The head is spinning with a hangover: the reasons and what to do with dizziness

Vertigo is an illusion of the rotation of surrounding objects, itself in space. The head is spinning from a hangover after a feast with alcohol due to the damaging effects of acetaldehyde, the product of alcohol breakdown.

Turns the head with a hangover

Vertigo enters the complex of the usual symptoms of a hangover, is a sign of exceeding the permissible dose of alcohol along with headache, nausea, trembling of the hands.

The intensity of hangover symptoms depends not only on the quantity, quality of the drink, but also on the state of human health. To cause dizziness can even moderate amounts of ethanol, if the body was not able to process it by the time of awakening.

Dizziness when hangover occurs not only when lifting from bed. Sometimes the feeling that everything around him revolves appears at the patient right away, as soon as he opens his eyes, still not getting out of bed.

But sometimes the head continues to spin for several days, although all the other signs of alcohol poisoning have already passed. Such dizziness can not be ignored, it is necessary to find out the reasons that cause the illusion of rotation.

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Causes of

The cause of dizziness from a hangover is alcohol intoxication. The use of alcohol-containing beverages affects all organs and systems, dizziness is caused by:

  • brain damage;
  • action on the autonomic nervous system;
  • by dehydration of the body, electrolyte imbalance;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • by lowering the amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • is a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder.

Dizziness caused by the effect on the brain

Alcohol causes transient and persistent brain damage. The causes of dizziness caused by the action of alcohol on the brain are:

  • cerebellar lesion;
  • dysfunction of the cortex of the hemispheres;
  • death of neurons of the vestibular nuclei;
  • impaired blood circulation of the brain.

The negative effect of alcohol on the brain is manifested in the clotting of blood vessels by conglomerates of erythrocytes, platelets. These cell clusters are formed as a result of the action of ethyl alcohol, causing thickening, dehydration of blood.


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Bonding together, red blood cells clog the capillary lumen, destroy their walls, exit into the intercellular space, causing inflammation in the surrounding tissues. These processes disrupt the brain, one of the manifestations of pathological changes in the brain is dizziness.

Vestibulotoxicity, alcohol toxicity

Alcohol is ototoxic, vestibulotoxic, affects the organs of hearing and the associated organ of balance with the cochlea of ​​the inner ear. Ototoxic effect is manifested in the effect on the peripheral branches of the auditory nerve, which ensures the transfer of the pulse to the central nervous system. Is manifested by a decrease in hearing.

The effect of alcohol on the liquid environment of the inner ear leads to the defeat of the vestibular system, causes a disease of the labyrinth, manifested by dizziness. An attack of dizziness with a disease of the inner ear can last several hours.

This metabolite of ethanol causes toxic inflammation of the auditory nerve, disrupts the conduction of nerve impulses into the brain, which causes dizziness, loss of balance.

Disturbance of brain activity concerns the diverse aspects of its activity. So, drinking alcohol significantly worsens the quality of sleep, namely - it depresses the phase of fast sleep, during which the brain of the sleeper gets rid of the load of impressions of the current day, is prepared for new impressions.

Effect on the autonomic nervous system( ASN)

The reason why the head may become dizzy is the fact that alcohol has a negative effect on the VNS.The daily activity of a person is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. Its antagonist is the parasympathetic system. She is responsible for reflex activity - regulation of heart contractions, coughing, breathing, sneezing, urination.

Having taken alcohol, which turns off consciousness, a person "turns off" the influence of the sympathetic system and gives his alcohol-poisoned body to the parasympathetic system. As soon as the depressing effect of alcohol decreases, control of the sympathetic VNS returns.

Activation of the sympathetic department of the VNS causes a person to wake up earlier than he really has time to sleep, sober up, rest after a night feast. The duration of sleep is reduced in a person with a hangover syndrome by an average of 17%.

Hypertension, hypertension

The reason for the dizziness of the head from a hangover, may be increased blood pressure caused by spasm of blood vessels under the influence of ethyl alcohol. The head is spinning from a hangover and at low arterial pressure.

Decreased pressure from a hangover is caused by dehydration, as well as a decrease in blood sugar levels. The latter is explained by the fact that insulin is used for the cleavage of ethanol, which was intended to maintain normal sugar concentration in the body.

What to do

To cope with dizziness after a hangover, it is necessary to neutralize the causes that caused this phenomenon. First of all, when a hangover is required to restore the water-electrolyte balance.

Every sufferer with a hangover automatically tends to restore the water-salt balance, using liquids containing salts, which are necessary in this difficult minute to the body. Preference is given to pickle, compote, berry, citrus juices.

If dizziness is caused by excessive secretion of bile, you should try to eat, even though there is no appetite. It is advisable to eat diet foods that envelop the stomach mucosa, which do not cause additional bile secretion, not overloading the liver. You can have breakfast oatmeal, chicken broth, low-fat soup, jelly.

If dizziness after taking alcohol is caused by a decrease in pressure, it is useful to take preparations of eleutherococcus, ginseng, tea, coffee, pomegranate juice, exercise will help.

Has a soothing effect, a positive effect on the state of the vessels of the brain, a preparation made from seeds of dill, valerian, honey. To make it, you need:

  • to take dill seeds( 1 glass), crushed valerian root( 2 tablespoons), honey( 2 cups);
  • brew the mixture in a thermos bottle with a capacity of 2 liters;
  • insist the day.

Drink dill-valeric infusion 3 times a day for one spoon before eating.

When dizzy caused by a disorder of cerebral circulation, it is beneficial to use the juice of red currant, aronia, rubbed with sugar or honey.

General recommendations of

The dizziness caused by the action of ethanol and acetaldehyde on the body is stable, it can last several days if the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, vestibular apparatus are damaged, peripheral auditory nerve conduction is impaired.

In dizziness caused by brain damage, self-medication at home is dangerous. It is necessary to turn to the narcologist, it will allow to establish the cause of dizziness at an early stage, to get an adequate appointment, to prevent brain disorder.

If the head hangs with a hangover, the patient should:

  • ensure the influx of fresh air - open the ventilation pane, turn on the air conditioner;
  • provide an opportunity to lie down, better - on your back, with your eyes closed;
  • give drugs that bind acetaldehyde - Zorex, vitamin C, aspirin, Phenibut.

If an attack of dizziness caught on the street, the victim should sit down, try to calm down, keep his head straight, motionless, look at one point. After dizziness has passed, you need to sit still for 3-5 minutes. If after that, when you try to get up, your head starts spinning again, you need to call an ambulance doctor.

Dizziness from a hangover can mask diseases such as a heart attack, acute gastric bleeding, stroke, pneumonia, hepatic insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmia, and Quincke's edema.

All these conditions require immediate medical attention. If the head is dizzy the next morning after the feast, although the remaining symptoms of intoxication have almost disappeared, you should always consult a doctor.


To treat dizziness after drinking alcohol, you need to know what caused it. If the other symptoms of a hangover have not disappeared, then you need to take anti-alcohol drugs, maybe alcohol just did not have time to leave the patient's body.


With dizziness, antipohmel preparation Antipohmeline will help. Due to the glutamic acid contained in it, this medicine improves the functioning of the brain.

Dizziness is helped by Zorex, effectively binding acetaldehyde, reducing its concentration. The detoxification of the body is due to the irreversible binding of the component of this unitol to acetaldehyde. Due to this process, the toxin passes into an inactive form and is eliminated from the body.
If you get dizzy after taking alcohol, Glutargin can help restore the nervous system. As part of this antipohmelnogo means contain amino acids, necessary for the disposal of alcohol, improve the efficiency of the brain, support the nervous system.

Glutamic acid, being a neurotransmitter, has a positive effect on brain function, eliminating dizziness. To improve the cerebral circulation prescribe piracetam, Cavinton, apply vitamins B, nicotinic acid.

Sports nutrition

The symptoms of a hangover removes the preparation of guarana, you can buy this food supplement in sports nutrition stores. Guarana contains guaranin - a compound related to caffeine, but acting slower, not causing sharp jumps in blood pressure.

Guarana intake accelerates the excretion of metabolites of ethanol, improves the condition with a hangover, eliminates dizziness and other symptoms of poisoning.

Cope with dizziness caused by a hangover, sports supplements with glutamine, phenylalanine, tyrosine will help. These amino acids are quickly absorbed, they begin to act as early as 30 minutes after ingestion.

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