Comedones: treatment, prognosis, symptoms, signs, diagnosis

Any disturbance in the process of sebum production and clogging of the estrus ducts in the skin is accompanied by pronounced changes in the state of the upper layer of the epidermis and deterioration of the general condition of the skin, thereby provoking the appearance including acne. Representing a skin capsule with filling, the komendons can differ both in the process of their formation and in the external symptomatology of the pathological process that flows in the skin.

Pores of the skin, designed to remove the products of life, sweat, part of the epidermis, when clogging their mouths begin to inflame, there is a swelling, characteristic for this disease. Komendony can also be called a kind of acne, which in the course of its development has acquired more vivid manifestations and may cause further deterioration of the condition.


Commandos can be formed at almost any age, but most often they occur, as well as acne, due to the fact that the process of sebum production is activated with some malfunctions in the hormonal system. This is noted in adolescence, when the final formation of many body systems, during pregnancy and other changes in the body.

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The frequency of diagnosing komendonov approximately the same as in men, and in the female half. The area of ​​formation of such clogging on the skin is a person( forehead, nose, chin, ears), however, clogging of the skin pores( comedones) can also be found on the back, on the shoulders, hips and buttocks. With increased sensitivity of the skin, komendons and other changes in the upper layer of the epidermis occur more often.

Closed face comedones( photo)

Classification of

Today it is customary to classify a skin condition as comedones, which facilitates the process of diagnosing this skin disease and makes it possible to make the most effective treatment regimen to eliminate external manifestations of lesions. By its type of education this condition can be of two main types:

  • Open comedones - in this case there is a top layer of clogging visible to the eye. This means that the mouth of the duct of the pores of the skin is clogged with particles of dead skin, street dust, remnants of cosmetic products. At the top of the mouth a so-called cork is formed, which gradually acquires a dark or black color due to external pollution. With the open form of comedones, the secreted skin fat gives the place of lesion a sebaceous shine, the open comedon is more noticeable and is more quickly diagnosed even with the usual external examination by a dermatologist. You should know that open comedones are less dangerous than their closed variety, they are easier to treat and do not leave almost no traces on the skin.
  • Closed comedones is characterized by the formation of the same kind of cork from the remnants of cosmetics, skin particles and sebum, but it does not break out, but remains inside the skin. Externally closed species of comedones are small enlarged formations protruding above the surface of the skin. Usually they are not painful, however, the absence of the possibility of removing the cork that formed outwards is fraught with both long treatment and possible leaving a trace on the skin after removal of such a comedon.

The division of this cutaneous pathology into varieties, depending on their shape and formation, allows them to be assigned to a specific type and to determine the treatment option that will sooner eliminate the formed plug and cleanse the ducts of skin pores.

The causes of comedones on the face and body are described in this video:

Causes of

The formation of comedones, like blackheads, is associated with several factors. They can be combined, but the most common causes of comedones are:

  • insufficient personal hygiene, which clogs the skin and does not eliminate in the required volume the remains of dead skin, particles of cosmetic preparations and sebum;
  • overly active excretion of fat from skin pores;
  • improper or unbalanced diet, predominance in the diet of products with an excessively high content of sugars or fat, as well as the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • use of certain medications that can provoke the appearance of severe skin problems;
  • long sunbathing without the use of the necessary tools designed to protect the skin;
  • susceptibility to occlusion of the mouths of pores or their significant constriction;
  • is a hereditary factor that is inherited.

The transition age and disruptions in the hormonal system can also be called the causes of acne, comedones and acne on the skin.

Symptoms of comedones

External manifestations of the formation of comedones are very characteristic, which allows to identify them at the earliest stage of development. This speeds up the process of cleansing and healing the skin.

When blocking the mouth of the pore, a black or black plug appears in the upper part of the pore, which can be quite dense. As the disease progresses, the cork becomes darker and harder, and the extraction process becomes more difficult. It is for this reason that the detection of the disease at the earliest possible stages makes it easier and quicker to cleanse the skin and eliminate manifestations of this condition.

Diagnosis, treatment and removal of closed and open comedones on the face and other places are described below.


Methods for diagnosing comedones are simple. The first step in detecting this pathological condition of the skin is a general external examination of the affected areas by a dermatologist, who can prescribe a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct examination of affected areas of skin by specialists such as endocrinologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, since this disorder is often accompanied by abnormalities in the digestive tract.

On how to treat closed and open comedones on the face or other localizations and get rid of them forever, we will tell further.


Treatment methods for this condition may vary. Much depends on the degree of skin damage, the severity of the pathological process. Usually, the treatment is complex, which allows you to quickly remove the characteristic symptoms and improve the external parameters of the skin.

The most effective is drug treatment with the application of general recommendations for improving the quality of personal hygiene.

This video will tell you how to remove comedones from the ears:

Therapeutic way

The therapeutic effect includes improvement of the washing process with the use of special cleansers, as well as bath procedures to improve the process of opening the pores of the skin and removing the formed cork from them.

The following procedures also showed themselves well:

  • skin scrubbing - with the help of hard particles the scrub is more fully cleansed of the skin from dead cells, dust and dirt;
  • fruit acids that perfectly dissolve organic dirt on the skin, removing plugs from the mouths of pores;
  • use of cosmetics that stabilize the production of sebum and relieve inflammation on the skin.

Complex effects with comedones allow you to get the most pronounced result with minimal time and more likely to return the skin a healthy look.

About means from the closed and open comedones on the face we will talk below.


Drugs, also cleansing the skin and preventing further progression of the inflammatory process, ensure rapid healing of the skin.

Usually salicylic acid is used, which well neutralizes inflammation and removes external manifestations.

Surgical intervention in detecting comedones is usually not required. On how to treat them at home, we write separately.

Prevention of the disease

  • To prevent the formation of comedones, it is recommended that you follow the rules of personal hygiene, use exfoliating agents to cleanse the skin, and regularly perform skin peeling.
  • Modern cosmetic preparations, whose purpose is cleansing the skin, ensure the correct pH of the skin and at the same time eliminate the probable causes of comedones.
  • You should also follow the rules of healthy eating, exclude bad habits and enrich the body with the necessary vitamins.
  • A regular examination with a doctor with a diagnosis of the skin condition will give confidence in maintaining her health.

Complications of

In the absence of necessary treatment, as well as in case of its insufficiency, the manifestations of this disease are likely to worsen with the increase in the area of ​​the lesion, the penetration of inflammatory processes into the deeper layers of the skin. The deterioration of the general appearance of the skin, a significant expansion of the pores and the remaining traces on the skin after the elimination of this lesion are the simplest complications of comedones.


The prognosis for comedones can be considered favorable with a small area of ​​lesion, when treatment is appointed by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The correct technique for squeezing comedones on the back is shown in this video:

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