Can I take Afobazol with alcohol: compatibility, interaction, feedback

Is it possible to combine alcohol with Afobazole? What side effects can occur? The instructions to Afobazol indicated that the drug does not enhance the effects of ethyl alcohol. But does this mean that this drug is allowed to be taken simultaneously with ethanol?

Alcohol and Afobazole

Afobazol - an anxiolytic non-benzodiazepine tranquilizer, is prescribed for nervous disorders. The active substance of this drug is fabomotizol, acting on the benzodiazepine receptors of the brain.

The drug has a mild stimulating, anti-anxiety action. Reception of the drug improves mood, neutralizes the stress load. Ethanol refers to depressants, acts in the opposite way.


Active ingredient Afobazole fabomotisol possesses neuroprotective properties:

  • protects neurons from damage;
  • improves their ability to interact with each other;
  • has a positive effect on the speed of the neural signal.

Metabolites of ethyl alcohol( acetaldehyde) and ethanol itself destroy the membranes of nerve cells, in the literal sense of the word, they kill brain cells. And, the amount drunk does not matter.

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If the ethyl alcohol has got into the blood, there is no doubt that it will successfully pass the blood-brain barrier, get into the brain and everything that it deems unnecessary will be ruthlessly destroyed.

Diametrically opposite patterns of the effect of alcohol and fabomotisol on neurons do not affect each other, but in some diseases, the destructive effect of ethanol completely neutralizes the neuroprotective effect of the drug.
On the video about the mechanism of action of the drug Afobazol:

With hormonal disorders

Afobazol is used in the treatment of premenstrual tension in women, used to reduce vegetative disorders during menopause. The drug acts sedately, removes irritability, improves sleep, mood.


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Ethyl alcohol, acting on the brain centers responsible for hormonal regulation in the body, aggravates the imbalance of the hormonal background. The intake of ethanol intensifies disruptions in the woman's endocrine system.

In cases of internal diseases

Drug and alcohol counteract the heart and blood vessels. Afobazol is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatological, oncological diseases. The drug is used to treat ischemic heart disease, arrhythmia, high blood pressure.

And, if the drug stabilizes the blood vessels, improves blood circulation, the intake of ethanol eliminates this positive effect completely. Immediately after consumption, ethanol dilates the blood vessels, and then sharply narrows, worsening the blood flow, causing oxygen starvation of tissues, depriving them of food.

Simultaneous reception of alcohol and medication is an ineffective treatment, aggravating the course of vascular diseases, bronchial and lung diseases.

With neuroses

The intake of ethyl alcohol enhances neurotic states. The initial effect of drinking alcohol seems to relax, reduces signs of depression, drives anxiety and anguish. But this is not because the nerve cells received support and help, but as a result of the opposite - from the death of neurons, the destruction of the connections between them, the inhibition of the nervous activity of the brain.

The lawful stage after a carefree state is the transition to intoxication, hangover, when together with the urine from the body are removed, as spent, no longer needed material, thousands of dead nerve cells.

All subsequent changes in behavior and in general character - short temper, irritability, touchiness, uncontrolled aggression - the result of the destructive effect of alcohol on the brain.

Afobazol acts on the nervous system positively:

  • activates neurons;
  • reduces stress manifestations.

The simultaneous administration of afobazole and ethanol will destroy the drug effect of the drug.


Afobazol is a low-toxic drug, the case of an overdose of it is very rare, manifested by drowsiness, retardation of reactions.

How to combine the reception of

With abstinence syndrome caused by alcohol abuse, it is impossible to combine the treatment with Afobazol and the use of the minimum amount of ethyl alcohol. All the positive changes in the body that occurred when taking the medication, will be leveled when you drink alcohol.


Is it possible to combine?- in therapeutic doses Afobazol can be simultaneously consumed with alcohol. However, doctors' reviews steadily point to the fact that when overdosing the drug depresses the nervous system, and in combination with alcohol causes a state that is life-threatening.

The use of alcohol in the treatment of Afobazol is contraindicated in persons suffering from cardiovascular disorders, hormonal diseases, neurotic disorders.

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