Reflux-esophagitis 3 degrees

Reflux-esophagitis, passed to the third degree, delivers much more unpleasant sensations than the first two. It is clear that if the disease progresses, then nothing has changed in the way of life and nutrition, the stomach is still full or squeezed, provoking spontaneous releases of undigested food with gastric juice, and sometimes with bile in the esophagus. As before, the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid, contained in gastric juice, corrodes the mucous. And although a person feels that when using rough, sour, too hot, or too cold food, it is painful and unpleasant for him, but the visit to the doctor is postponed all the time. Therefore, this article will describe the consequences and treatment methods of Reflux-esophagitis 3 degrees to avoid a deplorable result.

Symptoms of reflux esophagitis 3rd degree

First, when there is a constant heartburn and belching after eating, you can not continue to live as before. It is necessary to consult with the doctor with what it can be connected, and in case of need to undergo examination:

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  • to pass the tests
  • to make x-ray
  • to make enteroscopy
  • sometimes it may be necessary and biopsy of mucous esophagus.

After a precise diagnosis, treatment of reflux esophagitis is prescribed. But the first mandatory step not only at grade 3, but in any form and phase of the esophagus, food is normalized, any food that can irritate the affected surface of the esophagus and thereby worsen its condition, eliminates overeating and nighttime food when the stomach is emptied much more slowly,stresses are minimized.

3 degree of reflux esophagitis, treatment and consequences

When reaching reflux-esophagitis 3 degrees, one, two or more folds are already affected, and the mucosa is changed to 75% of its surface along the circumference. Of course, this seriously affects the functioning of the organ, disrupting its motor skills, and introducing into the vicious circle digestive disorders in all involved organs( stomach, duodenum, gall bladder, liver).If there is no treatment, then the process of transformation of normal cells into necrotic tissue, decay and formation of cancer cells begins.

In addition to diet therapy, in the treatment of reflux-esophagitis of the third degree, medicinal preparations are also connected, the action of which is aimed at reducing acidity and enveloping the mucosa. This proton pump, prokinetics, antacids and reparants. Also it is necessary to comply with the antireflux regimen:

  • during sleep, the upper part of the trunk should be above the lower one;
  • can not wear tight belts and corsets;
  • can not be long in an inclined tilted position, and after eating do not bend at all;
  • not stay up for an hour after eating;
  • not to eat at night and not pass.

Folk methods in the form of drinking broths and infusions of herbs, roots and fruits of plants help very well to heal erosions and restore mucous membranes.

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