Whether it is possible to smoke at a gastritis of a stomach: action of a nicotine, consequences, an exacerbation of disease

Smoking has an extremely harmful effect on the respiratory system. But people suffer from the harmful habit and other organs of his body, for example, the esophagus and stomach. In the article we will talk about why smokers often have gastritis and how to be those who do not plan to throw a bad habit.

Smoking and gastritis: the relevance of the topic

In recent years, gastroenterologists are sounding the alarm: every second adult, as well as every third child of school age, has chronic gastritis. This problem is especially aggravated by those who smoke. Given the statistics( up to 60% of men, up to 25% of women, up to half of young people smoke), it is not difficult to understand the seriousness of the problem. It is very important to realize the possible danger to those who have already crossed the age line in 40 years - these people have a lot of other, additional risks.

Moreover, the cause of exacerbation of chronic gastritis in the vast majority of cases is either improper diet or smoking. If a person is accustomed to smoking on an empty stomach, he has all the "chances" to earn peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum or stomach.

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The effect of nicotine on the stomach

Is it possible to smoke in the presence of gastritis, interests everyone who has a combination of bad habit and disease. Solve this issue will have to individually, but still it is worth to find out exactly how nicotine acts on the body. Everyone knows that tar and nicotine are very harmful to the whole body, but the first "gateway" in the path of smoke is the lungs and stomach. Because of the penetration of smoke on the mucous membrane of the stomach, it is irritated, inflamed.

Nicotine from cigarettes penetrates the stomach in other ways:

  1. Initially, nicotine is absorbed into the blood.
  2. With blood flow, it spreads throughout the body, enters the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The substance leads to spasmodic vasoconstriction, disrupting blood circulation in the stomach tissues.
  4. Nicotine by affecting the central and peripheral nervous system contributes to a violation of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous regulation of the secretion of gastric juice.

Among other things, harmful substances from cigarette smoke are abundantly deposited in the oral cavity, after which they also enter the stomach with saliva. The result of these processes is the same: inflammation of the mucous membrane, irritated by the poison from the cigarettes, increases, the secretion of hydrochloric acid increases, all the functions of the stomach due to spasm of blood vessels and changes in motility fall.

In view of the decrease in local immunity and the rate of regeneration of tissues, the consequence of smoking can be:

  • The development of gastritis of the stomach in a previously healthy person without the presence of other risk factors.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis in those who had a chronic form of pathology.
  • Transition of superficial gastritis to atrophic, recognized as precancerous, or to deeper, more extensive forms of the disease.
  • Transformation of gastritis into erosion or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, including - perforated.

Especially at risk are those who replace breaks with breakfast or other meals, and also likes to drink cigarette smoke with another stimulant to form hydrochloric acid - coffee. Usually, smokers, even with the strongest digestive tract, develop gastritis and a host of other gastrointestinal problems.


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Consequences of smoking

As it was already mentioned, the smoker violates all the functions of the stomach, especially if he smokes more than half a pack of cigarettes a day. If gastritis is already present, then against a background of frequent smoking, it is likely to worsen, as the amount of hydrochloric acid from nicotine is much increased, the acidity of gastric juice increases.

If a person, in addition to a bad habit, has a malnutrition factor, this will certainly lead to complications of the disease - erosive gastritis and duodenitis, gastrointestinal ulcer. According to statistics, more than 70% of cases of ulcers appear due to smoking.

Effects of smoking with gastritis are severe pain in the stomach and abdomen, impaired intestinal motility, the occurrence of night pain and heartburn. The appetite, chair is broken. Usually all these troubles arise in those whose experience of smoking has already exceeded 4-5 years, but in the presence of gastritis with exacerbations the aggravation of the disease is possible in 6-12 months. After 7-10 years of smoking, the stomach glands begin to atrophy, the amount of gastric juice decreases. The pain in this case is reduced, but there is nausea, heaviness, chronic constipation. The biggest risk at this stage is the transition of atrophic gastritis to stomach cancer.

Can I smoke with this disease?

Based on the above, it is clear - smoking with gastritis is not allowed. Harmful substances penetrate the stomach and cause exacerbation of gastritis and its progression.

Therefore, for those who are not going to give up smoking, there are several rules:

  • Do not smoke at night and on an empty stomach.
  • Do not drink a cigarette of coffee, strong tea.
  • Try not to consume a lot of spicy, oily, harmful food, dishes with vinegar.
  • Do not smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day.
  • Never smoke during exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Do not practice smoking immediately after eating( 30-60 minutes), which worsens digestion.

There is a completely logical question, is it possible to smoke a hookah or electronic cigarettes with gastritis? If they contain nicotine, the consequences will be similar. Perhaps, the effect of irritation of the gastric mucosa will not be, since there are no tar and other harmful substances. But nicotine is a poison that is identical in its effect on the body, in whatever form it penetrates into it. This should be remembered for those who consider other forms of smoking harmless to their health.

Exacerbation after giving up the habit

Complaints like "quit smoking, and gastritis escalated" - rather an exception to the rules. Usually a person immediately feels considerable relief, and, with proper nutrition, he can enter into a long-term remission of gastritis, forgetting about his exacerbations. And yet some smokers are faced with the manifestations of the disease immediately, as they abandoned a bad habit.

The causes may be:

  • Masking of various stomach problems by quenching the nicotine part of the pain. That is, the problem existed before, but the smoker simply did not pay attention to it.
  • Gastritis is caused by stress, which is experienced by the body, and also the person is seriously going through. The disease in this case develops by analogy with how it happens with stress for another reason.
  • The vascular tone has changed. If a regular intake of nicotine kept the vessels in a spasm, then later they suddenly and abruptly expanded, which triggered an exacerbation of the disease.
  • There is a withdrawal syndrome. As a result of this syndrome, the amount of gastric juice increases, as does the production of saliva, and all this causes the development of an acute phase of gastritis.
  • The rhythm of the feed is broken. A person after giving up smoking can "seize" unpleasant sensations, practices snacks, improper food, consumes chips, crackers, drinks a lot of tea and coffee. All this leads to an acute gastritis.

You can stabilize your condition if, in addition to quitting smoking, start a healthy diet, do not eat food that irritates your stomach, consume only useful foods, and always visit a gastroenterologist. Health GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT usually quickly comes to norm after refusal of smoking, the main thing - to throw this habit for ever!

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