Akkodermatit Allopo: signs, treatment, clinical varieties, characteristic

So called dermatitis, which has an unclear nature and affects mainly the fingertips. Experts to the end did not come to one conclusion on the topic: is the disease an independent disease.

Some doctors consider the appearance of papular acrodermatitis Allopo( not to be confused and atrophic) as a kind of herpetiform impetigo of Gebra. And today we will talk with you about the acrodermatitis of Allopo in children and adults.

Features of the disease

The disease can be identified at any age. More often the pathology happens in men.

The peculiarity of the disease is that it begins with a small injury, which develops into a local lesion of the fingertip. In future the focus has a tendency to spread to other fingers and in some cases to acquire even larger sizes.

Akkodermatitis Allopo( photo)

Classification of

The disease manifests itself in one of three forms.

  • The erythematous-squamous type of lesions has such signs: the surface of the fingers is dry, red and there are surface cracks on it. On nails, defeat in the form of pits and furrows, if the form of the disease acquires a heavy current, then the nails can completely fall away. This species differs from others in that the disease can be malignant. In this case, the fingers are subjected to mutilation - the necrosis of a part of the finger and the spontaneous separation of this fragment from a healthy site. There is a shortening of the fingers, with this development of the pathology, the nails also fall off.
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  • Vesicle - nail rollers have swelling, their color is inflamed-red. Fingers are deformed in the lesions and bend with difficulty. There are eruptions in the form of vesicles.
  • Pustular type expresses itself through the appearance at the fingertips of tension. The color of the affected areas acquires a red-blue tint. Eruptions( pustules) are formed more around the nail plates. The lesion is inclined to spread further along the limb. Pustular type lesions have the following types of manifestation:
    • Vegetating - in this case pustules are able to combine into larger plaques that continue to grow at the edges. At the center of such an education, permission may occur-the content is released outside.
    • Purulent - the nail cushions swell, get red. The nail phalanx is deformed, becoming clavate. Under the nail plates there is a purulent process. Fingers become painful when bent. On the nails appear pustules, which eventually evolve into scales or crusts.
    • Phlyctenular - with the development of this form of the disease, the process of shortening of fingers through the phalange mutation can occur. Eruptions can spread to the ears, soles, palms.
    • The generalized form is when the disease becomes widespread in the area of ​​the lesion.

On the persistent causes of acrodermatitis Aloppo talk below.

Causes of

The factors that provoke the disease have not yet been identified. There is an assumption that the infectious agent is the culprit, but studies of people who fell ill with acrodermatitis Allopo, did not find this confirmation.

An analysis of the elements of rashes and blood shows no abnormalities regarding the infection. Presumably, the appearance of the disease is affected by a deficiency of zinc in the body.

Symptoms of

The disease often initiates a physical injury of a finger of a minor nature. The problem has many forms of manifestation. Common signs of illness:

  • Eruptions begin at the fingertips around the nail plate.
  • Finger tips change color to red or red with a blue tint.
  • Eruptions can be in the form of erythematosquamous, pustular or vesicular elements.
  • Nail cushions are edematous, with pressure on the nail from under it can emit pus.
  • Deformed form of phalanges and difficulty in finger movement.
  • Usually one finger of the hand or foot is affected, more often the thumb. The tendency of the disease to spread to other fingers and even parts of the body.


To determine the type of disease and clarify the form of the manifestation, the specialist, in addition to external examination, appoints studies in the form of a biopsy. For the analysis, fragments of pustules and their contents are selected.

Treatment of acrodermatitis Allopo

The disease is chronic and has persistent resistance to treatment.


  • It is shown to make a bath with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Of the methods of physiotherapy, the rays of Bucca or X-ray therapy are prescribed.


Of the drugs prescribed to patients:

  • antibiotics,
  • they are sometimes combined with corticosteroids,
  • also use sulfonamides.

Prevention of the disease

People suffering from allopo acrodermatitis are advised to be under constant supervision of a specialist. The doctor determines when it is necessary to carry out preventive therapy to prolong the periods of remission.

Complications of

Malignant course of the disease, which is possible with certain types of acrodermatitis, can lead to serious consequences. This: shortening of the fingers due to necrosis and separation of part of the phalanx, prolapse of the nails.


The disease for life is not threatened. Forecast is favorable. Pathology brings a sensitive decrease in the quality of life to the patient's condition.

Because the disease is chronic and prone to periodic exacerbations, the extent of its spread may increase.

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