How to deal with migraines?

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Be sure to consult your doctor before applying any recommendations. Self-medication can be hazardous to your health.

Having figured out how to deal with migraines, a person suffering from this serious ailment can stop an attack of a severe headache before it begins, preventing its development and transition to an acute phase. Migraine attacks, manifested by severe headaches, in the absence of targeted therapy, can last for a long period, completely paralyzing a person's daily life.

The fight against such an ailment as migraine involves not only the use of modern drugs strictly prescribed by the doctor scheme, but also the use of folk and physiotherapeutic agents, and in addition, compliance with certain preventive measures. Compliance with certain rules of behavior and preventive measures in combination with drug therapy for stopping seizures will allow you to encounter such an unpleasant condition as rarely as possible migraine.

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Having figured out how to deal with migraines, a person suffering from this serious ailment can stop an attack of a severe headache before it begins, preventing its development and transition to an acute phase. Migraine attacks, manifested by severe headaches, in the absence of targeted therapy, can last for a long period, completely paralyzing a person's daily life.

The fight against such an ailment as migraine involves not only the use of modern drugs strictly prescribed by the doctor scheme, but also the use of folk and physiotherapeutic agents, and in addition, compliance with certain preventive measures. Compliance with certain rules of behavior and preventive measures in combination with drug therapy for stopping seizures will allow you to encounter such an unpleasant condition as rarely as possible migraine.


To fully understand how to deal with the manifestations of migraine, you must first understand how to properly use medications to relieve attacks of acute pain. It should be noted that migraine is a rather dangerous condition, therefore, if frequent headaches appear, you should be sure to consult a neurologist for a full examination and selection of the necessary medications drugs. Although headaches during a migraine attack can be so intense that it seems to the person that he will soon die, the patient should, if possible, remain calm and lie down.

The light in the room should be dimmed, as incandescent bulbs and sunlight can greatly aggravate the situation. It is quite difficult to completely stop the migraine attack with medication, but at the same time drugs can shorten its duration and significantly reduce the intensity of pain sensations. First of all, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to stop the attack, including:

  • Solpadein;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Sedalgin.

However, these medications are usually not enough to manage migraines, as to achieve It is very important to take a high-quality result, and also drugs related to selective agonists serotonin. These drugs include Antimigren, Zolmigren, Almotriptan and some other drugs. Among other things, nasal sprays containing dihydroergotamine may be prescribed as medication support.

In some cases, a light massage of the cervical spine of the entire collar zone and auricularis helps to reduce the duration and intensity of the pain syndrome. In addition, cold compresses on the forehead, which help to constrict the blood vessels, will help to stop the attack.

Traditional methods of treatment

Given that the migraine in each patient proceeds differently, each patient struggles with it in his own way, including using folk remedies. A good safe remedy is aromatherapy, which involves inhaling the vapors of a mixture of ammonia and camphor alcohol, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

Among other things, a compress based on onion juice helps to eliminate migraine symptoms. To obtain a sufficient amount of onion juice, it is enough to grind 1 torch in a blender and squeeze the resulting pulp. A wide cotton swab should be soaked in the juice and applied to the forehead. Compresses based on aloe juice and eucalyptus oil also help to cope with acute headaches. Among other things, freshly squeezed juices of cucumber, carrots and spinach help reduce the intensity of symptomatic manifestations in migraines.

A scalp massage can help get rid of a migraine attack. You can massage your scalp with your fingertips or a wooden comb. Massage the skin as gently as possible so that it does not cause obvious discomfort. In addition, in some cases, the application of a cold spoon in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose helps, as well as a slightly warmed one - to the wings of the nose.

Good methods for dealing with migraines include vinegar and honey. Some people feel relief after taking a decoction of medicinal injuries, including those based on chamomile, primrose, sage, calendula flowers, etc. To eliminate the manifestations of migraine, take 1 tsp daily. l. honey mixed with vinegar in equal proportions. The correct use of folk remedies can significantly reduce pain during migraine attacks.

How to prevent the development of the disease

It is necessary to fight against the manifestations of migraine not only during the period of an acute attack, but also when there are no obvious symptoms observed, because the disease is always with a person and does not disappear anywhere after the removal of a bright pain syndrome. There are a number of measures designed to combat migraine attacks before they occur for people who are predisposed to them. From many people you can hear the phrase: I struggle with migraines with all my might, including with the help of rest and rest. This is very true, since it is stress that often spurs the onset of seizures. If a person feels the approach of a migraine attack, he needs to take the following steps:

  • drink a cup of sweet coffee;
  • go for a walk;
  • go to bed in a darkened, ventilated room;
  • warm up your back and feet with a heating pad;
  • take a hot bath;
  • massage the scalp;
  • apply a cooling compress to the neck and forehead.

Careful monitoring of the condition and the use of these measures allows you to fight migraine even before it actually manifests itself as an intense pain syndrome. In some cases, after a full diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a daily intake of drugs that can reduce the risk of migraine attacks.

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