Phytodermatitis( meadow, forest, jungle): treatment, symptoms, photo

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Skin lesions caused by the effects of plants in any form of manifestation are called phytodermatitis and can manifest themselves through various external changes in the skin that cause discomfort. In the absence of the necessary therapeutic effect, the symptoms gradually worsen, there is a significant deterioration in the appearance of the affected areas and the probability of further progression of the lesion with significant negative changes in the skin is high.

Modern medical products can prevent the aggravation of the current symptoms, prevent the progression of the disease and maintain skin health. However, the most important component in eliminating the manifestations of this skin disease should be considered timely attention to the initial stages and manifestations of pathology, which makes it possible to find it in time and start the most effective treatment.

Features of the disease

The course of the disease, like phyto-dermatitis, is accompanied by a gradual aggravation of the current symptomatology. Infection occurs by contacting parts of the body with certain plants, in the presence of hypersensitivity to components of plant origin, there is the appearance of characteristic manifestations that cause unpleasant sensations in humans. Not everyone has similar reactions, and the degree and number of symptomatic signs of the current lesion may also be unequal.

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The main factor determining how susceptible to certain plants is the individual sensitivity of the human body.

Phytodermatitis, also called dermatitis of meadow, jungle and forest dermatitis, is not a contagious disease, as it is caused by external stimuli in the form of juice or pollen of certain plants. The duration of the negative effect of the irritating factor and the degree of individual sensitivity are the most important indicators, which largely determine the degree of manifestation of the current skin lesion and the strength of the negative effect on the body.

This skin lesion in almost any form of exposure to various plant irritants has a similar symptomatology, allowing timely attention to it and proceeding to the necessary treatment.

Meadow dermatitis( photo)


Classification methods allow to classify the detected lesion to a specific type, which makes it possible to influence it with the help of a proven treatment regimen. Modern methods of diagnosis have proven themselves in the study of current pathology, allow you to apply the most effective methods of treatment in treatment.

Species of phytodermatitis

The main classification is based on the definition of the substance and plant, which caused allergic manifestations on the skin of the affected person.

The most common allergic manifestations on the skin occur when exposed to the following plants:

  • nettle;
  • plants related to the buttercup;
  • cow-grass, which is a dangerous poisonous weed plant;
  • white ash;
  • primrose;
  • spurge.

Also with a special sensitivity to any constituent of the plant material, allergic reactions to celandine, scumia can be noted. The active substance-irritant in these plants are the chemical elements that make up the juice, the pollen, the excreted plant components. In this case, allergic manifestations can occur on any part of the skin, most often they are noted in the place that was in contact with a certain plant.

Depending on the plant to which there is an increased sensitivity, the species differs and the classification of the lesion is applied.

Localization of

The location of this skin pathology depends on the type of contact with the irritant. The most common phytodermatitis is detected at the time of haymaking, when walking barefoot on the grass, while relaxing in nature. Traversing on the high grass through a variety of grasses, in a meadow also often causes a diagnosis of manifestations of phytodermatitis.

In some cases, manifestations of phytodermatitis are observed when working on furniture production, especially when one often has to stay in mahogany processing areas: its constituents in significant quantities and with prolonged exposure can cause allergic manifestations in people prone to allergic reactions on the skin.

Causes of

The most common cause that leads to the development of the pathology in question is the individual hypersensitivity to certain substances contained in a particular plant species. However, with one-time contact with a plant that causes a negative reaction, contact dermatitis occurs, which has less vivid manifestations and quickly passes after elimination of the cause of irritation.

Phytodermatitis develops with prolonged exposure to plant irritants. In this case, penetration of the negative-provoking substance into the local bloodstream occurs, which increases the degree of symptoms and can lead to significant negative manifestations on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Plants to which there is increased sensitivity have the following effects on the human body:

  • is irritating;
  • sensitizing and photosensitizing effect;
  • toxic.

The development of simple contact dermatitis, which occurs with a single contact with a substance that provokes allergic manifestations, provokes a manifestation of phytodermatitis, which develops according to the type of contact dermatitis of an allergic nature with prolonged exposure.

With photosensitizing action, particles of plants that trigger an allergic condition increase the sensitivity of the body to ultraviolet radiation occur, resulting in a significant aggravation of the existing allergic manifestations on the skin even with a slight stay in the open sun.

Symptoms of

The manifestations of such skin lesions as phytodermatitis can vary significantly in detail in different people depending on the degree of sensitivity of its skin, but the general symptomatology is relatively similar. Since there is an external effect of products of plants with allergenic properties, all manifestations are revealed on the upper layer of the epidermis.

To the most characteristic external signs on which it is possible to determine the presence of phytodermatitis, the following manifestations should be attributed:

  • itching and burning of the skin at the site of the allergenic matter of plants( pollen, juice);
  • appearance of rashes of various types - small rash, pimples, blisters, which can have a single character, and can, if the pathological process worsens, merge into significant areas of damage;
  • diffuse lesion of a limited area of ​​the skin.

Sometimes the appearance of manifestations that resemble the external symptoms of a burn is noted: redness of the skin, increase in its sensitivity, the formation of bubbles on its surface with clear or whitish contents. The degree of expression directly depends on factors such as the degree of skin susceptibility to the allergen, and the duration of exposure to the skin surface.

The general appearance of such dermatological lesions can have a linear form, the appearance of connecting rounded shapes or bizarre asymmetric shapes. Most often, manifestations of phytoderma affect those parts of the body that were in direct contact with plant substances that caused allergic manifestations. The most affected are manifestations of phytodermia of the hands, hips, feet, lower legs, less often - the loin, trunk, shoulders and neck. On the skin of the face can also be seen manifestations of this lesion.


  • For children with increased sensitivity of the baby skin is characterized by the presence of the most pronounced manifestations: the lesion area is larger in area, the force of unpleasant sensations is higher( itching and burning, soreness in contact with affected areas).
  • In early childhood, the likelihood of an increase in body temperature is high, fever may begin. These manifestations are most often noted with prolonged exposure to the allergen on the baby's skin.

In adults

Because the skin of an adult is less sensitive, the degree of manifestation of phytodermia in adults is less pronounced. However, in some cases, for example, with especially sensitive skin in an adult, with prolonged exposure to an allergenic substance, the symptomatology can also be particularly severe: itching and burning of the skin can cause appreciable discomfort, the duration of the manifestations being particularly prolonged.

With the timely treatment of the withdrawal of symptoms is simple enough, the use of antihistamines and antiallergic drugs allows you to stabilize the condition and prevent deterioration of well-being.


The implementation of diagnostic measures makes it possible to identify the onset of this skin lesion. Unpleasant sensations can serve as a kind of indicator of a person's condition, and in case of any negative changes in the condition of the skin, it is necessary to contact the doctor-dermatologist in time for diagnosis.

The following manipulations are used to diagnose a dermatological lesion, such as phytodermatitis:

  • external examination of - the presence of pronounced external skin changes such as a rash, reddening of the skin, the formation of acne or blisters of various sizes suggests the development of dermatitis caused by a negative effectcertain parts or components of plants;
  • , the presence of skin lesions in the form of combs that form with itching or burning, as well as its severe soreness when coming into contact with surrounding objects or clothing;
  • subjective sensations of the affected in the form of unpleasant sensations on the skin, its burning, stiffness and redness that can be noted in various areas of the body;
  • dermatoscopy - this diagnostic procedure makes it possible to make a final diagnosis based on the analysis of particles of damaged skin that are taken in the places of the most obvious manifestations of lesion.

In addition to the listed types of diagnostic procedures, bacteriological examination of the contents of the rashes can also be applied if they are available.

Treatment of

Treatment methods may vary depending on the case, but the most common methods for treating phytoderma can be considered the use of antiallergenic drugs, agents with antihistamine action. Complex approach allows you to quickly eliminate the most obvious manifestations of this dermatological disease, eliminate the most obvious and unpleasant manifestations of it.

Therapeutic method

When diagnosing phytodermatitis, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the source of skin irritation - to stop contact with the plant, which causes skin irritation. Then the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, prescribes drugs that increase the body's resistance to negative external influences.

By medicamentous method

The drugs that have proven themselves in the treatment of such skin lesions as phytodermatitis include:

  • antihistamines of a wide spectrum of action - Hifenadine, Loratadine, Mebhydrolyn;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate the initial stages of inflammation, to which the affected skin is prone;
  • ointments and cream with corticosteroids;
  • lotions and suspensions, soothing irritated skin.

Also well-proven drugs, whose action removes signs of increased sensitivity and irritation, inflammation and burning. Victims with the manifestation of the main symptoms of phytodermatitis prescribed also sedative therapy.

Prevention of disease

  • As a prevention of phytodermatitis, it may be recommended to completely exclude contact with plants that are capable of causing allergic manifestations.
  • Also in the period of their active growth or flowering, it is necessary to start taking antihistamines in advance, which will help to exclude or significantly reduce the degree of negative influence on the human body.
  • For greater resistance of the body it is recommended that, on a regular basis, especially in the spring-autumn period, to take complexes of minerals and vitamins that will stabilize immunity and increase the body's resistance to external negative effects.

Complications of

As a complication, there may be a significant aggravation of the main symptomatology, which manifests itself in the damage to the upper layer of the epidermis, manifestations of eczema and contact dermatitis. Also, with a high degree of skin susceptibility, there may be fever of the body, an increase in the body's overall temperature.


In phytodermatitis, survival rate is 98%, since the sharply negative impact of this skin lesion on the body does not cause a serious threat to the life of the victim.

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