Esophagitis of the third degree

The third degree of esophagitis is the most difficult and most difficult to treat variety of this disease. It is characterized by the fact that the erosive and ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane covering the esophagus and the upper part of the stomach extends over a fairly large area and occupies almost 75% of the entire surface.

This pathology develops due to the fact that the upper gastric valve connecting it to the esophagus becomes insolvent. As a result, it can not prevent the acidic contents of the digestive organ from entering the neutral environment of the esophagus, thereby provoking severe burns in its mucosa.

3 degree in this disease will arise if a patient with a developing reflux esophagitis will ignore the emerging symptoms of the disease, will not go through the necessary diagnostics and will not begin its treatment.

This pathology progresses very quickly, therefore, it is sometimes enough for a year to go from the initial stage, which is well treatable, to the last, 3rd degree of development. When this happens, esophagitis following a diet and using medication therapy to cure becomes very difficult.

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For the most part, at a time when this inflammatory pathology assumes this flow pattern, immediate surgical intervention is required. Without it, esophagitis of the 3rd degree of development is transformed into Barrett's esophagus, which can be called the initial stage of malignant tumor development.

Symptoms of esophagitis 3rd degree

Symptomatic in grade 3 esophagitis is strongly pronounced and is not caused by eating habits. Among the most common symptoms can be identified the following:

  • Pain sensations in the retrosternal region;
  • Heartburn, as well as a constant eructation, which has either a bitter taste of bile, or sour stomach contents;
  • Frequent inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and an impassable cough;
  • Caries, caused by the fact that the environment in the saliva becomes aggressive due to the acidic gastric contents trapped in it.

All these signs suggest that the esophagitis present in the patient degenerates to the 3rd degree of its development and requires immediate medical attention to avoid terrible consequences.

For the most part, the treatment of a disease that has taken this form of development will be performed surgically, followed by medical therapy and patient compliance with a strict diet.

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