Why does the eye flood with blood (red spot), pressure?

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Why does the eye fill a red spot, blood pressure and other reasons for this manifestation - these questions arise in patients with a characteristic ailment. The thinnest mesh of blood vessels between the sclera and the conjunctiva is extremely sensitive to the slightest pressure drop and physical exertion. In these and other cases, local destruction of the vascular walls occurs, which is why the eye fills with a red spot. Blood pressure can be both cause and effect. Local hemorrhage in the eye is a rather unpleasant phenomenon and, moreover, can cause and be caused by a number of dangerous diseases.

Why does the eye fill a red spot, blood pressure and other reasons for this manifestation - these questions arise in patients with a characteristic ailment. The thinnest mesh of blood vessels between the sclera and the conjunctiva is extremely sensitive to the slightest pressure drop and physical exertion.

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In these and other cases, local destruction of the vascular walls occurs, which is why the eye fills with a red spot. Blood pressure can be both cause and effect. Local hemorrhage in the eye is a rather unpleasant phenomenon and, moreover, can cause and be caused by a number of dangerous diseases.

Types and symptoms of hemorrhage

Eye hemorrhage is of several types:

  1. Into the retina: characterized depending on the degree of damage, usually the contours of the observed objects are blurred, a lot of small light dots flicker - "flies", a bloody veil, with frequent regular repetition threatens with loss vision.
  2. To the orbit: very serious damage to the eye due to contusion of its orbit; may be associated with vasculitis and blood disorders. Symptoms of this injury may include bulging, restriction of eyeball movement or forward movement, vision is impaired, with a fracture of the base of the skull, the eyes are filled with blood according to the type points.
  3. Into the hyphema (anterior chamber of the eye): with this hemorrhage, the blood spot has even contours, it can be localized on the fundus (if the person is standing) or the eye looks as if it is completely covered with blood (in the supine position). It is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance, the clots dissolve quickly, and vision hardly suffers.
  4. In the hemophthalmus (vitreous): causes a dense red spot to leak out as a result of total damage to the eye vessels right behind the lens of the eye. It is very dangerous with complications such as retinal detachment or atrophy of the eyeball, which usually leads to complete blindness. Such damage requires immediate medical attention and is accompanied by flare-ups of blackheads or white spots.

Causes of pathology

Consider several main reasons that cause damage to the eye vessels and, as a result, hemorrhage:

  1. Mechanical external damage (contusion) of the eye or skull and even the chest: distinguish between mild, moderate and severe blunt trauma.
  2. External irritants: these include wind, dust, pollen, tobacco and other smoke, chemicals, cosmetics, and others can irritate the mucous membrane of the eye and rupture of small capillaries.
  3. Prolonged stress on the organs of vision: reading, watching TV, computer screen for a rather long period without interruption or in poor lighting.
  4. Insufficient rest of the whole body: due to insomnia, stress, fatigue, etc.
  5. Disregard for the rules of wearing contact lenses.
  6. Exercise and violent chest cramps: The latter may include a cough leading to conjunctival hemorrhage, as well as screaming, pushing during childbirth or with intestinal problems, uncontrollable vomiting and cardio exercise.
  7. Side effect after surgery: as a natural reaction of the body, expressed in the form of an eye that is filled with bruises.
  8. Local inflammatory processes in the eyes.
  9. Neoplasms (tumors) in the eye area: The ever-growing tissue of the tumor can compress the blood vessels in the eyes to the point of no return.
  10. Infectious eye diseases: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis.
  11. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system: vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension (pressure surges can lead to local rupture of small vessels), a decrease in the level of collagen protein in the blood.
  12. Diabetes: with it, a complication of the vascular system develops - retinopathy.
  13. Lack of vitamins: A, B2 and B6 leads to disruption of the normal functionality of blood vessels, in particular, the outflow of excess fluid from the blood.
  14. Individual features of anatomy: too "delicate" structure of the eye vessels, a thin layer of the eye, easily irritated even from improper diet, sleep and rest, etc.

First aid and treatment of the disease

If the eye is flooded with a red spot, and even more so there is a partial or complete loss of vision, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This is especially true in cases in which the redness does not go away for more than 2 days, pain, burning, a foreign body is felt in the eye area, photophobia or yellow (green) discharge has appeared.

Something you can do yourself, for example, as a temporary measure, use an "artificial tear" put a cold compress on the eye area using cold water, ice, potatoes, chamomile, cornflower, or plain tea leaves. In this case, the vessels will slightly narrow, and the inflammation will decrease.

It should be understood that in case of exclusively mechanical damage, these measures are even contraindicated, especially if there is a foreign body or its fragments in the eyes. Then, before the arrival of the doctor, it is imperative to apply a recent sterile gauze bandage to the affected area in order to exclude additional infection.

Treatment of bleeding in the eye. First of all, after examining and determining the degree of damage, the doctor takes measures to stop bleeding and exclude blood clots. Further, the root cause of the hemorrhage is necessarily clarified, usually through a complete blood count.

Treatment is selected individually, depending on the cause and symptoms of damage. For example, if there is a mechanical violation of the integrity of tissues, the presence of a foreign body, loss of vision, "flies" and various jumping spots, surgical intervention may be required. Hyphema is treated with potassium iodide - ordinary eye drops. If the hemorrhage happened for the first time and as a result of overwork of the eye muscles and blood vessels, then they prescribe normal rest, sleep, and unloading of vision.

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