine today is quite often. It is an absolutely benign tumor that develops in the vertebral body. Most often the neoplasm is located in the lumbar and thoracic vertebral part, covering the body of only one segment.

Representatives of the female half of middle age are most susceptible to the disease( 20-40).

Causes of

An exact cause of the development of vertebral hemangiomas has not yet been identified. Physicians tend to believe that such tumor processes are caused by a genetic predisposition.

There are several theories about the mechanism of hemangioma formation. One of them is associated with an excessive level of estrogen, which is most typical for women. Therefore, they have hemangiomas more often.

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According to another version, the formation of a hemangiotic tumor is caused by a local lack of oxygen in the tissues, that is, education is hereditary. In general, hemangiomas form in such vertebrae:

  • l1 vertebra;
  • l2 vertebra;
  • l3 vertebra;
  • l4 vertebra;Thrombolysis th10 vertebra;Thrombolysis th11 vertebra;
  • th12 vertebra.

Photo of a hemangioma of the spine in mrt image

Vertebral angioma is also known in vertebral hemangioma. The factors that occur during the course of pregnancy can provoke the development of education:

  • Viral infections;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Abuse of pregnant medicines;
  • Hormonal failures.

Types of

Hemangiomas of vertebral departments are classified by many factors. On histological structural characteristics, they are divided into:

  1. Cavernous;
  2. Capillary;
  3. Mixed;
  4. Ratsematoznye.

According to localization, hemangiomas are divided into:

  • Tumors in the vertebral body;
  • Formations in the vertebra process;
  • Hemangiomas in the vertebral canal.

The degree of dissemination of hemangiosis is divided into:

  • Multiple - when the tumor process spans several vertebral segments;
  • Single - when only one segment of the spine suffers.

Dangerous tumor dimensions

Vertebral angioma grows very slowly, but an increase in its volume entails vertebral fracture. As the sprouting increases, the stability and integrity of the bone structures breaks down. As a result, the strength of the spine is lost, leading to a high risk of compression fractures that occur with the slightest physical exertion.

As a result, a strong pressure is applied to the spinal substance, as evidenced by such symptoms:

  1. The legs lose sensitivity;
  2. Develops limb paralysis;
  3. Urinary processes are subject to disturbances.

Symptoms of

The formation and development of the vertebral hemangioma is usually hidden and not accompanied by any specific symptomatology.

In addition, the clinic of the tumor process affects the histological structure and localization, as well as the degree of development.

Sometimes pathology is accompanied by blunt pain that can only focus on the affected segment or the entire column of the spine.

At night, as well as after active physical activity, painful symptoms may become more intense.

When the nerve is clamped against a background of large tumor size, paralysis can develop, urinary and defecation processes are violated.

Symptoms of a cervical hemangioma

If a hemangioma is localized in one of the cervical segments, then this symptomatology is typical for it:

  • Headaches;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Vertigo;
  • Visual and auditory disorders;
  • Tingling in the palms and fingers, numbness.

Symptoms of the thoracic part

Thoracic hemangiomas are characterized by such manifestations:

  • Weakness, paresthesia and soreness in the extremities;
  • Arrhythmic symptoms;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Stone formation in the gallbladder;
  • Women with inferior hemangioma of the thoracic vertebrae may develop infertility.


If vertebral hemangioma is located in the lumbar vertebra, then this can be evidenced by such manifestations:

  • Soreness in the perineum and groin;
  • Muscular atrophy;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Infringements of a defecation;
  • Incontinence;Weak leg weakness, etc.;
  • Men with a similar tumor arrangement may develop erectile dysfunction.


Diagnostic procedures are usually based on X-ray, computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

Than education is dangerous, its complications

Even quite a benign hemangioma, localized in the vertebral body, can behave extremely aggressively.

As a result, the patient is exhausted by severe pain, limbs weak, control over natural processes of bowel and bladder emptying, etc.

Sometimes vertebral hemangioma extends beyond the spine, usually this occurs at particularly large sizes, which is also very dangerous, because it can provokecompression fracture.

How to treat the disease?

Relatively to vertebral hemangioma, many different treatment options can be undertaken. Everything depends on the size, severity and severity of the tumor.

The main condition is regular observation by specialists. It is worthwhile to consider in more detail the methods of therapy offered by modern medicine for vertebral hemangiomas.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine often help to smooth the symptoms of the tumor process by reducing its severity. From painful manifestations, effective use of a variety of rubbing solutions, ointments of own preparation or compresses, etc.

There are many recipes for herbal medicines and infusions that must be taken internally. The main thing is that any action of this nature must necessarily be coordinated with a specialist. Then the risk of developing complications or worsening of the course of the tumor process will be avoided.


If spinal compression leads to unbearable pain, urinary and bowel disturbances, loss of motor activity and other similar complications, then an operation involving removal of the hemangioma is indicated. In addition, such a method is most justified in the treatment of children of childhood, because the radioactive effect on the child is excluded.

Surgical intervention is necessary if there are pronounced neurological disorders or there is a tendency to increase clinical manifestations.

In general, the operation is indicated at such sizes of a tumor that is squeezed by the back of the brain or a vertebral fracture occurred. The surgical method has disadvantages: the probability of severe bleeding and a high risk of relapse of oncology.

Puncture vertebroplasty

A similar technique today is considered the best and involves the introduction into the vertebral body of a peculiar substance - bone cement, which will return the spinal column the previous anatomical strength.

In addition, this method returns to the spine the function of the basic support of the body, which significantly reduces the likelihood of hemangiosis complications and side processes, and shortens the recovery period of the patient after illness. It is used to treat atypical hemangiomas and hemangiomas in the cervical spine.

Embolization of

A similar method of treatment involves the introduction of a vessel into the tumor that feeds the substance, which will block it, depriving the hemangioma of the necessary nutrition. It should be noted that the procedure of embolization is not considered by doctors as a highly effective technique, because when the supply vein is blocked, small-vessel structures are formed and a repeated hemangioma is formed.

To be honest, embolization is rarely used in practice as a treatment for hemangiogenic education, because the method is dangerous and technically complex.

Alcoholization of

This technique is based on the introduction of 96% ethyl alcohol into the hemangioma, which further promotes sclerosis of the neoplasm.

The result of this treatment is a noticeable decrease in the parameters of the vertebral hemangioma.

Like other methods, alcoholization is dangerous with the likelihood of complications like:

  1. Bone tissue necrosis;
  2. Compression-induced vertebral fractures;
  3. Paravertebral abscess processes;
  4. Spinal compression.

Due to the variety of possible complications, alcoholization has not been widely used in the treatment of hemangiomas.


Radiation treatment is considered to be the most common among all methods used. The basis of such therapy is the effect on hemangiogenic formation by X-rays. As a result, the tumor is destroyed at the cellular level, its further growth stops, pain symptoms are suppressed, etc.

But with all the advantages of , such a method, unfortunately, is powerless at late stages of the development of the tumor process, when the spine loses its inherent strength .


After the appropriate therapy, the patient will have a postoperative recovery and further rehabilitation, during which the following actions can not be performed:

  1. Massage procedures;
  2. Manual treatment;
  3. Physical loads;
  4. Traditional treatment;
  5. Intensive gymnastic training.

Any suspicious symptom is the reason for visiting a doctor, this will avoid a multitude of adverse consequences.

Video about contraindications and treatment options for vertebral hemangioma:

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