Isoprinosine and alcohol: compatibility, can I drink at the same time, the consequences

Medication Isoprinosine is used to strengthen defenses, strengthen immunity. Alcohol acts in the opposite way. When alcohol drinks are used, the immune system suffers no less than the nervous, vascular system, heart.

Isoprinosine: properties of

Isoprinosin refers to immunomodulatory, antiviral agents, is a derivative of purine. Produced in the form of white tablets with a slight odor.


  • stimulates lymphocytes T-helpers, T-suppressors, regulating the body's immune response;
  • enhances the synthesis of IgG, interleukins, interferon;
  • acts against cytomegalovirus, influenza viruses, measles, poliovirus.

The antiviral effect of the drug is based on the ability to suppress the synthesis of RNA viruses. After administration, it is detected in the plasma after 2 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys, it can not accumulate in the body.

The elimination half-life of Isoprinosine is 3.5 hours. The time of complete elimination from the body of the drug itself and its metabolites can last up to 48 hours.

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Antiviral is contraindicated in urolithiasis, cardiac arrhythmias, gout attacks. It is impossible to treat isoprinosine in children under 3 years old, with renal insufficiency.

Side effects of

Frequent side effects that occur after using Isoprinosine are changes in the digestive tract.

When taking medication may be noted:

  • nausea;
  • stomach pain;In rare cases,
  • is a disorder of the stool.

The gallbladder and liver can be affected by taking the medicine. A frequent side effect that develops after taking the medicine is a headache.


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Interaction with alcohol

The instructions to the drug indicate the need to control the concentration of uric acid for prolonged( more than 14 days) treatment. Control the content of uric acid is also necessary when taking funds that violate the function of the kidneys, liver. The properties of destroying the liver, kidneys and has ethyl alcohol, respectively, the question of whether you can use the drug with alcoholic beverages, it is quite logical.

Effects on the liver

The side effects of both alcohol and isoprinosine include an increase in the activity of hepatic transaminase enzymes. These enzymes provide intracellular metabolism. Increase in their concentration means a bad thing in the body, indicates the possibility of hepatosis, liver cirrhosis.

The level of another hepatic enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, increases with the intake of alcohol and Isoprinosine. Ethyl alcohol and drug increase the concentration of enzymes. Their combined effect leads to a double toxic load on the liver.

Alcohol and drug poisoning of the liver is accompanied by the death of liver cells, the development of liver failure.

Effects on the kidneys

Ethanol destroys liver and kidney function, possesses the property of a diuretic. The combination of alcohol with medicine threatens to increase the level of uric acid in the blood, caused by the diuretic properties of ethyl alcohol. Ethanol, showing the properties of a diuretic, removes liquid from the body, increasing the concentration of ammonia in the blood plasma, worsening the condition of the kidneys.

The intake of isoprinosin causes an increase in the synthesis of gamma-interferon, a substance with the property of enhancing the action of ethanol and its metabolites. Simultaneous reception promotes the development of depression with suicidal thoughts.

Compatibility for gout

Especially dangerous is the combination of ethyl alcohol and medication for gout patients. This disease is caused by a violation of purine metabolism, and Isoprinosine, as indicated in the instructions, is a synthetic derivative of purine.

In addition, ethanol is forbidden by a sick gout, and gout attacks are usually observed after drinking alcohol-containing beverages. If you combine the derivative of purine with alcohol, you should expect an attack of gout in people with this disease.

Possible consequences of

Simultaneous intake of alcohol and medication is able to:

  • induce weakening of immunity;
  • cause a gout attack;
  • hepatic impairment;
  • increases the level of uric acid in the blood, threatening the body with kidney failure.

How much can you drink alcohol?

Alcohol after drinking Isoprinosin can be drunk after 3.5 hours - the half-life of the drug from the body. With a sore gout, impaired purine metabolism, it is recommended to take the medicine after the drug is completely removed, i.e., after 48 hours.


The doctors' comments on taking medications with alcohol are unambiguous: ethyl alcohol or reduces the drug effect of the drug, or distorts it. Even minor doses of alcohol taken close to the time with the drug can neutralize the therapeutic effect, increase the side effect of Iprinosin, and provoke complications.

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