Follicular dermatitis: treatment at home, symptoms, ointments

Dermatitis has a different nature. Knowing the elementary rules how to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, will help to maintain the skin in a normal state. We will tell you today about the symptoms, the causes of the appearance, treatment of ointments and folk remedies follicular dermatitis in adults and children, show photos of patients, give useful advice on therapy.

Features of the disease

When the local inflammatory process on the skin involves the effects of infection, the disease occurs - follicular dermatitis. Characteristic for this type of dermatitis - pustules on the surface of the skin, so this pathology is also called globular acne.

The initiators of the disease are:

  • proteus,
  • of staphylococci,
  • E. coli,
  • streptococci,
  • pneumococci,
  • yeast-like fungi

Spherical acne( photo)

Stages of follicular dermatitis

The pathological process is divided into three stages.

  • In the of the initial stage of the disease, the elements of the rash are visible - pustules filled with pus. Their dimensions can range from very small( 1 mm in diameter) to about 4 mm. Characteristically, the elevations have a red inflamed rim on the surface of the skin.
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  • With further development of follicles continues to increase gradually. They become cone-shaped, thanks to the abscesses ripening inside them. The purulent contents of the follicle have a yellowish color and are translucent through the membrane.
  • The next step in occurs when the process goes into a chronic form. There is a continuous seizure of the disease of new skin areas. The surface becomes dense to the touch. The follicles acquire a red color of a darker shade, sometimes the color of the elements of the rash becomes red-violet.

Causes of

The skin is usually constantly present representatives of a microbial infection that can cause dermatitis. But the disease happens when there is a provocation by certain factors:

  • lowers cellular immunity,
  • poor compliance with personal hygiene rules,
  • fecundity of the epidermis,
  • increased humidity,
  • electrolyte balance of the skin does not have stability,
  • severe contamination,
  • abnormality of the hormonal background,
  • skin is able to absorb liquids more than normal,
  • malfunction in the work of physiological barriers,
  • other violations.

Provocator of dermatitis when the above factors that are favorable for his life, begins to multiply. The products of its vital activity are toxins, which aggravate skin inflammation.

Symptoms of

The presence of follicular dermatitis will be signaled by such signs:

  • appearance on the skin of abscess rash,
  • painful sensations associated with the presence of a rash on the skin;
  • rarely occurs peeling and itching in the area of ​​the problem,
  • in the chronic stage of the disease may increase the temperature.


The disease has an external similarity with such problems:

  • scabies,
  • eczema,
  • exudative-catarrhal diathesis,
  • chicken pox,
  • pediculosis,
  • toxemia.

Therefore, in addition to external examination, the specialist can take the epithelium for histological examination. A dermatologist can diagnose the disease.

Treatment of globular acne


Specialists prescribe treatment measures, depending on the stage of the process and additional information about it.

The main task is to increase the patient's natural protective functions of the body. Also, assistance is provided to suppress the vital activity of pathogens of the infectious component of the problem. Autohemotherapy is carried out.


Depending on the specific case, the following preparations are used:

  • immunomodulating:
    • vitamins,
    • immunomodulators,
    • other agents,
  • ointments of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, including corticosteroid content;
  • if an allergic reaction is observed, the treatment package includes:
    • sorbents,
    • antihistamines,
  • make local trays using furacilin or manganese,
  • preparations that reduce inflammation and combat the causative agent of dermatitis:
    • sulfonamide drugs,
    • antibiotics from globular acne,
    • corticosteroid hormones.

For treatment at home, skin disease follicular dermatitis read below.

Folk methods

If the disease has no neglected form, then on the advice of a specialist, it is possible to use folk methods of treatment.

Herbal baths are applied:

  • calendula,
  • alternate,
  • chamomile,
  • sage,
  • of other plants.

The folk ways of treating dermatitis on the face will tell this video:

Prevention of the disease

The follicular dermatitis prevention activities include:

  • timely treatment of allergies,
  • care of strengthening of immunity,
  • maintenance of digestive organs,
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body,
  • adherence to hygiene rules:
    • bedding must be fresh,
    • maintaining the cleanliness of skin with water procedures,
    • cleanUnderwear.

Complications of

The follicles, which are freed from purulent contents, begin to heal when properly selected, leave a small scar on the skin.

  • If the disease process has passed into a chronic form, then it is possible to spread the problem to neighboring healthy skin areas. On the surfaces that are compacted due to the disease, the patient feels pain.
  • Running cases of follicular dermatitis are accompanied by an increase in temperature, and in the future, if you do not seek medical help, it is possible to reflect the inflammatory process in the leukocyte formula.


Positive outcome from treatment measures depends on the patient's discipline. If he carefully follows all the recommendations and appointments of a specialist, then, as a rule, complete healing occurs.

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