Fibrosarcoma of bones, soft tissues, skin and breast: photos, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Neoplasm of malignant nature in a composition that includes immature fibroblasts and cells that have lost the identity of the tissue in which this tumor originated( undifferentiated cells) is called fibrosarcoma. Occurs in soft tissues.

Types of fibrosarcoma

Depending on the internal structure, types of tumors are distinguished:

  • Fibromixoid sarcoma - a tumor rarely gives metastases, differs from other species by slow development rates. This type of fibrosarcoma has the lowest malignancy. There is a disease in the adult population. Fibromixoid sarcoma often chooses the trunk, shoulders, hips for the site of its localization.
  • Infantile sarcoma manifests itself as a fast-growing tumor. Often the development of the disease is painless. The pathology of this species occurs in children under five years old. The localization of the tumor more often on the lower limbs, there are cases of location on the neck, trunk, head.
  • Myofibrosarcoma this type of tumors is rare. Localized pathology on the neck or on the head. Disease often occurs in childhood.
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Fibrosarcoma consists of cellular elements and fibrous inclusions. The correlation of these components determines two forms of tumors:

  • Undifferentiated formations of - the cells in the undifferentiated state predominate in the tumor. Such a cell, as a result of its degeneration, loses its functional identity and tends to merge with other similar elements into multinucleated huge cells.
  • Differential tumors - consist of most of the immature fibrous elements such as fibroblasts, but they contain less undifferentiated cells.

Distinguish and highly differentiated fibrosarcoma. It contains a lot of spindle-shaped elements, there are collagen fibers. In this tissue fibrous strands are observed, arranged in a certain order.

There are impersonal cells, but in a much smaller number in comparison with other elements. Highly differentiated sarcoma often does not give metastasis, it differs by slow rates of development.

Tumor localization

  • Mammary gland. This tumor dislocation is not widespread. Represents one of the varieties of sarcoma in the mammary gland. The seal appears. The skin over the formation becomes purple. The seal is well probed. On the thin skin in the area of ​​the tumor, a pattern of veins is seen. Fibrosarcoma occurs in the connective tissue. Tumor cells spread to nearby layers.
  • Soft tissues. The most common tumor localization in the depth of soft tissues. In the first place - the hip and shoulders. Fibrosarcoma can choose for the vital activity a neck - deep muscles. The development of compaction begins in connective layers, tendons, fascia. Appearing in the thickness of the muscles, education can exist for some time there unnoticed for a person, without causing discomfort. Typically, the tumor is detected by chance and by this time it can be quite large. Whether it will give metastases depends on the degree of differentiation of the compaction.
  • Bones. Of the total number of lesions of the bone system with oncological formations, fibrosarcoma falls on the statistics of seven percent. Tumor cells create collagen beams. The tumor can be intraosseous and parostal. Pathology chooses localization in the bones of the skull and long bones of the limbs. In the differentiated formations, there are moiré structures from spindle-shaped cells. In tumors of a low-grade form, atypical cells predominate.

The photo clearly shows what the fibrosarcoma bone

  • looks like. Skin. Fibrosarcoma of the skin is common in young children. In adults, such manifestations occur mainly after forty years. The widespread localization of the compaction is the lower limbs, the foot. Fibrosarcoma can occur anywhere on the skin: on the body, the head. Begins its development in the depths of the skin.

Reasons for

The main factors provoking the onset of the pathological process include:

  • The effects of radiation on the body. Injury to soft tissues.
  • Possibility of inheritance of predisposition to diseases fibrosarcoma.
  • Consequence of contact with carcinogens.


Fibrosarcoma manifests itself as follows:

  • Appearance of a tumor-like formation that originates in the depth of soft tissues.
  • Sealing the first time may not cause any discomfort.
  • Differential tumors do not produce metastases and grow at a low rate.
  • Undifferentiated tumors are more aggressive.
  • After surgery, relapses in all forms of formation are possible.
  • On the side, the seal looks like a white and gray fabric, in places there are foci of hemorrhages.
  • Typically, the tumor at an early stage is not a concern, so it is found in a more mature state. Developing, the tumor spreads the tissues and gradually there is discomfort, especially if the nerve is squeezed.
  • The knot can be palpated in the depths of muscles or skin.
  • Skin over the pathological process can not change its natural color, but more often acquires a purple hue.
  • General signs of the disease:
    • significant weight loss,
    • decreased tone
    • anemia,
    • intoxication,
    • decreased appetite,
    • fever.
  • It is characteristic for fibrosarcoma to metastasize into the lungs, sometimes into the lymph nodes.


Several methods are used to determine the type of tumor. Visual inspection enables the specialist to make basic assumptions about the type of tumor.

To further clarify the composition, prevalence in the tissues of the tumor, additional studies are being carried out.

  • MRI provides an opportunity to see the size of the formation, its shape and degree of soft tissue damage, possible metastasis.
  • Computed tomography shows if there is a lesion of bone tissue and all the parameters of this spread.
  • Biopsy is the study of a biomaterial separated from a tumor under a microscope.
    1. Excision - removal under anesthesia of a seal with the subsequent studying of the separated material.
    2. Intrasional - the tumor tissue fragment is examined.
  • ultrasound - the state of organs and the possibility of finding metastases in them.
  • Immunohistochemical study - study the sections of a tumor, for the purpose of finding certain components by applying antibodies to the substance being detected.

Treatment of

Treatment methods for fibrosarcoma depend on the location, the shape of the tumor and the stage of development of education. The stage is determined by the size of the compaction and the degree of penetration into other tissues.


  • Surgery:
    • Extensive excision - when the tumor is superficial and does not start the spreading process to other tissues, the
    • radical intervention - the neoplasm is cut off, capturing part of the healthy tissue,
    • limb amputation - if there is no other way.

Photo of a remote fibrosarcoma with soft tissue

  • Radiation therapy is a non-contact method of influencing pathogenic formation. In some cases, brachytherapy is shown - irradiating the inside with radioactive isotopes. The method is used both independently and in combination with other methods.
  • Chemotherapy - destroys pathogenic cells, stopping the development of education. It is widely used in parallel with surgical intervention. It can be an independent method of help, improving the situation of seriously ill people, when the operation is impossible.

Prophylaxis and prognosis of survival

  • Avoid skin lesions and if it is time to heal them.
  • Eat more foods that contain fiber.
  • Avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and corrosive media.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • If there are skin diseases, do not start and treat.
  • Do not expose yourself to excessive exposure to radiation.
  • Pay special attention to health if there was infection with the herpes virus causing cancer.
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