Is there any benefit from smoking cigarettes for the human body: arguments, opinions of doctors

Hundreds of articles have been written about the dangers of smoking, big letters shouting about the danger of nicotine on each pack. But we know that every medal always has two sides, and it can not be that a substance called nicotine brings a person only a mortal danger. Let's try to understand this question.

The use of smoking

For many years that have passed since the harmful habit became persecuted all over the world, scientists have uncovered some curious facts indicating that smoking tobacco directly affects the prevention of certain dangerous diseases. Consider some of the arguments in favor of bad habits in more detail.

Prevention of obesity

Nicotine, contained in tobacco smoke, has a negative effect on olfactory and taste sensations. The taste of food, which previously seemed delicious, becomes insipid. Moreover, the appetite of the smoker is significantly reduced, which contributes to low body weight. Among other things, smokers themselves notice that after they quit smoking, the weight began to creep upward. It is this fact that often becomes an obstacle in the abandonment of a bad habit.

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Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease

This sensational fact became known back in 1993.Dr. James de Fahn made a sensational discovery that smokers are 50% less likely to develop senile dementia. American scientists Meruane Bancherif and Mario Marrero echo him. They proved that nornicotin, which is released during the decay in the body of nicotine, prevents the death of brain cells as a result of the disease.

Prevention of Parkinson's Disease

And again the pioneers in the question of the benefits of smoking were the Americans. Dr. H. Chekovay proved that people who regularly receive nicotine are 70% less susceptible to Parkinson's disease. The scientist suggested that the reason for this lies in the positive effects of nicotine on dopamine receptors. Indeed, attention and concentration among smokers become much higher, especially when smoking a regular cigarette. However, this effect is short-lived, so the smoker almost immediately reaches for the next cigarette. In this case, a large number of cigarettes smoked contributes to intoxication of the body, and in the absence of help a person may die.

Facilitating the flow of schizophrenia

What is the use of smoking cigarettes in this disease? Nicotine has a beneficial effect on the mental ability of patients, inhibits the progression of the disease. The drug based on nicotine improves the condition of patients with hallucinations and indifference inherent in patients with schizophrenia.

Decreased intestinal peristalsis

It has long been noted that such a property of nicotine as a decrease in peristalsis. Smoking several cigarettes reduces the increased gas formation, promotes the production of mucus in the intestines, which reduces the risk of ulcerative colitis. In addition, it is proved that the benefits of smoking for the body lies in the fact that addicts are less likely to suffer from diarrhea, which is also caused by a decreased intestinal peristalsis.

However, the absence of ulcerative colitis can in no way outweigh the fact that oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in smoking people occur much more often than non-smokers.


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Prevention of oncology in women

And again ahead of all were Americans. Scientists from Dartmund revealed the relationship between nicotine and estrogen. The antiestrogenic effect of the former positively affects the reduction in the incidence of endometrial cancer and fibromatosis. It is proved that the early onset of smoking significantly reduces the incidence of endometriosis.

Pregnant women who are addicted to cigarettes are much less likely to suffer from such fatal phenomena as preeclampsia and eclampsia. What is thus a protective mechanism, scientists have not yet been established. There are suggestions that hypotensive effect of thiocyanate plays its role in this.

Smokers are less likely to experience dysmenorrhea. This is due to the action of tobacco on the synthesis of prostaglandins, which reduces the unpleasant phenomena during menstruation.

Nevertheless, with prolonged smoking, especially during the period of gestation, the woman is at great risk. Abuse of tobacco products during pregnancy increases the risk of not communicating the fetus or giving birth to a sick kid. In addition, smoking significantly reduces the ability to become pregnant, while reducing the age at which menopause occurs. Thus, the use of cigarettes in this case is counterbalanced by the negative effect of this.

Stress Reduction

Many smokers note that after smoking a cigarette their mood improves, the level of stress decreases and in place comes calmness and relaxation. Indeed, during a light break, a person temporarily disconnects from problems. This is facilitated by deep rhythmic breathing during the inhalation of smoke, as well as contemplation of the released rings of tobacco smoke.

In addition, nicotine activates the mediators responsible for creating a positive mood - serotonin and dopamine. That's why people who suffer from depression, so often tightened cigarette during the day.

Despite all the above, other scientific facts indicate that the improvement in mood in smokers is of a short-term nature. As the decay of nicotine in the body occurs, the person who smokes is apathy and depressed, which can only be removed by smoking another cigarette. It turns out a vicious circle, which the smoker himself can not break.

Absence of allergy

Research by some eminent scientists shows that tobacco smoke reduces the risk of developing some allergic reactions. It is likely that this is due to the activity of mast cells - cells that play an important role in adapting the organism to some allergens. Smoking facilitates the course of hay fever and hives, and in some cases protects the body from allergens.

And yet, smoking in order to get rid of allergies is very unreasonable. Tobacco smoke in itself is a very powerful allergen, and smoking for a short time can lead a person to a deadly disease - a smoker's asthma.


What's going on? Physicians and scientists all over the world advocate completely opposite truths. To whom to believe and really, is there any benefit from smoking cigarettes?

In fact, all of the above indicates the benefits of nicotine and its positive effects on the body, as a constituent of tobacco, and not smoking.

Than to explain that fact, what many physicians are slaves of a malicious habit? In fact, most of the Red Cross ministers do not at all consider smoking within reasonable limits to be very dangerous to health. However, and they say that people with debilitated health are not recommended to smoke, so as not to aggravate the course of diseases. The daily rate of cigarettes, according to the doctor, should not be more than 4-5 cigarettes, and sick people should reduce it to 1-2 cigarettes a week.

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