How to get rid of comedones at home in popular ways?

Contaminating the skin pores of the skin, acne, acne, acne, comedones can spoil the appearance of the skin, and if untreated, rapidly spread and can lead to such effects as eczema and dermatitis of various nature. Therefore, the treatment of this pathological condition, in which the mouth of the ducts are clogged with remnants of dead skin particles, cosmetics and sebum, is required to be carried out in the early stages of the disease. This will quickly improve the general condition of the skin, provide it with adequate nutrition and eliminate the risk of possible complications.

The upper layer of the skin is constantly updated, therefore the removal of dead cells is an obligatory procedure for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. In addition, it is these particles of dead cells that cause the formation of plugs that clog pores and cause the formation of comedones. The peculiarities of the therapeutic effect are a complex approach to the elimination of both external manifestations of the disease and the cause that caused the clogging of the skin pores. The use of both medicamental effects and methods of traditional medicine at home is the best combination for eliminating this condition and preventing the formation of comedones.

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Traditional methods of treatment

Long-established methods of traditional medicine, based on the use of proven means for cleaning the upper layer of the epidermis, can be called the least traumatic for the skin. After all, they were based on natural remedies, herbal and seed broths, various procedures, the main purpose of which was to eliminate the pores formed in the mouth of the mouth and restore the elasticity of the skin.

Before starting any kind of treatment, determine the cause of comedones. This is important for the most complete elimination of the external manifestation of this skin lesion, as well as to prevent recurrence of the disease. Therefore, the first step in eliminating such unpleasant manifestations as comedones can be called diagnosis of the cause of their formation. And since the frequent cause of skin lesions is often internal diseases with chronic course leading to external manifestations of inflammation, their cure will eliminate the root cause of this phenomenon.

The most effective methods of traditional medicine with frequent comedones include the following:

  • mechanical skin cleansing , especially at the lesion sites, which allows to remove particles of dead skin, the remnants of cosmetic products, surpluses of sebum, which cause the formation of a plug in the pore. To clean the skin should use such drugs that contribute to the dissolution of solid cork. It can be a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark( which is especially useful in the increased formation of sebum).Such broths should be used with daily washing, after the procedure of peeling.
  • masks with disinfectants , such as tincture of calendula, althea root - on the steamed skin after carrying out its mechanical cleaning, a mask is applied, based on flour from oat flakes, natural honey and one of the listed components( in the form of tincture, decoction);
  • any fresh fruit or vegetables , finely grated and mixed to obtain the necessary consistency with oat flakes, nourish the skin, soothe it and prevent inflammation;
  • to excellent methods of dissolution of comedones should be attributed natural honey , which thus does not injure the skin and nourishes it. Honey should be applied to the previously cleaned skin without rubbing. For greater effectiveness of this method, honey can be added with a powder of salicylic acid, which simultaneously perfectly disinfects the skin. Leave it on the skin for about - minutes, after which the mask is washed off with water or a decoction of any disinfecting plant( oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort);
  • after using such an effective method at home, like the steam bath , which perfectly steam the skin, opens the pore and softens the plug at the mouth of the pore, you can apply to the skin gruel from bran, hydrogen peroxide solution and a drop of fresh lemon juice: this mixture is excellentdisinfects areas of inflammation, removes the plug and bleaches the skin.

To do this, the selected preparation( decoction, solution, ointment or mask) is applied to a small area of ​​healthy skin, the remedy is left for 15 minutes, and in the absence of a negative reaction, it is possible to begin the full application of the chosen remedy until a pronounced positive result is obtained.

How to fight, treat and get rid of at home from closed comedones on the face of folk methods, we find out below.

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How to get rid of comedones at home

Using the methods listed above will help treat the skin, soothe irritation and relieve inflammation in the formation and development of comedones. However, the very process of removing this formation, if there is no independent dissolution or dissolution of the plug due to the procedures or preparations used, requires compliance with certain rules that ensure complete cleansing of the skin and elimination of possible side effects in the form of scars on the skin, relapses of the disease.

To such rules, helping to eliminate the comedon at home and not harm the skin, it is necessary to relate:

  1. Elimination of the plug from the mouth of the pores should be carried out only after preliminary mechanical cleaning of the skin, which will avoid re-entry of dirt at the time and possible inflammation of the skin.
  2. Self-removal of the comedon should only be done with clean hands, and after the procedure the skin needs to be disinfected - this will also help to avoid inflammation.
  3. The best method of removing comedones is to pre-steam the skin of the affected area, which allows some dissolution of the cork into the skin and softening it. The softened plug is better removed and does not leave traces or scars behind it.
  4. To maximally remove the comedon requires some dexterity of the fingers: when pressing the affected pore from both sides, the contents of the pore are ejected. However, excessive pressing will cause serious injury to the skin, leave a trace behind. With insufficient exposure, it is probably not complete removal of the plug from the pores, which is fraught with relapses of comedones.
  5. When treating such unpleasant skin lesions as comedones, you should reconsider your diet and introduce certain changes in the diet. Exclusion of bad habits, consumption of the necessary amount of fresh vegetables, vitamins with fruits and good quality of drinking water will save the result and skin youth.

These rules are easy to implement, if observed, you can remove the comedon at home even if the stage of development is neglected, without adversely affecting the skin condition.

Pro masks for cleaning, removing and treating comedones on the face at home read below.

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However, with severe skin inflammation, when forming a sebum in the pore, it may sometimes be necessary and medicinal effect on the affected areas. For this, preparations that disinfect the skin, stop the process of inflammation and improve the regeneration processes in the skin are used.

  • Salicylic acid in the form of an ointment can be used to apply to the treated skin after removal of the comendone, which is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • You can also use medical alcohol, which also heals the skin after removing the clogging from the pores.

The following drugs can be recommended for medicines that can be recommended for the treatment of the skin with frequent comedones:

  • Skinoren, which copes well with the problem of closed comedones that do not have a cork exit from the pores of the skin;
  • Differin, established as an effective drug for the treatment of various kinds of comedones and acne;
  • natural herbal preparation on the basis of bodyguards allows you to quickly restore skin tone when removing comedones, to remove inflammation at the site of its development.

Knowing how to clean comedones at home is important to remember about proper nutrition.

Nutritional advice

To stabilize the skin, you need to change your diet. The exclusion from the diet of products that contain flavors, colorants, chemicals such as nitrates and nitrites, allows the skin to get more nutrients, to exclude the sharply negative impact of these components on the health status as a whole.

The intake of sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals will prevent the rapid filling of skin pores with excess sebum, as proper digestion and the provision of the necessary elements to the body stabilize metabolic processes without causing any abnormalities in the skin.

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