Is there any harm from the electronic hookah without nicotine: the types of devices, the potential threat, the doctors' opinions

Electronic hookah has appeared relatively recently - in 2013 - and is just gaining popularity. Many people say that such a device is an ordinary electronic cigarette, just the size is increased and the name is changed. In fact, the principle of work and the appearance of the hookah are slightly different from the "safe cigarette".But the main thing is that some varieties of hookahs of the new generation can be smoked without the slightest harm to health, which can not be said about electronic cigarettes.

What is an electronic hookah

An electronic version of a hookah is a device consisting of several cylinders, a mouthpiece and a cartridge( built-in or replaceable) inside which is a liquid mixture for smoking. In all models there is also a built-in battery.

Unlike the traditional hookah, which smoked in the East a few hundred years ago, the electronic does not need to be set on fire. It does not have built-in lighters, nothing burns, and smoke in the classical sense, too, is not there - there is a fragrant steam that the smoker inhales.

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Mechanism of action

An electronic hookah operates on the principle of an inhaler. Inside the atomizer is installed - a compact steam generator that heats the aromatic liquid in the cartridge and turns it into steam.

The device works on the battery - just turn on, make a few puffs, and steam will start to stand out. As manufacturers assure, the taste and sensations of such a steam is no different from hookah smoke. Even in safe, non-nicotine cartridges. For those who like to mix hookah fragrances, there are models where you can insert two cartridges at the same time.

Electronic hookah device

Most replacement cartridges for the electronic version of hookah are produced without nicotine.

There are only a few substances in their composition:


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  • purified water;
  • perfume composition;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol.

All these substances, transforming into steam, first affect the taste buds( therefore smoking an electronic hookah is pretty nice), and then penetrate into the lungs. Due to its nontoxicity, the lungs quickly remove glycerin, aromatics and propylene glycol from the body.

And are not glycerin or propylene glycol dangerous? Scientists have repeatedly argued about this and came to the conclusion that these substances are absolutely safe. Glycerin has long been used in medicine and the food industry, its harmlessness is proved by decades of application.

Types of

Today the market offers a choice of 4 versions of electronic hookahs:

  • Classic( large).This hookah weighs more than a kilogram and resembles a classic smoking device. Very often it involves the use of just two cartridges.
  • Pocket( manual).In length, this smoking device reaches about 40 cm, it is convenient to carry it in a bag or briefcase, take a visit or a trip.
  • Hookah-handle. This device is very similar in size to an electronic cigarette and has an elegant design.
  • Electronic hook on hookah. It is designed for classic hookahs and is installed instead of a bowl of tobacco. Hookah can be smoked, as usual, only harmless aromatic vapor is inhaled instead of liquid tobacco smoke.

Also electronic hookahs are divided into disposable and reusable. The disposable cartridge is built-in and is rated for 400-800 puffs. After use, the device is simply discarded. A reusable hookah cartridge can always be changed to another.

Also differ from each other and the cartridges. They are either non-nicotine( on the package indicated - 0% nicotine) or with nicotine content, usually 1.5 mg per unit. Thus, any electronic hookah - and a miniature pen, and a special nozzle - can be turned into both safe entertainment and a toxic smoking device.
Video review of electronic hookah-pens:

Is there a health hazard

Electronic hookah is deprived of almost all the dangers that the traditional hookah has in itself. Due to the fact that nothing burns, the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning disappears. Steam from the hookah fluid is not so scalding, so the larynx does not suffer from burns.

The most important danger is the smoking of hookahs with cartridges containing nicotine. On the one hand, the dose of nicotine is negligible there. Experts calculated that if one hour is periodically delayed by an electronic nicotine hookah, this will be approximately one cigarette tightening.

Consequences of entrainment by electronic hookah are usually remote, but they are always:

  • hypertension( high blood pressure);
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemic heart disease and heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • smoker's cough;
  • behavior disorders, etc.

There is even a danger of non-nicotine aromatic hookahs. Doctors forbid the use of their pregnant women - such devices can have unpredictable effects on the health of the future baby and harm the future mother, which is not known.

Arguments in favor of

The electronic version of the ancient hookah( if it is a non-nicotine) has a lot of advantages in front of the classic hookah, and even in front of similar electronic cigarettes.

  • It can be smoked in public places. The smoke from the electronic hookah almost instantly dispels, does not leave a smell, does not contain toxic pitches and carcinogens.
  • Since there are no lighters in the device and no coals are used, steam is generated at sufficiently low temperatures. This eliminates the formation of carbon monoxide and burns mucous.
  • This device can not burn your hands or scorch surrounding objects. Thanks to this electronic hookah can safely carry with you.
  • Most of the aromatic mixtures for the fashion device - without nicotine. Therefore, you can enjoy traditional hookah smoke without harm to the body.
  • And practical use - this hookah does not need to collect, smoke and then launder for a long time. It is ready for use almost immediately after power-up.

Reviews of doctors

Electronic hookah only comes into fashion, so specialists rarely speak about this device, both about harm and its benefits. Its role is played by the fact that the hookah dependence appears quite rarely. Usually, it grows into traditional tobacco smoking, and then doctors are already struggling with the typical nicotine addiction.

Nevertheless, doctors appreciated the use of electronic hookah on a par with electronic cigarettes.

Therefore, nicotine-free compact hookahs are an excellent alternative for those who want to abandon the bad habit in all its manifestations - both smoking conventional cigarettes and an aromatic hookah.

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