Tumor of the brain stem in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Tumors of the brain stem are one of the CNS diseases, manifested by a multitude of symptoms. The medulla oblongata and the middle bridge are affected.

In 90% of cases, the disease has a glial origin. Glia cells are cells that create the necessary conditions for the full functioning of the central nervous system.


There are 20 people with this diagnosis per 100,000 people. The disease develops in people of different ages, race, sex.

Malignant tumor has code according to ICD-10 C71.7 [

Tumors of the brainstem affect nuclear formations that conduct pathways, but rarely cause the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. The latter occurs only in neglected stages and when developing next to the sylvian water pipes.

Species of

Neoplasms affecting the trunk are divided into benign and malignant.

The first view is characterized by a slow increase. Sometimes it takes more than 15 years. Malignant leads to rapid death.

Despite the fact that tumors are localized in different areas, they often affect the bridge.

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The stem tumors are subdivided into:

  1. Primary stem , formed by intramuscular or exophytic type. They are formed only from the tumor of the table itself.
  2. Secondary stem , emerging from other brain structures. They develop from the cerebellum, the fourth ventricle, only eventually sprout into the trunk.
  3. The parasitic formations of the lead to deformation of the trunk or are simply located with it in close interaction.

Classify tumors and by growth characteristics. If they take development from their own cells and form a shell, pushing the tissues away, then we are talking about expansive growth. If the neoplasm develops into other tissues, it is called infiltrating. In a diffuse tumor of the brain stem, which occurs in 80% of cases, the boundaries of the tumor are not even detected microscopically.

Causes of tumors

Exact prerequisites for appearance remain hidden, but experts focus on hereditary factors and obtaining high doses of ionizing radiation.

In the first case, the genetic information of the cells changes. This leads to the fact that they begin to have the properties of tumoral, uncontrollably multiply and depress the vital activity of other cells.

Predisposition to neoplasm is present in those people who previously received treatment with radiation from dermatomycosis of the scalp.

Today this method is not used, but modern methods of radiation therapy also lead to the formation of malignant cells.

There are suggestions that the appearance of brainstem cancer causes vinyl chloride. This gas is used in the manufacture of plastic.

Symptoms of brainstem tumors in adults and children

There are many structures in the brain stem, so the course of the disease can be different. In children due to the development of compensatory mechanisms of neural tissue, neoplasms often have a long asymptomatic course.

In the future, the symptomatology depends on the location of the neoplasm and the type of tumor. In adults, it is difficult to identify focal symptoms.

In pre-school children, the first alarming signs are loss of appetite, a decrease in mental and motor activity. At schoolboys there is a considerable decrease in progress, change of behavior, occurrence of chronic weariness. Almost always there is a movement disorder.

As the tumor grows, symptoms increase. Private migraines, nausea, vomiting are attached. Infringements the cardiovascular and respiratory center of a trunk ignores. This is the cause of death.

The appearance of new behavioral reactions

  • aggressiveness,
  • irritability,
  • apathy.

If the tumor is malignant, cramps join, fear of light.

Diagnosis of neoplasms

The study involves a full range of diagnostic activities. A preliminary diagnosis is made by a neurologist.

The main value is given:

  1. Computer tomography, which gives an opportunity to obtain information on the composition of tissues, to identify pathologies and to monitor in dynamics. During the procedure, the image of the brain sections at different levels is obtained.
  2. SCT is a method that allows ultra-fast scanning of structures, therefore it is used for patients who are in serious condition. Allows you to capture even the smallest deviations in the structure.
  3. MRI with contrast agent injection. This method reveals the formation of a small size, makes it possible to determine the presence of an exophytic component. This also allows us to preliminarily assess the presence of growth of the neoplasm and the degree of infiltration.

Thanks to these techniques, the tumor of the brain stem is differentiated from multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, stroke, hematoma.

Additionally, angiography is performed. The method is necessary for determining the specificity of the blood supply to the formation and vessels feeding the tumor. To obtain tumor samples, a biopsy is performed. The procedure is performed by minimally invasive surgical methods using ultrasound or X-ray control.

Treatment of pathology

To improve the patient's condition will help only a radical comprehensive approach consisting of:

  • surgical treatment,
  • chemotherapy,
  • radiation therapy.

The first technique is aimed at removing the formation with the maximum possible preservation of healthy trunk tissues. Surgical intervention becomes possible after craniotomy, that is, opening the hole in a pre-selected location to gain access to the tumor.

Radiation therapy may also be used in situations where surgical treatment is contraindicated. The method is not recommended for children under three years, as further physical and intellectual backwardness develops. Special procedures are used to perform the procedure, which allow to influence the tumor from different angles.

This direction is called stereotactic radiosurgery. First, a study is conducted to determine the exact location. Then irradiation is carried out on a special technique.

Chemotherapy is aimed at suppressing the growth of malignant cells. To do this, drugs are used that act on the formation, causing a minimum of side effects. This method can be used for babies who have not yet reached three years of age.

Most of the drugs are injected intravenously into the blood with the use of droppers and injections. Sometimes the doctor decides to introduce medication through a long tube that joins a large vein on the chest. Chemotherapy is carried out cyclically.

Prognosis of the disease

It is believed that with the removal of the brain stem tumor in childhood, the prognosis is several times better than in adults.

Benign tumors can grow to 15 years and have no symptoms, but most formations in the brain stem are malignant.

In this case, the lethal outcome occurs within a few years or months from the debut of the symptoms. Usually conducted treatment only prolongs life a little.

Operation for a brainstem tumor is shown in this video:

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