Kutasept: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, indications

In human life, there are not so rare situations where it is necessary to make a qualitative disinfection of skin areas, tools, hands or something else. Kutasept refers to the safe( if you know its features) drugs, the properties of which it is useful to be informed and doctors, and ordinary people. This article will shed light on such questions as instructions for use, the price of Kutasept( G & F), analogs and reviews about it.

Features of the drug

The drug is a tool with antiseptic properties. It is characterized by high efficiency and excellent tolerability.

Thanks to the properties described above, the product has found application in various areas where disinfection is required. The drug is used:

  • primarily in medicine, including surgery;
  • in bathhouses,
  • in swimming pools,
  • hairdressing salons,
  • and so on.

Spray Kutasept F( photo)

Composition of Coutasept

The solution has such ingredients:

  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • 2-propanol,
  • purified water.
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On how and where you can buy Kutasept, we will tell below.

Dosage forms

The drug is available only as a solution. To use it was convenient, use dispensers or nebulizers. The bottle for the drug is made of plastic.

In pharmacies, you can buy a bottle capacity:

  • 50 ml ;average cost in pharmacies - 230 rubles.,
  • 250 ml ;the approximate price is 670 rubles;
  • 500 ml ;average cost - 820 rub.

Pharmacological action

Preparation of disinfectant. The solution also has antiseptic properties. The product degreases the skin.


The drug has a wide spectrum of action. The antimicrobial properties of Coutasept have the effect of:

  • on hepatitis B and AIDS viruses,
  • mycobacterium tuberculosis,
  • gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria,
  • bacterial cultures that are not sensitive to antibiotics;
  • rotaviruses,
  • lipophilic viruses,
  • fungal infection of Candida type,
  • herpes simplex viruses of the first type.


The agent has the ability to penetrate the skin deep into the tissues. This ensures its prolonged action and high efficiency.


The drug is used in cases:

  • treatment of skin areas for conducting patient manipulations:
    • blood sampling,
    • injection,
    • puncture;
  • surgical intervention:
    • medical personnel do hand treatment before the procedure,
    • places where an incision is made, lubricated with Kutasept,
    • operating seams are treated with a disinfectant,
    • moistens the site and adjacent areas of the Kutasept
    • preparation prior to suture removal, the
    • preparation is usedfor processing medical mittens and tools.
  • agent is used to apply to skin areas with minor damages;
  • when skin diseases are fungal infections, the agent is used to treat surfaces for the purpose of disinfection,
  • is also used for the prevention of fungal diseases.

Instruction for use

The product has a disinfectant effect. The solution is ready for use.

  • When using , a tampon saturated with a solution is used to treat skin areas affected by the fungus. If a sprayer is used, the exposure time for application to sites requiring disinfection is 30 seconds.
  • If the tool is used by to process medical instruments or accessories, then use a tissue moistened in solution. Apply to the surface carefully, avoiding omissions. Spraying can be used, the exposure time is also 30 seconds.
  • When using Kutasept to disinfect the hands of , the product is applied to the middle of the palm and then actively rubbed into the surface between the fingers, the skin of the fingers and the back of the hand. The minimum amount of the applied substance is 30 ml, the time, during which it is necessary to rub into the skin - 30 seconds.
  • Surgical sutures , before removing them, are treated with a tampon, a saturated solution, while moistening and adjacent areas of the skin. After removing the material from the seam, the place is again abundantly wetted( with a tampon) with a solution or irrigated.
  • Before the injection of , punctures, small surgeries, the corresponding skin areas are prepared by treatment with a tampon, a saturated solution. The time of skin contact with the drug should be:
    • before injections - if the skin is of a fatty type, then 10 minutes;
    • before injection - with dry skin type - 15 seconds;
    • before punctures, small surgical interventions - 1 minute.

For children, there is no specific indication when using the product. The same is true for pregnancy.


Do not use the drug in such cases:

  • if the human body shows a negative reaction when in contact with Cutasept;
  • it is inadmissible to use Kutasept near the eyes and to treat the surface of the eyes;
  • avoid the use of the drug for rubbing the mucous surfaces.

Side effects of

The drug is transported by skin integuments quite satisfactorily. However, it happens, when the application of the remedy leaves undesirable consequences:

  • skin irritation,
  • allergic reaction,
  • in case of mistaken reception of the drug inside - intoxication.

Special instructions

The preparation has some cautions in handling:

  • Do not use a solution to apply compresses.
  • When handling, note that the product is highly flammable. As a consequence, observe the rules:
    • avoid direct contact of the drug with fire,
    • if necessary, use electrical appliances to do this after drying on the skin of the Kutasept layer.
  • Do not use near eyes.

Interaction with other drugs

No studies have been conducted on the interaction of the drug with other drugs. In medical practice, any reactions to Cutasept on contact with drugs have not been noticed.


Users are positive about the results of the drug. The mother of the child describes the cases of lubrication by means of small wounds. Notes that very rapid healing occurs, but the contact of the drug with the wound causes a sensation - bake.

Some mothers use Kutasept's solution to disinfect the child's hands( and for themselves) after visiting public places where you can get infected with infectious diseases. The product does not cause irritation and has established itself as an effective disinfector.

Does analogues antiseptic Kutasept, we learn further.


Means that have the same generic( international) name:

  • Aseptaviol,
  • Antisept,
  • Ascocept,
  • Antiseptol.
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