Benign lung tumor: symptoms, photos, types, diagnosis, folk treatment and removal

Benign tumors of respiratory systems develop from cells, which in their properties and composition resemble healthy ones. This species is only about 10% of the total number of oncological diseases of such localization. Most often they are found in people under 35 years old.

Benign neoplasm usually looks like a small nodule of round or oval shape. Despite the similarity with healthy tissues, modern diagnostic methods can very quickly find a difference in structure.

It should be noted that benign formations are a collective concept, which includes a huge number of different tumors, differing in histological structure, localization, clinical manifestations. Often the difference between benign and malignant species is conditional.

Combines all benign formations:

  • slow growth,
  • no symptoms,
  • relative rarity of "malignancy".

Causes of development of

There are many theories that try to explain the factors leading to the occurrence of such a pathology. Genetics, for example, emphasize that the risk of oncology is higher in people with a genetic predisposition.

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Sometimes carcinogens become the triggers, permanent or temporary interaction with toxic, chemical substances, radioisotopes.

Some scientists say that the prerequisites may be:

  • frequent bronchitis and pneumonia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • tuberculosis,
  • smoking.


Because benign neoplasms are a fairly broad concept, they are distinguished by different manifestations.

For example, localization distinguishes between central and peripheral formation. In the first case, the tumor is formed from large bronchi and can grow inside the lumen, outward, into the thickness.

Such formations are subdivided according to the distance to the surface of the organ itself. They are superficial and deep.

Depending on the structure, the following are distinguished:

  • mesodermal( fibromas, lipomas),
  • epithelial( papillomas, adenomas),
  • neuroectodermal( neurinomas, neurofibromas),
  • dysembryogenetic( hamartomas, teratomas).

One of the most popular is the adenoma, which reaches a diameter of 2-3 cm and leads to a violation of patency of the bronchus. Sometimes it degenerates into a malignant species.

The second most popular is the papilloma, which develops in the large bronchi and often has the appearance of raspberry berries.

Fibroma in some situations reaches a gigantic size. Can be central and peripheral. The surface contains a capsule. Young people have a teratoma consisting of different tissues. In spite of its slow growth, it tends to stagnate.

Symptoms of

Because benign lung formations have a fairly slow growth, symptoms may not be present for a long time. As the tumor grows, the symptoms will vary depending on the location and parameters.

While no symptoms have appeared, doctors are talking about the initial stage or preclinical.

Cough occurs in 80% of patients. Mostly people with a central increase in education. Cough can be prolonged, but it does not cause too much inconvenience, therefore it is often confused with a "smoker's cough".

If the tumor does not lead to disruption of the bronchial tubes, then sputum is practically not excreted. The more it is, the more serious the cough begins.

In some cases it is found:

  • body temperature rise,
  • the appearance of dyspnea,
  • pain in the sternum.

The increase in body temperature is associated with a violation of the ventilation functions of the respiratory system and when joining the disease of infection. Dyspnoea is mainly characteristic in situations where the closure of the lumen of the bronchi occurs.

Even with a benign tumor, depending on its size, weakness, lack of appetite, and sometimes hemoptysis may appear. The patients themselves note that breathing becomes weaker, voice tremor appears.

Complications of neoplasm

If the disease was not detected in time, then there may be tendencies to the formation of infiltrates and growth. In the worst case, there is a blockage of the bronchus or the entire lung.

Complications is:

  • pneumonia,
  • malignancy( acquisition of malignant properties),
  • bleeding,
  • compression syndrome,
  • pneumofibrosis,
  • bronchoectatic disease.


If a tumor is suspected in the respiratory tract, laboratory, cytological tests are mandatory.the first allow to reveal elastic fibers, a cellular substrate.

The second method is aimed at identifying elements of education. It is carried out repeatedly. Bronchoscopy allows you to make an accurate diagnosis.

X-ray examination is also carried out. Benign education has the form of shots in the form of rounded shadows with clear, but not always even contours.

The photo shows a benign lung tumor - hamartoma

For differential diagnosis, a CT scan is performed. It allows to more accurately divide benign formations from peripheral cancer, vascular tumors and other problems.

Treatment of a benign tumor in the lung

Surgical treatment of tumors is most often suggested. The operation is performed immediately after the problem is detected. This allows to avoid the occurrence of irreversible changes in the lung, to prevent the possibility of transformation into malignant formation.

With the central localization, laser methods, ultrasound and electrosurgical instruments are used. The latter are the most in demand in modern clinics.

If the disease is peripheral,

  • lobectomy( removal of the lung section),
  • resection( removal of affected tissues),
  • enucleation( removal of education without observing oncological principles).

In the earliest stages, the neoplasm can be removed through the bronchoscope, but sometimes the result of this effect is bleeding. If the changes are irreversible, affect all the lungs, then only pneumemectomy( removal of the affected organ) remains.

Popular treatment of

In order to alleviate the condition with a benign lung tumor, you can try folk methods.

It is recommended to eat large onions, to drink sour-milk products, decoctions of berries of a Kalina, and also to use as a drink of infusion of colors from a potato.

One of the most popular herbs is celandine. One spoon should be brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, put on a steam bath for 15 minutes.

Then bring to the original volume. It is taken 100 ml twice a day.


If treatment has been performed in a timely manner, then the occurrence of formations is rare.

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