The effect of smoking on the body with bronchial asthma and the consequences of a dangerous bond

Thousands of people every year are victims of a terrible disease - bronchial asthma. The reason for this is poor ecology, heredity or harmful working conditions - it does not matter, the most important thing at the time of diagnosis is to change your habits and start living according to the changed conditions. And the first thing that must necessarily be done is to quit smoking.

Asthma and smoking

Bronchial asthma is not in vain called a "silent plague".It is not contagious and does not kill a person in a few months, as happens with other, more dangerous diseases, however, makes the life of the patient unbearable, leading to severe disability.

Asthma is a dangerous disease of the broncho-pulmonary system, in which the bronchial narrowing occurs, the production of an increased amount of mucus, in connection with which the normal oxygen metabolism in tissues is disturbed, and as a result, a person begins to suffocate.

Such an abundance of mucus clogs and so narrowed the airways, leading to a heavy wheezing, choking attacks and a severe cough.

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As one of the reasons leading to asthma, experts are considering smoking. In addition to the fact that swallowing of tobacco smoke aggravates already existing problems with breathing, curing a smoking asthmatic becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible. Moreover, it is much more difficult for smokers to remove severe attacks, often occurring in asthmatics. Experts in many countries openly say that smoking patients who have a diagnosis of bronchial asthma, about improving the quality of life should not even dream of. The first thing you need to do to improve your deplorable state is to give up your bad habit.

Effects of tobacco smoke on asthmatics

The mucosa of the respiratory tract in smokers is like a burnt desert, so it is burned with hot cigarette smoke. Cilia of ciliated epithelium are clogged with mucus, as well as lower parts of the lungs. If the smoker begins asthmatic attacks, the amount of mucus produced increases several times, which leads to frequent and protracted seizures.

However, the harm of smoking is not limited to this. Tobacco smoke is not only dangerous in terms of development of cancer, but it is a powerful allergen. Hundreds of poisonous elements contained in swallowed smoke irritate the damaged mucous asthmatics, provoking a new attack of coughing or choking. In this case, pathologies in the work of ciliated epithelium lead to a difficult purification of the bronchi from the incoming mud and dust, which provokes another attack.

When quitting smoking, do not forget about protecting yourself from the inhalation of tobacco smoke, the so-called passive smoking. It is proved that there are much more harmful substances in the exhaled smoke than in the inhaled smoker. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of an asthmatic attack, it is worth every effort to avoid inhaling the products of tobacco burning.


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Consequences of

You can talk a lot about the changes that smoking causes in the human body. Most inveterate smokers do not need this information and are not interested, especially since negative changes gradually forming in the lung tissue are not visible with the naked eye. Nevertheless, the terrible consequences of smoking with asthma, should sow doubts in the minds of the most hardened adherents of smoking.

And the consequences are:

  1. The likelihood of contracting this disease in smokers, especially those with close relatives with a similar disease, is almost one hundred percent.
  2. The effectiveness of medications that stop an asthma attack, when smoking significantly decreases. It is proved that the metabolism of therapeutic drugs under the influence of nicotine is greatly accelerated. In this regard, the patient requires increased dosage of medications, which negatively affects the overall well-being. The number of side effects regularly increases and the risk of allergic reactions increases. Moreover, it is very difficult to stop an attack in a smoking asthmatic, often another exacerbation ends with a fatal outcome.
  3. Quite often smoking becomes the trigger mechanism for development of such pathology, as gastroesophageal reflux. During sleep, stomach acid can get into bronchi in such a complication, which causes a severe asthmatic attack.
  4. In long-term smoking asthmatics, the progression of the disease and the formation of irreversible pathologies in the lungs proceeds much faster than in non-smoking associates. Complications such as pneumosclerosis or emphysema lead to respiratory failure, nervous system disorders, and cardiac pathologies. Cure these diseases is not possible.

Smoking and asthma are a really dangerous connection, not regular "horror stories" for fans to indulge a cigarette, but real cases from the practice of pulmonologists, who observe thousands of patients with asthma and other broncho-pulmonary diseases. It is in connection with the development of a large number of complications that it is extremely important for asthmatics to give up a bad habit as quickly as possible.

Is smoking capable of provoking a disease?

In general, only smoking does not cause bronchial asthma. But, along with other provoking factors, the disastrous habit works as a powerful factor, contributing first to the appearance of a cough, and then to attacks of suffocation, characteristic of the disease.

We should not exclude the effect of passive smoking. The absence of serious punishment for smoking tobacco in public places forces any person to inhale poisonous smoke and endanger their health. According to statistics, most asthmatic children in one way or another come into contact with tobacco smoke: the mother of a sick child smoked during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, or the child is often in smoke-filled premises.

In order not to become a victim of a "silent plague" it is worth at least to leave all the bad habits in the past, to be more out in the fresh air, to eat quality foods and not to engage in self-medication for any coughing attack.

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