Actovegin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, whether it is possible to take simultaneously

The popularity of "Actovegin" - an antihypoxant drug of animal origin - in our time is growing rapidly. He is assigned to a wide range of patients, including children and pregnant women. The list of indications for injections and pills is wide enough, so many patients are worried about the question whether it is possible to combine Actovegin and alcohol. Doctors and pharmacists confidently state: this combination is impossible and can even be dangerous. And there are several reasons for this.

What is the preparation of Actovegin?

Actovegin is one of the antihypoxants. These are special drugs that at times increase the absorption of oxygen in the body and increase the resistance of tissues and organs to its lack. Thus, with the next lack of oxygen, the body will be ready for such a hypoxic attack and will suffer much less.

Produce Actovegin from veal blood, which is purified, filtered and screened out all proteins. The main active substance of the drug( and tablets, and solution) is the deproteinized hemoderate of the blood of calves.

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Thanks to this powerful positive effect on all cells and organs, Actovegin is used to treat quite serious disorders:

  • of cerebral vascular diseases, ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, etc.;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • peripheral vascular disorders;
  • for the healing of wounds of a very different nature( from burns to bedsores);
  • for the prevention and treatment of burns from radiation therapy.

An antihypoxic medication is available in three forms: solutions for injections and droppers, tablets and gel. Tablets can be administered immediately, as an independent drug, they often go in combination with injections. In such cases, injections of Actovegin are prescribed for a maximum of 2-week period, then - exclusively "oxygen" tablets.
On the video, the principle of action of the drug Actovegin:

Interaction with alcohol

In medicine, all three actovegin forms are equally used. The gel is used exclusively for the treatment of skin diseases, its combination with alcohol will not do any harm( if not to smear an open wound).But with the pill and nyxes, the situation is somewhat different.

In the instructions for the use of any medicine "Actovegin" clearly and honestly written: the preparation consists solely of natural, physiological components, so it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic properties.

There are a number of side effects from the treatment with this "oxygen" drug - all possible allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock. The attending physicians and pharmacists warn: the reaction of the body to the cocktail of alcohol and veal gemoderivat is very difficult to predict, but the "side" symptoms from such compatibility can definitely increase many times.


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Why this can happen? Actovegin and spirits work in absolutely opposite directions:

  1. Actovegin helps cells to breathe oxygen, alcohol restricts access to life-giving gas.
  2. Gemoderivat dilates blood vessels, alcohol causes spasms and compresses vascular lumen.
  3. Actovegin enhances the metabolism in vascular cells, alcoholic drinks inhibit it.

This state of dissonance can lead to dangerous consequences.

It does not make any difference if you take "oxygen" tablets or put injections. Dosage can vary in both cases, the effect of the drug also comes about at the same time. And with parenteral and oral administration of Actovegin, the reaction begins in half an hour, the maximum effect after 3 hours( an average of 2-6).And the negative "anti-alcohol" response of the body in any case will be individual.

Possible consequences of

All practicing doctors without exception warn: the main effect of the combination of Actovegin with alcohol is a zero effect.

Due to its toxic effect, alcohol will negate all the efforts of hemoderivative - both oxygen saturation, and healing effect, and improvement of mental state. But in fact such a pleasant bonus from the treatment of Actovegin is noted by all studies of the drug.

And all side effects from Actovegin can only intensify, moreover, gastrointestinal problems are added.

The main consequences of mixing "oxygen" drugs Actovegin and alcohol are:

  • allergic pruritus and rash( urticaria);
  • edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • sudden temperature increase;
  • flow of blood to the face;
  • headaches;
  • nausea( until vomiting).

Rules for combining

The only rule that combines Actovegin( and injections, and pills), says: at the same time, these 2 substances can not be consumed.

Also before treatment, you need to make sure that there are no traces of alcohol left in the body. Depending on the composition of the person and the alcoholic portion, traces of the decomposition of ethanol can be excreted up to 2 months.

Regarding the time after the end of actovegin therapy is allowed to drink alcohol, there is no exact opinion. On this issue it is better to consult with the attending physician - he will make a decision based on your diagnosis and the dosage of the drug.


Is it possible to drink Actovegin with alcohol - a question in medicine is open. There were no specific studies on the reaction of the human body to this account.

Instructions for Actovegin tablets state that the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease with hepatic insufficiency, but it is not known whether alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is involved.

Reviews of doctors on this matter, whether the drug is compatible with alcohol, too, were divided. Some experts( both doctors and pharmacists) say that the only consequence of an alcohol-actovegin cocktail is that the drug simply does not work. Other doctors assure that such an explosive combination can increase the "pobochku" from Actovegin and provoke gastrointestinal disorders.

But in one the doctors agree - the compatibility of Actovegin and any alcoholic beverages is inadmissible in any case, all alcoholic libations - only after the end of the course of treatment.

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