Beer belly in men and women: causes, consequences, how to clean at home

A large and taut stomach in men usually appears after forty years. The sight is, as a rule, not very pleasant. The owner of a puzika breathes heavily, sweats profusely and takes up a lot of space. For some reason, it is considered to be beer lovers, although this is not quite so.

Beer belly - what is this?

Huge abdomen, mostly found in men, is really called beer. And in fact, lovers of drinking a large amount of foam drink have very outstanding forms. In reality, belly and in men and women do not grow from beer, although alcohol also has to do with the growth of the fat layer.

Beer belly is nothing more than obesity, that is, the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal cavity by the body. This obesity is called abdominal, and it is very dangerous not only for health, but also for life in general.

Causes of the appearance of

The main reason for the appearance of a large abdomen in men and women is, of course, not beer, but an excess of consumed calories. But if beer has nothing to do with obesity, then why do dieticians strongly recommend that you stop using this low-alcohol drink? There are several reasons for this.

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Despite the fact that the beer contains a fairly small amount of calories( 40-50 kcal per 100 grams of product), it is still not recommended to abuse it. Rarely, what man will drink only a jar of beer in one sitting. In general, beer is consumed in liters and for a very high-calorie snack. Having made some simple mathematical calculations in your mind, you can calculate how many calories are used for one friendly beer party. The first giant step to obesity is done.

Even natural beer has hops in its composition. And hops, as is known, is the strongest phytoestrogen, that is, a substance close in nature to the female sex hormone - estrogen.

Stretching of the stomach with beer alcoholism with a large amount of liquid over time leads to an increase in its volume. Normally, the stomach can hold about 2.5 liters of food. But, drinking beer, and eating it with fatty and salty food, a person consumes much more than his stomach can take. After a while, the walls of the stomach stretch and remain so for a long time. Stretched stomach is not filled with the usual amount of food and sends signals to the brain about a lack of satiety. Thus, a person begins to consume more and more food, increases the amount of calories consumed and, as a consequence, develops obesity.

Any alcohol, including beer, stimulates appetite and improves the digestibility of fatty foods. Biting beer is not accepted as a dietary chicken breast or buckwheat, mostly chips, croutons, pizza and other gastronomic joys containing a huge amount of calories are in play. Promoting the rapid digestion of this heavy food, beer again fuels appetite. The resulting calories settle on the waist and hips. In addition, after such a nourishing meal, you do not want to move at all, and the lack of motor activity with a large number of calories is another step towards abdominal obesity.


Elena Malysheva:

"Is Alcoholism Cured? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

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Photo of a beer belly in a woman

Consequences of beer obesity

Fat accumulating in the abdomen is not so harmless. It not only spoils the visual picture, but also negatively affects the health status. Especially dangerous are the fat deposits located under the muscles of the press and covering the entire internal space. Such deposits are called visceral and consist exclusively of brown fat cells. You can not do without an internal fat, but in percentage terms this type of interlayer should not be more than 10% of the total fat mass.

The appearance of a huge abdomen in both men and women indicates a huge accumulation of visceral fat under the muscles of the press.

The fat layer squeezes the internal organs and disrupts their work:

  • The heart works at an accelerated pace.
  • Light, squeezed layers of fat, can not be dealt with, respectively, the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Appears shortness of breath and hypoxia. The lack of oxygen in the brain makes a person weak, sluggish and apathetic.
  • Growing in the abdomen, visceral fat begins to function as an independent organ, changing all the processes of the body not for the better.
  • Under the influence of fat cells there is an additional development of the female sex hormone estrogen, as a result of which a man loses potency, and a woman receives an early onset of menopause.
  • Visceral fat synthesizes a leptin hormone that suppresses testosterone and blocks the possibility of self-burning fat cells.

The most dangerous complications resulting from the appearance of the "beer" stomach can be considered:

  • Varicose veins due to increased stress on the legs. This threatens the development of a life-threatening disease - thrombophlebitis.
  • Myocardial infarction due to malfunction of the fat-coated heart.
  • Serious metabolic disorders.
  • . Oncological diseases. Visceral fat contains carcinogenic substances that increase the risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  • Atherosclerosis.

As you can see, the huge "beer" belly of men and women is not only aesthetic ugliness, but also a great threat to health. Therefore, from such a literally heavy burden should be quickly disposed of.
On the video about the causes and consequences of the beer belly:

How to remove

Many believe that excluding beer from the diet will immediately change the figure for the better. It is a myth. Get rid of the accumulated years of fat will not be easy. The key to proper weight loss and the subsequent retention of harmony is based on two components: proper nutrition and movement.

Proper nutrition

Why are we talking about proper nutrition, not about diet? Diet is, as a rule, a short-term phenomenon, based on a strict restriction in the diet of a certain type of food - fat or carbohydrates.

Therefore, we will talk about constant proper nutrition. What is meant by proper nutrition:

  • The less processed food, the better. Fresh vegetables and fruits, unrefined foods: coarse flour, bran, vegetable oils, wild rice, green buckwheat - this can and should be eaten. Sugar, white flour and products from it - to exclude.
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited!
  • The diet does not need expensive semi-finished products: sausages, sausages, packaged juices, cakes and pastries, chocolate and fast food. This is the most delicious group, from which it is most difficult to refuse. Here the principle of gradualness works well, it is not necessary to arrange an organism with stress, it is better to exclude the harmfulness weekly. Gradually, the taste buds will get used to another type of food, and soon favorite before delicacies will seem too sweet and tasteless.
  • Protein group. The protein must be used necessarily. The daily diet should include low-fat cottage cheese, fish, chicken meat, veal, eggs. Fatty meat and fish should be avoided.
  • Drinking mode. It is necessary to drink water, it helps to purify the body of toxins, rinses the kidneys, supports the flexibility of the spine and damps the feeling of hunger in excessively stretched stomach.

It's hard to get used to proper nutrition. But it's even harder to carry huge layers of unnecessary fat on yourself.


Why should proper nutrition be combined with exercise? Yes, because the muscles of the abdominal press, stretched by a large amount of visceral fat, can not physically be strong and hold the internal organs in their anatomically correct position. Therefore, physical exertion must necessarily be included in its daily routine.

People with a high percentage of visceral fat in the abdomen can be difficult to do exercises related to strengthening the abdominal press. Yes there to say - they can bend with great difficulty!

In this regard, to start playing sports in order to get rid of extra pounds, you should gradually, following the following principles:

  • Lots of excess weight? We exclude running and are engaged in walking. Better in the morning and on an empty stomach.
  • No lingering workouts! The heart muscle, being under a thick layer of fat, is weak enough, do not strain it with debilitating workouts. In addition, intensive training is contraindicated to fat people, knees and ligaments can suffer. Initially, you need to train in low-intensity mode, gradually increasing the tempo.
  • Reinforcing the swing of the press, thinking that this leads to increased fat burning, it's useless. Certainly, the muscles of the press will become stronger, but without proper nutrition and constant physical activity, the stomach will not disappear anywhere.
  • Ideally, if the financial opportunity allows, hire a personal trainer who, taking into account age, sex and excess weight, will build a training schedule and compose a competent diet.
  • You can work out at home. To do this, a set of dumbbells, elastic tape and rug. The main thing is regularity. In addition to training, general physical activity should be increased: walking, cycling in summer or skiing in winter, swimming in the lake or swimming pool, going on picnics where you can play badminton and beach volleyball.

    Surgical intervention

    Sometimes the stomach is so huge that it brings real suffering to its owner, both physical and moral. For regular exercise, there is no time or energy, proper nutrition helps to get rid of fat, but the process of losing weight goes for a long time, and you want to have a beautiful figure here and now. In such cases, surgical treatment comes to the rescue. There are several types of surgical relief from fat on the stomach:

    Liposuction. Pumping off excess fat. Just say that the procedure is suitable only for young people with developed muscles of the press and a good elastic skin.

    Dermolipectomy. Excision and partial removal of the skin along with excess subcutaneous fat.

    Abdominoplasty is the surgical pulling of the muscular layer of the anterior wall of the abdomen. The condition of this operation is wearing a special corset, which strengthens the front wall of the abdomen and reduces the space inside the peritoneum.

    I must say that all these operations in no way affect the accumulated visceral fat. Reducing the volume of the abdomen and waist will only happen due to subcutaneous fat.

    Also worth mentioning is the fact that a return to the old way of life with unreasonable consumption of alcohol, fatty and salty foods, little physical activity will lead to an even greater growth of the beer paunch.

    In order to permanently rid yourself of a heavy burden in the form of a round "beer" belly, it is necessary to change the way of life and thinking, attitude to your body as to the greatest value, and not as a basket for garbage, great willpower and patience when returning tothe former harmony.
    How to get rid of beer belly:

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