Mesothelioma of the pleura, peritoneum: symptoms, causes, photo, diagnosis and treatment

One of the most problematic diseases is mesothelioma. It is a tumor that originates from mesothelial cells or the endometrium of the lymph nodes.

Its feature is the rapid formation of metastases, their active growth. The complexity of the disease lies in the fact that for a long time a malignant tumor can not be detected.

Statistically, the most commonly diagnosed is pleural cancer. Among men, the disease is more common: 20 cases per million. Among women, this figure is seven times less. In recent years, cases have increased when the disease occurs in young children.

Localization of

The neoplasm itself can be formed on different internal organs.

Classification of the disease

Depending on the histological structure,

  • sarcomatose is isolated: they are derivatives of immature connective tissue without binding to specific organs;
  • epithelioid , masquerading as epithelial cells;
  • mixed , combining the two previous views.

Depending on the microscopic characteristics, the following are distinguished:

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  • fibrous.
  • two-phase.

The first type is benign, but the rarest. It looks like an encapsulated tumor, which has the structure of multicellular formation. The second type occurs in 30-40% of cases and proceeds in the same way as the mixed type.

The tumor is also divided according to the macroscopic principle. The localized form usually has a foot and a wide base. Some experts doubt the tumor nature of this type. In most cases, this mesothelioma is benign.

Diffuse has a gray or white-pink color and thickens the injured organ by 2 or 3 cm. Sometimes it shows loose papillary outgrowths.

Pleural Mesothelioma

Develops from pleural cells. Such a mesothelioma can have the appearance of a node and often spreads across the pleura. Often metastases are found in the lymph nodes, lungs.

Photo of malignant pleural mesothelioma

The disease begins with pain in the chest and dry cough. Cancer of serous membranes of the lungs proceeds aggressively and is often diagnosed at the last stage.


Mesothelioma affects all tissues of the peritoneal cavity. Local lesion is represented as a node located in one or more zones.

Most often, a diffuse appearance is found in the peritoneum, which captures the entire inner layer of the cavity, enveloping it in a kind of case.


This form of neoplasm often has a malignant character. It shows dull pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath. Very quickly there is an increase in the size of the heart, the disappearance of the heart point.

The complexity of diagnosis is that the ailment often occurs under the guise of other diseases, including rheumatism, heart attack, pancreatitis.

Causes of

Mesothelioma often occurs when inhaling asbestos( mineral) particles. The severity of the disease depends on the strength and duration of the body's contact with the substance.

The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that the disease can manifest itself several decades after the interaction.

Specialists have revealed that the disease can appear and because of other factors:

  • heredity,
  • contacts with carcinogens,
  • smoking,
  • prolonged ionizing radiation,
  • genetic mutation.

In 60% of patients, SV-40 markers were detected, so the viral nature of the disease can not be ruled out.

Symptoms of

For a long time a person does not show any signs of disease. However, vomiting, pain in the sternum, weakness and weight loss can be the first symptoms of mesothelioma. Patients also notice increased sweating, sometimes joint pains occur.

With tumors in the peritoneum, vomiting, loss of appetite is observed. Constipation and diarrhea alternate. Gradually appear edema, the size of the abdomen increases. Patients may also notice wandering joint pain.

Mesothelioma of the pericardium can be confused first with myocarditis, myocarditis, rheumatism. Appears dull pain in the chest, there is tachycardia and hypotension.

Pains in the heart area increase during the growth of the tumor. A frequent companion of the disease is heart failure.

Stages of

Because the disease often affects the pleura, only stages in this form are identified. A total of 4.

  1. At the first formation of a tumor, malignant cells are found only the membrane of the affected organ. If it is a case of pleural cancer, then the defeat affects one side first.
  2. In the second stage, the disease spreads to related organs, for example, to the diaphragm. Education can begin to spread to the lung, but the lymph nodes remain clean.
  3. The third stage affects the chest, the outer shell of the heart. It is in this case, there are metastases in the lymph nodes and other systems.
  4. The fourth stage is different in that the cancer spreads to the muscles, ribs, mediastinal organs, spine. Begin to suffer all the organs.


Metastases mostly occur locally, sometimes malignant cells are found in the liver, kidneys, heart and other organs. Aggressiveness of the disease depends, first of all, on the stage of the disease and the features of the immune system.


Diagnosis of the mesothelioma tumor in the first stages is difficult, therefore a whole complex of procedures is used to make the diagnosis. X-ray examination, laparoscopy, computed tomography, MRI.

For the study of the pleura, tarescopy is also used. This method allows you to determine the degree of damage to the diaphragm. It is carried out by a special apparatus. The main method of research remains CT.Tomography allows you to get information about all affected organs, lymph nodes.

Treatment of

The effect on the swelling is performed using classical methods:

  • chemotherapy,
  • radiotherapy,
  • surgical methods.

However, mesothelioma is considered one of those diseases that can not be cured. The operation is often performed to reduce the accumulation of fluid, easing the patient's condition. Sometimes the removal of the tumor itself or part of it, as well as the affected organ.

The use of chemicals and radiotherapy can be used alone or together. They are more effective in diffuse form.

Prognosis and prophylaxis of

The prognosis is usually unfavorable for mesothelioma, since the disease occurs unexpectedly, and the symptoms appear in the late stages. In addition, there is a rapid spread of metastases. Usually oncological patients after diagnosis are on average living two years.

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