The effect of smoking on the potency of men: the causes, consequences, opinions of doctors

According to research, smoking can lead to male impotence. The disease does not appear immediately, but gradually, due to the influence of toxic substances in the composition of tobacco smoke in the body, changes occur. Why does smoking worsen potency? Can I solve the problem by giving up a bad habit?

Smoking and male potency

Violation of potency can threaten not only even very young smokers. The main cause is nicotine, which already in small doses narrows the blood vessels and worsens blood circulation, including in the genitals. Thus, several cigarettes smoked before sexual intercourse, can lead to an inferior erection or lack of it.

The findings of various studies prove that, although it happens unnoticed for the smoker himself, a bad erection due to nicotine is almost constant. A direct consequence of a bad habit is partial or complete impotence.

Men's menthol, contained in some cigarettes, also has a negative effect on the potency of men. He heavily burdens the heart and blood vessels, which also leads to difficulty in blood circulation.

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A total of 5000 components of tobacco smoke 60 adversely affect male potency, among them:

  • ammonia;
  • organic acids;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • resin.

And these are only those ingredients, the action of which has been studied. However, cigarette manufacturers do not inform consumers about the harm of nicotine and other components, and the composition of tobacco in modern cigarettes can often not be called qualitative.

Long-term impact of

Most of the negative effects of smoking are caused by nicotine. Once it enters the body of a man, nicotine causes a number of violations:

  • Difficulty in blood circulation of the genital organ.
  • Reduction of arterial pressure in the penis.
  • Vascular artery atherosclerosis.
  • Reduced synthesis of testosterone.

Nicotine causes spasms of the microvessels of the genital organ, and also prevents the saturation of its cells with oxygen. Develop atherosclerosis, leading to a decrease in blood pressure in the penis. This is a prerequisite for the development of erectile dysfunction.


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Men with hypertension are at risk. They have constantly increased blood pressure, and in combination with the destructive effects of tobacco smoke, it can provoke erectile dysfunction up to complete impotence.

Passive smoking also causes significant harm to men's health, since in this case, inhalation of hazardous substances occurs together with tobacco smoke. Nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar easily penetrate into the lungs. From there, they are thrown into the blood and carried throughout the body, reaching the genitals and causing disturbances in its functionality.

As a result of a decrease in the synthesis of testosterone, a man loses his libido, as a result of which his sexual activity decreases. However, it only becomes visible after 5 years.

On the video, the reasons for the reduction of potency during smoking:

Sperm quality

One of the main complications of smoking for men's health is a decrease in the quality of sperm, namely:

  • reducing the density of sperm and changing its composition;
  • sperm impairment;
  • decreased activity and destruction of spermatozoa.

All these changes reduce the possibility of conception. If the child is born, he is most likely to diagnose abnormalities in development, as well as violations of internal organs and systems.

The spermatozoa of a smoking man are destroyed and lose activity, although in a healthy man they are restored within 3 months. No less important is the fact that a bad habit leads to a decrease in the level of androgens, and they directly affect the erection.

Normal and strained spermatozoa

Scientists' opinion

Scientists all over the world indicate the relationship between the potency and the number of cigarettes that a man smokes. According to the results of testing the Americans, with a daily dose of 1 pack, the risk of impotence is increased by 60%.

Other experiments have shown that nicotine and other toxins from tobacco smoke reduce the quality of sperm and its ability to fertilize by 75%.Therefore, those who plan to create a full-fledged family, doctors advise to forget about cigarettes.

Studies of men in Poland and the Czech Republic revealed that when smoking 1 pack of cigarettes a day in middle age, the duration and frequency of sexual intercourse is halved.

How smoking cessation affects male health

US scientists conducted a study of men with erectile dysfunction due to smoking. Some of the subjects had diabetes mellitus. However, it was generally found that most men combined smoking up to 2 packs of cigarettes per day.

Therefore, to improve normal sexual life, you must give up cigarettes. This is the only way to cure impotence, if it was caused by the action of nicotine. Otherwise, any drugs will be powerless.

A video on how smoking affects men's health:

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